Author Topic: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge (Updated 4/8/20)  (Read 19252 times)

Offline VekVek

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Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge (Updated 4/8/20)
« on: September 24, 2017, 09:07:01 PM »
Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge (Updated 4/8/20)

Hey Guys,

I developed this legacy challenge for my own pleasure, and I enjoy it tons.  It was inspired by Pinstar’s Legacy challenge which I greatly enjoy and also play regularly...  However, I felt like in general, Legacy Challenges are a lot of work, and you are limited to a certain number of generations, which means that if you are really about those points, then you are grinding.  This Legacy Challenge, however, is designed to equilibrate work with fun.  Instead of being limited to the number of generations you play, this challenges you to play as many generations as possible, and for each generation you gain a large load of points.  Any of you that love starting a Legacy Challenge but fail to stick with it, this is the challenge for you, because that’s exactly what it challenges you to accomplish:  commitment.  Of course, you get points for just about every achievement in the game (and the points are designed to be easily tracked), but the real goal is your own creativity to stay engaged indefinitely.  The way the point system is designed, it actually is advantageous to take it slow, not tackle more than you can chew, and keep your family at a relatively comfortable size.  It challenges you to find your own balance between work and play.  After all, life is all about equilibrium.


   True Random Number Generator:

   Random Genetics Challenge:

   Random Trait Generators:


   MC Command Center:


1. Pick your lucky number within the range of 1-13.  This will be your lucky number for the duration of your challenge.

2. Create your Founder via the Random Genetics Challenge (see "Resources You Will Need" section above).  It can be male or female, and of any species.

3. Select traits using the True Random Number Generator - see Points section below for the full list of traits, assign a number to each trait, and set the proper range for the number generator.  Click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times, for each trait.  Or, use the Random Aspiration Generator and click 'Randomize' your "lucky" number of times.  Or use the one in CAS.

4. Select the aspiration using the True Random Number Generator - see Points section below for the full list of aspirations, assign a number to each aspiration, and set the proper range for the number generator.  Click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times.  Or, use the Random Trait Generator and click 'Randomize' your "lucky" number of times.

5. Select your Founder's first and last name by clicking the dice your lucky number of times.

6. Pick your Founder’s favorite color using the True Random Number Generator.  See Points section below for the full list of colors available.  Assign a number to each color, and set the proper range for the number generator.  Click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times.

7. You will start with $20,000 and only one Sim - the Founder.

8. Select the world they live in at random using the True Random Number Generator, and click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times. The only worlds qualified for your Founder are worlds with unoccupied lots/homes that are within your budget.

9. Then for that world, select the specific lot they live in at random using the True Random Number Generator, and click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times, but only empty affordable lots qualify.

10. Build/furnish your home until you have less than $100 remaining.  Don’t forget to include some of your founder’s favorite color, but be subtle…

11. Select one of two possible life spans (the point system compensates for this difference, so either option is equally fair).  Option 1 is the normal life span, which equals 94 Sim days and gets you 11 points for each new generation.  Option 2 can be used by those of you who use the MC Command Center Mod.  Option 2 life span setting must equal 120 Sim days, and gets you 14 points for each new generation.  I did the math, and this setting is much more comparable to the actual human life stage lengths. 

   Here is the Breakdown:

      a) Option 1 life span (Normal):
            i. Baby = 3 days
            ii. Toddler = 7 days
            iii. Child = 13 days
            iv. Teen = 13 days
            v. Young Adult = 24 days
            vi. Adult = 24 days
            vii. Elder = 10 days
            viii. TOTAL = 94 days

      b) Option 2 Life Span (via MCCC):
            i. Baby = 2 days  (= 1 human year --> 0-1 human age)
            ii. Toddler = 8 days  (= 4 human years --> 1-5 human age)
            iii. Child = 15 days  (= 7.5 human years --> 5-12.5 human age)
            iv. Teen = 15 days  (= 7.5 human years --> 12.5-20 human age)
            v. Young Adult = 30 days  (= 15 human years --> 20-35 human age)
            vi. Adult = 30 days  (= 15 human years --> 35-50 human years)
            vii. Elder = 20 days  (= 10 human years+ --> 50-60 human years)
            viii. TOTAL = 120 days


1. The Heir must be your Founders’ offspring, and then the next Heir must be your current Heir’s offspring, and on and on it goes throughout generations.

2. The Heir can be a biological child or an adopted child - there is no distinction.

3. The Heir must always be the youngest child regardless of gender. 

4. The Heir is never locked in until the parent is dead for good. So unless it is your intention, be careful that they don’t accidentally have another child in late age… as that youngest one will be the new Heir…


1. All biological children’s gender must be fully random, except, if one of the parents is a Spellcaster then they can influence the gender as they like.

   a) If in your experience your game always gives you boys or always gives you girls, then for this challenge stick with using the True Random Number Generator each time you get pregnant to determine the gender of your baby.  Set the range to be 1 to 2.  Click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times.  1 = boy,  2 = girl.  Then use food and music to influence the proper gender.

