Author Topic: Rules: Royal Kingdom Challenge  (Read 35839 times)

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Rules: Royal Kingdom Challenge
« on: May 02, 2018, 01:10:36 AM »
Royal Kingdom Challenge

Originally created for TS2 by EnblitheFair, and then adapted to TS4 by GymeaLillie, I took it and modified it a bit.

Premise: This is a slightly modified Kingdom challenge, mostly with requirements for each heir as well as a few changes in general play style, depending.  So, once you have your new Monarch, move them into the castle upon the death of the previous monarch.  Designate the other two families as noble, and if you didn’t set up your towns earlier, do so now and designate the other families and what they are (noble, merchant, peasant as well as designate the lines in the other worlds if you want to use them as separate kingdoms).

Goal:  Have your families continue for 10 generations (must complete the requirements for this to occur).  Now, this isn’t to say that they have to be 10 consecutive generations.  If for some reason, an heir dies and they don’t have a viable heir, then you can run a One Family to Rule them All once more.  What this means, is that if there are spares (or even illegitimate children) running around, it is entirely possible to have what was previously a Royal bloodline come back, depending.

Royal Family Rules and Requirements
1. Can use money cheat as often as needed
2. First born is Heir; can’t move from Castle (must be the legitimate child of King and Queen)
3. If first born should meet with an unfortunate end before their requirements are met, or before they produce an heir, the next sibling in line will become the heir (and thus must fulfill whatever requirements they may have left).  If there are no siblings left, use One Family to Rule Them All once more!
4. The heir can only marry another of Royal bloodline or noble class (must throw wedding party and must attain at least a silver).  If not, marriage is doomed.  No divorce allowed, though… but there are-- other ways.
5. Illegitimate children of either the King or Queen can be considered of Royal bloodline but cannot become Heir (unless they are part of One Family to Rule Them All)
6. Can have peasants move in as servants, as well as hire butlers and nannies
7. During every billing cycle (every Monday), tithes come in from the Kingdom (in the form of clay balls set in the garden)
8. The next heir takes over once they become YA (and of course, have fulfilled their requirements)
9. Can use Potion of Youth twice

A. Heirs must max 3 toddler skills
B. Heirs must attain an A in both elementary school and in high school
C. Heirs must complete two childhood aspirations (they’re royals, so should have the time)
D. Heirs must gain at least two traits (from Parenthood Pack) before they turn YA OR max a teen job (for those that don’t have Parenthood)
E. Heirs must purchase Professional Slacker before they marry
F. Heirs must max two skills before becoming YA
G. When they marry, must have a Wedding Party (if they do not attain at least a Silver, then the marriage is doomed.  Can’t divorce, so must find a way to *ahem* deal with the problem).  If they find another spouse, again, must attain a silver or higher in a wedding party
H. Must complete initial aspiration in their lifetime.  They can point farm using any aspiration, but initial aspiration must be completed before they become an adult

Noble Family Rules and Requirements[/i]
1. Can only use motherlode cheat twice
2. First born will be the Heir and can never move from the family home
3. Non-heir noble children can join the Royal family or other noble houses
4. Only legitimate children can be Heir
5. Heirs cannot marry below their status.  They can only marry non-heir Royals or non-heir noble blood
6. Peasants can move in as servants.  Can also hire butlers or nannies.
7. During each billing cycle (so every Monday), must buy 10 clay balls and put into the garden at the castle.  This is the tax.
8. Can only join athletic, detective, or space ranger careers
9. The next heir takes over when they reach YA (if they have fulfilled their requirements, of course)
10. Can use Potion of Youth twice

A. Heirs must max 3 toddler skills
B. Heirs must attain an A in elementary and in high school
C. Heirs must complete two childhood aspirations
D. Heirs must gain at least two traits (Parenthood Pack) before they turn YA or max a teen job
E. Heirs must max two skills before becoming YA
F. Heirs must purchase Professional Slacker before they marry
G. When they marry, must have a Wedding Party (if they do not attain at least a Silver, then the marriage is doomed.  Can’t divorce, so must find a way to *ahem* deal with the problem).  If they find another spouse, again, must attain a silver or higher in a wedding party.
H. Must complete initial aspiration in their lifetime.  They can point farm using any aspiration, but initial aspiration must be completed before they become an adult

