With the loves the outdoors mood boosts, many people have figured out you can use your sim outside rather than inside, and live outside, but if you still would like to have your house look aesthetically pleasing, then you could use balconies. A tip: If you have one opening on the outside, The room that is connected to it will count as "outside". So you could use it for like, a fenced off porch on the ground floor, I believe that would work, but I'm not sure. But if you don't mind missing out on a few doors, the loves the outdoors will travel throughout your whole house. Just a little helpful tip for all the stay at home sims that might not need hates the outdoors. I also have an idea for hates the outdoors, Do indoor gardens work? I mean, could I build a room, But have the floor as grass, so I can plant things in there? Will it grow plants?