2. You are allowed to choose the sex of your adopted kids.

3. Young Adults and Adults can only adopt Babies and Toddles.

4. Elders can only adopt Children.

5. Teen pregnancy is allowed, for those of you using mods… but whether you can keep the child must be drawn at random.  Use the True Random Number Generator, set the range 1-6.  Click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times. If the last draw you get is 6, you can keep the baby. If your last draw is any other number, you must get an abortion, or give the baby away for adoption.

6. For each new biological child, you must select their first name at random.  Hit the dice your lucky number of times.  If you are adopting, use the True Random Number Generator and set the range 1-2, then click "Generate" your "lucky" number of times. If you get a 1, then keep the child's original first name.  If you get a 2, then select their first name at random.  In either case, they are to inherit the Legacy household's last name.

7. For each new child, you must select their traits using the Random Trait Generator by Pinstar: .... But if you'd rather use the other Random Trait Generator that's okay too, but that will require an extra step because children have to inherit traits from their parents.  So, for each new trait, use the True Random Number Generator and draw a number between 1-4 by clicking 'Generate' your lucky number of times.  If you get a 1, then you generate a random trait from ALL traits available in the game.  If you get a 2, 3, or 4 then you generate a random trait only from traits that both parents have.  Click 'Randomize' your "lucky" number of times. (Adopted children are to keep their existing traits.)

8. For each new child, you must select their aspiration using the Random Trait Generator by Pinstar: .... Or, you can use the Random Aspiration Generator and click 'Randomize' your "lucky" number of times.  (Adopted children are to keep their existing aspiration.)

9. For each new child, you must select their favorite color using the True Random Number Generator.  See Points section below for the full list of colors available.  Assign a number to each color, and set the proper range for the number generator.  Click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times.


1. Pets can be adopted or created in CAS.  If adopting, select any pet you like.

2. For each new pet created in CAS, you must select their first name at random.  Hit the dice your lucky number of times.  If you are adopting, use the True Random Number Generator and set the range 1-2, then click "Generate" your "lucky" number of times. If you get a 1, then keep the pet's original first name.  If you get a 2, then select their first name at random.  In either case, they are to inherit the Legacy household's last name.

3. For each new pet created in CAS, you must keep the traits that are breed specific.  The remaining traits must be selected at random using the True Random Number Generator (or other).  For adopted pets, keep the traits that they come with.

4. Maximum number of concurrent pets allowed in a household must be drawn at random for each new locked-in Heir via the True Random Number Generator:

     a) If the Heir does not have a Dog Lover nor a Cat Lover trait, then set the range 0-2 and click "Generate" your "lucky" number of times.
     b) If the Heir has a Cat Lover and/or a Dog Lover trait, then set the range 2-4 and click "Generate" your "lucky" number of times.
     c) If the Heir has the Friend of the Animals aspiration, then regardless of any traits, set the range 4-6 and click "Generate" your "lucky" number of times.

5) If you exceed your maximum concurrent pets limit, then you must give the excess ones away for adoption.

6) No aging up / aging down treats are allowed for pets. However, there are two exceptions: a Sim who has reached Level 7 in the Science Career can administer such "treats", and a Spellcaster who has learned the Rejuvenation potion can also administer such "treats".


1. The Legacy household can only move lots once every 7 days or more, and not any sooner.

2. When moving, the world must be selected at random using the True Random Number Generator, and click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times.  (See below for list of worlds you can live in).  Then, for that world, select the lot at random using the True Random Number Generator, and click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times, but only lots within your budget are qualified.  (FYI, You are allowed to move families out to move your Legacy household in, as the world might be fully populated if you use MC Command Center mod).  You can only live in Britechester while enrolled in University, and no random roll is required to live in this world for school.  Other household members who are not enrolled cannot live in Britechester.

3. Each time your Legacy family moves to a new lot, all 3 lot traits must be selected at random using the True Random Number Generator.  See Points section below for the full list of lot traits, assign a number to each trait, and set the proper range for the number generator.  Click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times, for each trait.  The only exception are locked-in traits which you cannot change.  Also, "Island Spirits" and "Valcanic Activity" lot traits only make sense if your sim lives in Sulani, so weigh these traits heavier when drawing traits at random for a Sulani lot (and omit them completely for any other world).  To weigh them heavier, assign all other lot traits 1 unique number each, but assign these two Sulani specific lot traits 5 unique numbers each, when using the True Random Number Generator.

4. For businesses, you can purchase any lot of your choosing, but you must select all 3 lot traits at random, and these lot traits do not count towards unique lots traits points.


1. Have fun.  Work is pointless if you don’t enjoy life.  Enjoy life.

2. No mods that give you any real advantage.  I leave it open to your interpretation.  It is your game to enjoy.  (I personally use the MC Command Center mod to populate my world and keep it interesting, and I set Risky Woohoo to 3% because I like to live dangerously…)

3. No potions of youth are allowed (except for elders, see rule #6).  All other more risky life extending items like milking the Cow Plant, Spellcaster Potions, Wishing Well, and Scientist Age Away serum are allowed.

4. No early birthdays.  You can only age up a Sim when the age bar starts glowing and they have 0 days left.  Except if your sim is a Spellcaster, then they can age up early.

