I found 5 treasure from the text event from traveling past vines and excavating dig sites which range in value of 8000-10000 simolions (treasure actually has value and isnt just for show, neat), problem is, if you try to display this treasure anywhere or have it in a display case, you will be billed for them and this causes the 700 simoleon bill you get from the grass bills, tree bills, air bills, creatable bills,right to live bills to skyrocket to 10000 simoleons Just for 5 collectables that i got after only 2 adventures to selva-whatever! Why am i billed so much for the treasure I FIND (the fact im billed to no end for the grass and trees I place and every object that i payed full price for is crazy and monarch/dictator dystopia like enough). The bill system ruins the ability to collect and display the treasure you get from doing the stuff the pack adds.