Merchant Class Rules and Requirements[/i]
1. May use the motherlode cheat only once
2. Normally, oldest child becomes the heir, though if at any point, the heir becomes enemies with either of their parents, any of the children are eligible to become heir (provided they meet the requirements)
3. The heir can never move from the family home
4. The heir cannot marry below their status (peasants)
5. Can move in peasants as servants, as well as hire a butler or nannie if they can afford it
6. During every billing cycle (every Monday), must buy 13 clay balls and put them into the garden at the castle.  This is the tax they must pay.
7. Can only join business career, but may use woodworking table as well as sell any goods through a retail store, run a restaurant, or own a vet clinic to make money
8. Next heir officially takes over when they reach YA (if they fulfilled requirements) though they may help with the family business beforehand
9. Can use Potion of Youth once

A. Heirs must max 3 toddler skills
B. Heirs must attain at least a B in elementary and high school
C. Heirs must max a teen job (they can also gain 2 or more traits as well)
D. Must max at least one skill before becoming a YA
E. Must purchase Frugal and Incredibly Friendly before they marry
F. If they decide to throw a wedding party, then they must attain at least a bronze.  If they elope, must throw a dinner and/or house party and get silver or better for the marriage to not be doomed
G. Must complete initial aspiration before they become an adult

Peasant Class Rules and Requirements
1. No money cheats allowed
2. Heir is up for grabs
3. Heir can never move from the family homestead
4. May marry anyone really except for Royalty (keep in mind, non-heirs of any other class)
5. Cannot have any kind of prestige events and/or parties.  So must elope
6. Cannot move in servants
7. During each billing cycle (every Monday), must buy 15 clay balls and place in the garden at the castle.  This is the tax.
8. Can only grow and sell their own produce, fish, live off the land, etc.  Anyone but the heir can have a job outside the house (someone has to work the land after all)
9. Cannot use Potion of Youth at all

A. Heirs must max at two toddler skills, one being potty
B. Heirs must maintain at least a C in elementary and high school
C. Heirs may only complete one childhood aspiration
D. Heirs must max Gardening before becoming a YA
E. Must purchase Super Green Thumb before bringing in an heir
F. Heirs must also have a significant other (give a promise ring to another)
G. Must complete initial aspiration before becoming an adult

Witch/Wizard Class Rules and Requirements
1. This is an optional class, technically
2. Only 1 Household
3. Can join any career, own all the modern amenities, use potions
4. Everything else is restricted to the Peasant class, including requirements

Church Class Rules and Requirements
1. Another optional class, one created from any illegitimate children or other folks who go to the Abby or Convent
2. There isn’t an heir, technically, though can have a system for deciding who the new head of it will be
3. They are self-sufficient, growing their own food, fishing, etc.  They also can sell their paintings, wood carvings, etc.
4. They are not taxed

1. Must contribute (job or money-making hobby)
2. Must work on gardening, fishing, or herbalism
3. Must purchase Carefree and Hardly Hungry before becoming adults
4. Must complete initial aspiration before becoming an adult

General Rules
1. If at any point, an heir does not complete their requirements, and there isn’t another sibling or spare that can complete the requirements to become heir, and the previous heir and their spouse are no longer able to have children, the line dies out.  Once the family dies out, another family can take their place.  This means that a family below them in social status can move up if you so desire.  So a merchant family can become a noble family, or a peasant family could become a merchant family.   If the royal family dies out, then use One Family to Rule Them All.  If a peasant family moves up, a new one can be created/moved in.
2. Anytime there is woohoo, flip a coin, use a RNG, a die, something to determine whether they need to try for baby or just woohoo (or if using a mod like MCCC, there is a module for risky woohoo, I believe)
3. No cheats, other than those specified and building cheats
4. Try to play each family for the same length of time (would suggest a week each)
5. As to determine what class someone may be, can designate a gender rule (such as the male class is always used) or can do random or based on funds, etc
6. Illegitimate children (non-Royals) take on the class of their mother
7. Can use the other Worlds and either keep them as rotational play as well, or use the families there as options for spouse prospects, etc
8. Witch/Wizard class as well as Church class are both optional as far as playing with

Here's the spreadsheet once again: One to Rule Them All and RKC Spreadsheet