5. Vampires, Aliens, Spellcasters and Sirens are perfectly allowed.

6. Elders are allowed to use the potion of youth once.

7. Pleading with the Grim Reaper and the death flower are allowed.

8. You are allowed to bring a Sim back from the dead.

9. You cannot change any of your Sims’ aspiration until it gets completed.

10. You must collect one photo for the Founder and each Heir in their approximately Young Adult life stage.  For every missing photo subtract 1 point.  (I mean, what kind of a Legacy family is this if you can’t trace back your family tree?)

11. You can move Non-Heirs out of the household as you please.  If you ever want to move them back in, that’s okay too.  You can move in roommates and spouses.  You can have butlers and maids.  Whenever you move any sim into the household, if they don't bring any Simoleons, then you don't adjust your funds.  But if they do bring in Simoleons, then it can only be $1000, so you should use the money cheat to reduce your funds. ... (But this money rule can be bent.  This part is really up to you.  Feel free to come up with your own rules for determining money that they bring in.  I just feel like it should simply have some logic behind it.)

12. You are allowed to briefly play other households, but you only get points for accomplishments done by your Legacy household.  This is designed to give you freedom to manipulate things in the world as you like, without compromising your focus on the Legacy family.

13. You are not allowed to move Sims into your household who were imported from the Gallery or from your previous game, as they already have developed skills and career.  The best way around that is to create a twin in CAS, and then copy their weight and muscle settings, traits, clothes, etc. so that you basically bring in a brand new Sim.  However, townies with developed skills and careers are perfectly allowed, except that when you move in a townie with a career level 4 or higher, then you must use the True Random Number Generator to determine whether or not they can keep their current career.  Set the range 1-2 and click “Generate” your lucky number of times.  If on your last click you get a 1, then they can keep their current career.  If you get a 2, then they must switch to a different career of their choosing within their field (ex. Education).  For sims you are bringing in from CAS, their aspiration must be generated at random, but you can have any traits you like.

14.  Before your legal age sims can start working, you must use the True Random Number Generator to roll for a University Degree.  Set the number range for 1-15.  Assign a number 1-13 for each University Degree before you click “Generate” your “lucky” number of times.  If you roll 14 or 15, that sim does not go to University and can never get a full time job, active career, freelance work, or run a business.  But they can, however, do part time work and odd jobs.  If you got a number 1-13, then that's the degree your sim must study.  They are only required to complete at least one semester and at least 3 courses.  After University, your sim can only work in their field of study, but you get to choose their dream job.  (Some jobs don't have a degree, so in such cases use common sense such as vet for biology, mixologogist for culinary arts, etc.)  Sims moving into the household who already had a job do not need to go to university to work, they can work any job within their field of expertise (ex. Economics).

15.  You are only allowed to freeze aging for the whole game while your sim is enrolled in the 3rd and/or 4th semester of university and no other time.  1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, etc. semester must have aging on.

16. Plastic surgery in CAS is discouraged, but if you must, then only minor adjustments are allowed.  Deduct $2000 from your household funds for each feature that you modify. So, for example, eyes $2000, nose another $2000, breasts another $2000, lips another $2000, ears another $2000, etc.

17. No restarting after unfortunate events.  Just go with the drama.

18. Only restart if it’s a glitch.




For Option 1 life span, you get 11 points for bringing in each new generation (except the Founder
generation gets 0 points); For Option 2 life span, you get 14 points for bringing in each new
generation (except the Founder generation gets 0 points).  (See rules for life span setting.)

   Gen 1.  Founder Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 2.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 3.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 4.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 5.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 6.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 7.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 8.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 9.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 10.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 11.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color
   Gen 12.  Heir Name  -  trait, trait, trait;  aspiration;  favorite color



1 point for each new unique favorite color occurring withing the Legacy household via
the Founder or any of the Founder's and Heirs' direct offspring (spouses and roommates
do not count):

   1 - Snow
   2 - Dust
   3 - Charcoal

   4 - Creme
   5 - Earth
   6 - Rust

   7 - Dandelion
   8 - Apricot
   9 - Orange
   10 - Strawberry
   11 - Pink Rose
   12 - Raspberry
   13 - Eggplant
   14 - Lavender
   15 - Sky
   16 - Blueberry
   17 - Mint
   18 - Deep Sea
   19 - Sage
   20 - Meadow
   21 - Forrest
   22 - Lime



1 point for each unique trait occurring within the Legacy household via the Founder
or any of the Founder's and Heirs' direct offspring (spouses and roommates do not

   Child and Adult:

   1 - Active
   2 - Art Lover
   3 - Bookworm
   4 - Cat Lover
   5 - Cheerful
   6 - Child of the Island
   7 - Child of the Ocean
   8 - Creative
   9 - Dog Lover
   10 - Erratic
   11 - Evil
   12 - Geek
   13 - Genius
   14 - Gloomy
   15 - Glutton
   16 - Good
   17 - Goofball
   18 - Hot-Headed
   19 - Insider
   20 - Kleptomaniac
   21 - Lazy
   22 - Loner
   23 - Loves Outdoors
   24 - Mean
   25 - Music Lover
   26 - Neat
   27 - Outgoing
   28 - Perfectionist
   29 - Self-Assured
   30 - Slob
   31 - Squeamish
   32 - Vegetarian

   Adult only:

