Author Topic: Can not replicate existing counter top with sign  (Read 1420 times)

Offline Kelloggs077

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Can not replicate existing counter top with sign
« on: December 27, 2017, 02:22:30 PM »
I got a retail (grocery) store in the gallery and placed it for my sim to own. I absolutely love it but I needed a little more counter space.  I want to replicate the circular counters with a sign in the middle of them. There was 3 originally and I want to add a fourth. I got the counters but when I place the sign, it doesn't sit up the way the others do. Hopefully the pictures can help explain my question. Untitled.jpg
As you can see, the new counter top has the sign lower.  The signs look like this  Untitled2.jpg The one on the right is one of the originals, I just moved it left so you could see it out from the counter top. The one in the middle is the one I am trying to place in the new counter top (it's what I got when I used the eyedropper to copy the one on the right.) The one on the left is what happened when I tried to use the [{ key to make it bigger thinking it would work, but that obviously makes it way too big-(so forget about that one.) I have tried holding down ALT and moving it but that just moves it around, not higher. The signs on the right and in the middle should be the same, but they aren't. The one on the right sits in a different place in the floor tile and is just slightly bigger. How do I replicate the other sign or counter/sign combo so I can have 4 matching circular counters with signs in the middle. I know I can't have one be different or my OCD will drive me nuts Lol. Hopefully this all makes sense to someone who knows what to do or how to fix it. Please help!