Advertising has been disabled for all Forum members, not only those who reach 5 posts. I have gradually lowered the bar from 25 to 5 posts, but think it is a safe time to make this decision. People who are already registered are more likely to want to contribute to discussions. I want to encourage this and thus I've removed the bar all together. I think that anyone who is a regular here deserves this. If you've been lurking a while, take this as your cue to register and disable them.
This site is approaching 6 years old, and the Forum is special to me because of how far we've come together as a community. Given issues with ads playing sound and the struggle I have had with watching the guide for them, I want to ensure our Forum regulars do not have a problem. Enjoy it for what it is without any distractions.
On the guide front, later today I'll have a summary of what's included in the Perfect Patio Stuff Pack. We also have a big building section in the works that will help some of us get our Sims out of boxes and into proper homes.