   33 - Ambitious
   34 - Bro
   35 - Childish
   36 - Clumsy
   37 - Dance Machine
   38 - Family-Oriented
   39 - Foodie
   40 - Hates Children
   41 - Jealous
   42 - Materialistic
   43 - Noncommittal
   44 - Paranoid
   45 - Romantic
   46 - Self-Absorbed
   47 - Snob
   48 - Unflirty



1 point for each new unique trait purchased within the Legacy household:

   1 - Always Welcome
   2 - Cold Acclimation
   3 - Great Storyteller
   4 - Gym Rat
   5 - Heat Acclimation
   6 - Observant
   7 - Speed Cleaner
   8 - Waterproof
   9 - Mentor
   10 - Morning Sim
   11 - Night Owl
   12 - Speed Reader
   13 - Storm Chaser
   14 - Free Services
   15 - Marketable
   16 - Stoves and Grills Master
   17 - Creative Visionary
   18 - Entrepreneurial
   19 - Frugal
   20 - Heatproof
   21 - Iceproof
   22 - Incredibly Friendly
   23 - Independent
   24 - Shameless
   25 - Steel Bladder
   26 - Beguiling
   27 - Antiseptic
   28 - Carefree
   29 - Connections
   30 - Fertile
   31 - Great Kisser
   32 - Hardly Hungry
   33 - Professional Slacker
   34 - Savant
   35 - Seldom Sleepy
   36 - Super Green Thumb
   37 - Needs No One
   38 - Forever Fresh
   39 - Forever Full
   40 - Never Weary



   1 - Angelic
   2 - Fussy
   3 - Silly
   4 - Charmer
   5 - Independent
   6 - Wild
   7 - Clingy
   8 - Inquisitive

   9 - Happy Toddler
   10 - Top-Notch Toddler



1 point for each unique character value trait gained within the Legacy household:

   1 - Good Manners
   2 - Bad Manners
   3 - Responsible
   4 - Irresponsible
   5 - Mediator
   6 - Argumentative
   7 - Compassionate
   8 - Insensitive
   9 - Emotional Control
   10 - Uncontrolled



1 point for each new unique aspiration completed within the Legacy household:

   1 - Animal - Friend of the Animals
   2 - Athletic - Body Builder
   3 - Creative - Best Selling Author
   4 - Creative - Master Actress
   5 - Creative - Musical Genius
   6 - Creative - Painter Extraordinaire
   7 - Deviance - Chief of Mischief
   8 - Deviance - Public Enemy
   9 - Family - Big Happy Family
   10 - Family - Super Parent
   11 - Family - Successful Lineage
   12 - Family - Vampire Family
   13 - Food - Grilled Cheese Master
   14 - Food - Master Chef
   15 - Food - Master Mixologist
   16 - Fortune - Fabulously Wealthy
   17 - Fortune - Mansion Baron
   18 - Knowledge - Academic
   19 - Knowledge - Archaeology Scholar
   20 - Knowledge - Computer Whiz
   21 - Knowledge - Master Vampire
   22 - Knowledge - Nerd Brain
   23 - Knowledge - Renaissance Sim
   24 - Knowledge - Spellcraft & Sorcery
   25 - Location - Beach Life
   26 - Location - City Native
   27 - Location - StrangerVille Mystery
   28 - Love - Serial Romantic
   29 - Love - Soulmate
   30 - Nature - Angling Ace
   31 - Nature - Freelance Botanist
   32 - Nature - Jungle Explorer
   33 - Nature - Outdoor Enthusiast
   34 - Nature - Purveyor of Potions
   35 - Nature - The Curator
   36 - Popularity - Friend of the World
   37 - Popularity - Good Vampire
   38 - Popularity - Joke Star
   39 - Popularity - Leader of the Pack
   40 - Popularity - Party Animal
   41 - Popularity - World-Famous Celebrity

   42 - Child - Artistic Prodigy
   43 - Child - Rabunctious Scamp
   44 - Child - Social Butterfy
   45 - Child - Whiz Kid



1 point for each new unique degree completed with honors within the Legacy household:

   1 - Art History
   2 - Biology
   3 - Communications
   4 - Computer Science
   5 - Culinary Arts
   6 - Drama
   7 - Economics
   8 - Fine Art
   9 - History
   10 - Language & Literature
   11 - Physics
   12 - Psychology
   13 - Villainy



1 point for each new unique career completed within the Legacy household:

   1 - Astronaut - Space Ranger
   2 - Astronaut - Interstellar Smuggler
   3 - Athlete - Professional Athlete
   4 - Athlete - Bodybuilder
   5 - Business - Management
   6 - Business - Investor
   7 - Conservationist - Environmental Manager
   8 - Conservationist - Marine Biologist
   9 - Criminal - Boss
   10 - Criminal - Oracle
   11 - Critic - Arts Critic
   12 - Critic - Food Critic
   13 - Culinary - Chef
   14 - Culinary - Mixologist
   15 - Education - Administrator
   16 - Education - Professor
   17 - Engineer - Computer Engineer
   18 - Engineer - Mechanical Engineer
   19 - Entertainer - Musician
   20 - Entertainer - Comedian
   21 - Freelancer - Digital Artist
   22 - Freelancer - Fashion Photographer
   23 - Freelancer - Programmer
   24 - Freelancer Writer
   25 - Gardener - Botanist
   26 - Gardener - Floral Designer
   27 - Law - Judge
   28 - Law - Private Attorney
   29 - Military- Covert Operator
   30 - Military - Officer
   31 - Painter - Master of the Real
   32 - Painter - Patron of the Arts
   33 - Politician - Politician
   34 - Politician - Charity Organizer
   35 - Secret Agent - Diamond Agent
   36 - Secret Agent - Villain
   37 - Social Media - Internet Personality
   38 - Social Media - Public Relations
   39 - Style Influencer - Stylist
   40 - Style Influencer - Trendsetter
   41 - Tech Guru - e-Sport Gamer
   42 - Tech Guru - Start-up Enterpreneur
   43 - Writer - Author
   44 - Writer - Journalist

   45 - Actor   
   46 - Detective
   47 - Doctor
   48 - Scientist
   49 - Retail
   50 - Restaurant
   51 - Veterinarian

   52 - Part time - Babysitter
   53 - Part time - Barista
   54 - Part time - Diver
   55 - Part time - Fast Food
   56 - Part time - Fisherman
   57 - Part time - Lifeguard
   58 - Part time - Manual Labor
   59 - Part time - Retail Employee

   60 - Child - Drama Club
   61 - Child - Scout



1 point for each new unique skill mastered within the Legacy household:

   1 - Acting
   2 - Archeology
   3 - Baking
   4 - Bowling
   5 - Charisma
   6 - omedy
   7 - Cooking
   8 - Gourmet Cooking
   9 - Dancing
   10 - DJ Mixing
   11 - Fishing
   12 - Fitness
   13 - Flower Arranging
   14 - Gardening
   15 - Guitar
   16 - Handiness
   17 - Herbalism
   18 - Logic
   19 - Media Production
   20 - Mischief
   21 - Mixology
   22 - Painting
   23 - Parenting
   24 - Pet Training
   25 - Photography
   26 - Piano
   27 - Pipe organ
   28 - Programming
   29 - Rocket Science
   30 - Selvadoradian Culture
   31 - Singing
   32 - Vampire Lore
   33 - Veterinarian
   34 - Video Gaming
   35 - Violin
   36 - Wellness
   37 - Writing

   38 - Child - Creativity
   39 - Child - Mental
   40 - Child - Motor
   41 - Child - Social

   42 - Toddler - Communication
   43 - Toddler - Imagination
   44 - Toddler - Movement
   45 - Toddler - Potty
   46 - Toddler - Thinking



1 point for each new unique world resided in by the Legacy household:

   1 - Willow Creek
   2 - Oasis Springs
   3 - Newcrest
   4 - Windenburg
   5 - San Myshuno
   6 - Forgotten Hollow
   7 - Brindleton Bay
   8 - Del Sol Valley
   9 - StrangerVille
   10 - Sulani
   11 - Glimmerbrook

   (Britechester does not count because it is to be used for student housing only, any time, no restriction).
   (Magnolia Promenade does not count because the world is too small to reside there.)



1 point for each new unique lot trait for residential lots owned by the Legacy household:

   1 - Bracing Breezes
   2 - Breeding Ground
   3 - Cat Hangout
   4 - Celebrity Home
   5 - Chef's Kitchen
   6 - Child's Play
   7 - Convivial
   8 - Creepy Crawlies
   9 - Cursed
   10 - Dog Hangout
   11 - Fast Internet
   12 - Filthy
   13 - Gnomes
   14 - Good Schools
   15 - Great Acoustics
   16 - Great Soil
   17 - Gremlins
   18 - Grody
   19 - Haunted
   20 - Home Studio
   21 - Homey
   22 - Mean Vibe
   23 - Natural Light
   24 - Off-the-Grid
   25 - On A Dark Lay Line
   26 - On Ley Line
   27 - Party Place
   28 - Peace and Quiet
   29 - Penny Pixies
   30 - Private Dwelling
   31 - Quake Zone
   32 - Registered Vampire Lair
   33 - Romantic Aura
   34 - Science Lair
   35 - Study Spot
   36 - Sunny Aspect
   37 - Teen Neighborhood
   38 - Training Ground
   39 - Vampire Nexus

   Sulani World Only:

   40 - Island Spirits
   41 - Volcanic Activity

   Locked Apartment Traits:

   42 - (Great View)
   43 - (Historical)
   44 - (Lively Neighbors)
   45 - (Needs TLC)
   46 - (Oceanic Paradise)
   47 - (Quiet)
   48 - (Romantic Fireplace)
   49 - (Serviced Apartment)

   Non-Residential Lots Only (no points):

   50 - Cat Friendly
   51 - Clothing Optional
   52 - Dog Friendly
   53 - Hottest Spot In Town
   54 - University Student Hangout
   55 - Up-and-Coming Hotspot



1 point for each new unique secret world visited by a member of the Legacy household:

   1 - Forgotten Grotto
   2 - Hermit's House
   3 - Sixam
   4 - Sylvan Glades
   5 - The Magic Realm



1 point for a Legacy family Sim having an affair with a Sim of a unique

   1 - Alien
   2 - Human
   3 - Servo
   4 - Siren
   5 - Spellcaster
   6 - Vampire



1 point for each new unique party gold medal received within the Legacy household:

   1 - Birthday Party
   2 - Black and White Party
   3 - Date
   4 - Dance Party
   5 - Dinner Party
   6 - House Party
   7 - Incognito Costume Party
   8 - Kava Party
   9 - Keg Party
   10 - Spooky Party
   11 - Toddler Play Date
   12 - Wedding
   13 - Weenie Roast



1 point for each collection completed by the Legacy household:

   1 - Frogs
   2 - Gardening
   3 - MySims Trophies
   4 - Metals
   5 - Crystals
   6 - Elements
   7 - Postcards
   8 - Fossils
   9 - Microscope Prints
   10 - Space Prints
   11 - Aliens
   12 - Space Rocks
   13 - Fish
   14 - Insects
   15 - Geodes
   16 - Decorative Eggs
   17 - Experimental Food Photos
   18 - Voidcritters
   19 - City Posters
   20 - Snow Globes
   21 - Holiday Cracker Plushies
   22 - Feathers
   23 - Ancient Omiscan Artifacts
   24 - Omiscan Treasures
   25 - Seashells
   26 - Buried Treasure
   27 - Magical Artifacts



1 point for each unique plant evolved to Perfection by the Legacy household:

   1 - Apple
   2 - Basil
   3 - Blue Bells
   4 - Carrot
   5 - Chrysanthemum
   6 - Daisy
   7 - Grapes
   8 - Lemon
   9 - Mushroom
   10 - Parsley
   11 - Plantain
   12 - Sage
   13 - Snapdragon
   14 - Spinach
   15 - Cherry
   16 - Lily
   17 - Onion
   18 - Pear
   19 - Potato
   20 - Rose
   21 - Strawberry
   22 - Tomato
   23 - Tulip

   24 - Birds of Paradise
   25 - Blackberry
   26 - Bonsai Buds
   27 - Cowplant Berry
   28 - Death Flower
   29 - Dragon Fruit
   30 - Growfruit
   31 - Orchid
   32 - Pomegranate
   33 - Trash Fruit
   34 - U.F.O.

   35 - Chamomile
   36 - Toxic Chamomile
   37 - Elderberry
   38 - Noxious Elderberry
   39 - Fireleaf
   40 - Poison Fireleaf
   41 - Huckleberry
   42 - Muckleberry
   43 - Morel Mushroom
   44 - False Morel Mushroom

   45 - Fang Flower
   46 - Glow Orb
   47 - Quill Fruit

   48 - Begonia
   49 - Bell Pepper
   50 - Christmas Rose
   51 - Crocus
   52 - Dahlia
   53 - Green Bean
   54 - Green Peas
   55 - Holly
   56 - Money Fruit
   57 - Snowdrop

   58 - Avocado
   59 - Black Bean
   60 - Tree of Emotion (7 berry types)

   61 - Garlic
   62 - Plasma Fruit
   63 - Sixam Mosquito Trap
   64 - Wolfsbane

   65 - Catnip
   66 - Madnip
   67 - Napnip
   68 - Nuzzlenip

   69 - Bizzarre Fruit

   70 - Coconut
   71 - Kava Root
   72 - Pineapple
   73 - Taro Root

   74 - Valerian Root
   75 - Mandrake



1 point for each fully completed business perks by the Legacy household:

   1 - All Club Perks
   2 - All Restaurant Perks
   3 - All Retail Perks
   4 - All Vet Perks



1 point for each new unique death type experienced within the Legacy household:

   1 - Anger
   2 - Cowplant
   3 - Drowning
   4 - Electrocution
   5 - Embarrassment
   6 - Fire
   7 - Freezing Weather
   8 - Hot Weather
   9 - Hysteria
   10 - Insects
   11 - Murphy Bed
   12 - Old Age
   13 - Overexertion
   14 - Poison in the Jungle
   15 - Pufferfish
   16 - Rabid Rodent Fever
   17 - Rock Climbing Wall
   18 - Rocket Ship Crash
   19 - Sauna
   20 - Starvation
   21 - Sunlight
   22 - The Scent of Death
   23 - Wishing Well



1 point for each new unique species pet owned by the Legacy household:
   1 - Cat
   2 - Small Dog
   3 - Big Dog
   4 - Raccoon
   5 - Fox



1 point for each new unique Cat trait in the Legacy household:

   1 - Affectionate
   2 - Aloof
   3 - Clever
   4 - Curious
   5 - Fluffy
   6 - Free Spirit
   7 - Friendly
   8 - Frisky
   9 - Glutton
   10 - Lazy
   11 - Mischievous
   12 - Playful
   13 - Prowler
   14 - Skittish
   15 - Spoiled
   16 - Talkative
   17 - Territorial



1 point for each new unique Dog trait in the Legacy household:

   1 - Active
   2 - Adventurous
   3 - Aggressive
   4 - Couch Potato
   5 - Friendly
   6 - Glutton
   7 - Hairy
   8 - Hunter
   9 - Independent
   10 - Jumpy
   11 - Loyal
   12 - Playful
   13 - Sleuth
   14 - Smart
   15 - Stubborn
   16 - Troublemaker
   17 - Vocal



50 points for completing all of the in-game achievements, and you also earn the honor
of the title "Master of Persistence".



*Updated everything to make it current.

*All Children Rules #6 - Revised rule for naming adopted children.
*All Children Rules #7 - Updated method to generate your children's traits; clarified rule regarding traits for adopted children.
*All Children Rules #8 - Updated method to generate your children's aspirations; clarified rule regarding aspirations for adopted children.
*Other General Rules #12 - Rule deleted from this section, as it pertained to pets.
*Other General Rules #13 to #17 - Rules are now renumbered #12 to #16.
*Added a new PET RULES section.
*Updated the POINTS section for the new Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack.

*Resources - A second Random Trait Generator has been added.
*Getting Started #3 - Added an easier option to generate your Founder's traits.
*Getting Started #4 - Added an easier option to generate your Founder's aspiration.
*All Children Rules #7 - Added an alternative method to generate your children's traits.
*All Children Rules #8 - Revised and added an alternative method to generate your children's aspiration.

*All Children Rules #8 - Minor correction regarding which resource to use to generate aspirations for your children.
*Updated the POINTS section by adding the four child aspirations.
(If you completed any of these items prior to this update, they count, so you gain those points.)

*Updated the POINTS section for the Cats and Dogs expansion pack.  Sections updated are Sim Traits, Aspirations, Sim Skills, Worlds, Lot Traits, Pets, Pet Traits.
*Updated the POINTS section by adding Parenting to Sim Skills.
*Updated the POINTS section by adding the Character Value Traits Checklist and the Toddler Traits Checklist.
(If you completed any of these items prior to this update, they count, so you gain those points.)

*Other General Rules #11 - Clarified funds allowed to be brought into the legacy family by any sim moving into the household.
*Other General Rules #14 - Clarified rules for sims brought into the world from CAS regarding traits and aspirations.
(If you did anything different prior to the rules being clarified, do not restart, just keep going...)

I recommend you simply copy and paste the entire “Accumulating Points” section to a notepad text document, and for each item completed, just add a + sign in front.  Easy enough…  ;D

Good Luck!

~ VekVek

Offline WriterJunkie

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2017, 11:49:26 PM »
This sounds really fun. Do you have a spreadsheet for it?

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2017, 11:10:31 AM »
Also, a slight mix up and I'm not sure which one is which. In the "Getting started" Section, you state that Option 1 of lifespan gets 11 points and Option 2 gets 14 points. Then in the Points section, you have it reversed. Option 1 lists 14 points and Option 2 lists 11. So which correct?

Offline VekVek

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2017, 03:42:00 PM »
Hi WriteJunkie,

Thank you for catching it, I updated the post. 

You get 11 points for Option 1 (normal) life span and 14 points for Option 2 (longer) life span.  It's proportional:  11points/94days = 14points/120days.

When I have some time, I will create a spreadsheet, but personally I simply have this copied into a notepad, and for each item that I complete, I simply put a "+" in front of it, as all items are equally just 1 point.  Then I also keep a list of all heirs to track generational points.  I will tally it up at the end.  I just keep it that simple...   :)

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2017, 08:28:21 PM »
@VekVek You're welcome. Thanks for letting me know. :) 

No worries for the spreedsheet. I have copied everything to One Note and highlight things my sims accomplish. I'm playing with Option 2 lifespan, which has proved quite fun since I seem to have more time to accomplish things and get to adapt a more relaxed gameplay. :)

The only thing that is proving challenging is the Lot Traits. I really didn't want Vampires in my game with this save and the random lot trait for our current house is the vampire ley line, so my plan to have kids as soon as we moved out of the city has stalled and now I'm praying that the risky woohoo doesn't pop (I also play with 3% risky, since it's realistic IMO). It's funny. My sims weren't rolling wishes for woohoo until they move to the new house with the vampire ley line and now they are constantly rolling wishes for it. Lol.

Offline VekVek

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2017, 11:55:28 PM »
@WriterJunkie, I also play with Option 2 lifespan because my goal designing this challenge was to make it more relaxed, but I figured some people don't like to use mods, and so I wanted it to be flexible.

Regarding the lot traits, I intentionally designed it to mimic life throwing you curve balls.  I like the game to surprise me, because I don’t always like to be in control.  I like to play the game like I’m in the moment, making decisions in real time based on circumstances, because it feels almost like watching a TV show. I’m like, how did I get here??  But I really hope that this doesn’t ruin your experience.  If you feel like you need to alter any rules for yourself, then go ahead.  Just write them down for yourself so that you can be consistent as you play…  :)

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2017, 09:32:13 AM »
@VekVek Oh, no! It most definitely doesn't take away from my enjoyment of this challenge. It enhances it. I like that it's random and I have no control over it. Even when I get ones I'm not fond of. Honestly, the vampire Ley Line is the only one I didn't want when we were having babies, at this moment, but now that I have it, I have been toying back and forth about just going ahead as planned and roll the dice on if we get a vampire or not. I can always cure him/her later.

I like all the randomness of this challenge and my lack of control. It just means I have more curve balls. I hope that helps me stick with it. I love Pinstar's legacy challenge, but in the end, it too grindy sometimes and I tend to get bored since my sims and I aren't having fun. Me and Careers, too, are not on friendly terms. I seem to always be a bit behind in careers, even though I do all the daily tasks and send them in the right mood. I just can't seem to catch a break. That's why the Option 2 lifespan is right up my alley. Now I have a little bit more time to work on their careers. Less pressure.

Plus I like that we can use mods. I have an entire Sims 4 folder for my Carl's challenges here on the site that has cc but no mods. I just swap out my folder when I'm playing a challenge for here and my folder with no mods seems to always be a bit more laggy then my regular folder that is loaded up with mods.

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2017, 05:23:25 PM »
Here's the trait generator I'm using,

That one is okay to use, as well, correct?

Offline VekVek

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2017, 08:23:56 PM »
Hi @WriterJunkie , this generator is great, especially for random sims, aspirations, and lot traits!  :D ... Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention. 

My only concern is that I don't see how children can inherit traits at random from their parents.  The generator I recommended makes it so that sometimes 1, sometimes 2, and sometimes 3 child traits are randomly inherited from parents, and the probability does not seem linear, but it does appear that most often 2 traits are inherited.

I think you can make it work with this generator as well, but I will have to think about the right formula.  For now I think there should be about a 25% chance that the trait is different from the parents.  So you can first draw a number 1-4 at ....  If you get a 1, then you generate a random trait from ALL traits.  If you get 2-4 then you generate a random trait only from both parents traits.  And you draw the 1-4 number each time your child ages up.  I hope that helps!  ;)

I appreciate you bringing it to my attention, because it caused me to realize that the generator I recommended, although it is up to date with traits, it might not be up to date with aspirations.  I will update the rules as soon as I have a chance ... :)

And thank you for playing this challenge, it feels great to create something that someone else enjoys!  ;D

Offline WriterJunkie

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2017, 08:23:46 AM »
@VekVek You're welcome. :) I've used that trait generator for so long, I think it's more habit now than anything. In all games, I generally randomize my kids traits, so it's just been a go-to for me. I'm glad it's helped.

Seems it'll be a little more involved, but I don't care much for Pinstar's trait generator just because, for some reason, I have a lot of trouble opening that page more often than not. I'll do the 1-4 method with the trait generator I linked.

I really am enjoying this challenge, so thank you for creating it. We had our first child, a girl named Bria (randomly named, of course).

Offline VekVek

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2017, 10:13:30 PM »
@WriterJunkie , Bria is a very pretty name...  My Founder accidentally fell for an alien because her relationship with Raj Rasoya was just not going anywhere.  She had an affair and ended up pregnant with purple twins, a boy and a girl.  I personally never played with aliens because I don't quite like their voices in the Sims 4, but I'm actually quite enjoying this...  ;D  Anyway, I updated the rules to include the generator you suggested.

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2017, 03:31:37 PM »
Hello @VekVek! Just wondering will any of the rules change and/or be updated for the Cats and Dogs EP (Mainly as in any way we "have to" adopt - random or pick as we want)? Bria is finally a young adult (I don't get to get a ton of playing in, so it's taking a bit to get this further along) and I have her in the scientist career, but she adopted a kitten and a puppy. When I had her adopt the kitten, I just picked the kitten I wanted, but when I went to adopt the puppy, I figured I'd implement the randomness of the challenge on her puppy, too (wish I had thought of that with the kitten). So I randomized the entire adoption process. We ended up with a aggressive puppy. lol.

I have to agree, I'm not a fan of alien's voices. But, they upped the chance of abductions, so I might have an alien at some point. I'm kind of just going to let that one happen when and if it does. I'm not huge on vampires, either. That's another one I'll wait for later to do. I have gotten a quite a few collections and aspirations accomplished. I know with this challenge it's go at your own pace, but I find having a goal to work towards suits me. I just like to chose my own goals, turns out. :D

Offline VekVek

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2017, 02:02:58 AM »
Hi @WriterJunkie , I have updated the rules for the new Cats & Dogs. No need to change anything you have already done, as these rules only apply as of right now.  I would have responded right away, except all my mods broke, so between that and work I really had no time...   :-\ 

But I'm very glad you have figured out your own pace; I also like to have goals to work towards, it's just that my pace varies depending on how tired I am from work...  I'm pretty guilty of being slow with my own challenge...

My founder's twins are still children, but they are about to age up. Meanwhile my founder accidentally got pregnant... And that's not the worst news...  This time she gave birth to alien triplets! They just aged up to toddlers, and I'm forced to move the household to a new lot because their one-bedroom apartment is just way too small.  Not only that, after her first twins, she was regularly getting abducted every single night at 10:38 pm.  When the twins aged up, the abductions stopped.  But as soon as she gave birth to the triplets, the abductions resumed again!  Occasionally she remembers the abductions, and she's tired of being dazed every night...  It has not dawned on her yet, but her alien baby daddy might be in on this.  He has a 'good' trait, but what is 'good'?  Maybe he's having her experimented on for the 'good' of the alien-kind?

Offline VekVek

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Re: Rules: Work Hard Play Harder Legacy Challenge
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2020, 04:09:26 AM »
Today I updated the rules to make this challenge current for all packs so that I can resume playing... 

