Author Topic: The Rule of The Mouse King - Walda's Dynasty Challenge  (Read 1268 times)

Offline Walda Carter

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The Rule of The Mouse King - Walda's Dynasty Challenge
« on: August 31, 2017, 03:20:43 PM »
Greetings everyone,

So I decided to give my playing of The Sims 4 a new twist and try Legacy Challenge. Don't know how far will I get or if I'll have any points at all - I am not the best player of Sims around...

On updating: I am about to do my highschool graduation exams on May and overall, I am in graduation year, so I am not sure how often will I post new chapters... I have a boyfriend, pets and other hobbies, too (but still not enough of time, lol).

Also, I apologize for possible errors in my English as it's not my first language. Then, names of my sims may seem strange, let alone hard to read or pronounce, as I am from the Czech Republic and I like to use names native to my country. I will add an English version into brackets if possible.


Generation 1: Petr's Rule
(reserved for the list of chapters)

Offline Walda Carter

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Re: The Rule of The Mouse King - Walda's Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2017, 04:11:26 PM »
The Rule of The Mouse King: Petr's Rule 01

Once upon a time, before the first Lord de Langraab estabilished his manor in Champs les Sims, there was a kingdom. It was ruled by indeed powerful house of Hraboš (hraboš = a vole), informally called The Mouse Kings by their vassals and common folk. But during the centuries, their kingdom turned into dust... they lost their land, their home and their vassals and were forced to flee to another simlands. They struggled for another centuries as common folk who they used to rule. The fate wanted it so that in the end, sole member of the dynasty was alive. But he knew of his legacy and promised himself that it shall never ever cease to exist. He knew that The Watcher, who once guarded his family, is still around somewhere.

So, this is him. His name is Petr Hraboš (Peter Vole, lol? :D). Creative man with weak spot for arts, mainly for drawings and paintings, who just knows how to be friends with anyone and he is based on my real friend.
Being a descendat of royal dynasty, heir must be a son, unless there are no sons and only daughters; however, the Mouse King and Queen would always choose the heir carefully out of their children, the one who would be the most loyal and grateful child. So, the child with the highest relationship to his parent is designed. No adopted heirs allowed, however, they might be of another race.

Petr: Do I really have to find a work right now? Oh no, the fridge, it's empty! Ok, I guess I'll be a painter. *beep boop beep*

Petr: What kind of house is this!? It doesn't have any walls, not even a roof!
Surely, there was hard work to be done to earn a little bit of money... by painting.

Petr: And what is this bush for? My toilet? Gross!

Soon, a Welcome Wagon has come.
Petr: Yay, look, they have food, food for free!

Petr: Hey miss, you've come with others, right?
Lady: ...
Petr: Are you single? *wink wink* I need to sow my seed to sire a heir.
Lady: To hell with you, I am happily married! My husband brought you cookies!
Petr: Pretend like nothing happened!

Seems like they brought the cookies for themselves. Maybe they knew how poor their neighbour is?

In the end, he had to collect the weed around his lot and make salad out of it.

But as his skills were getting better...

... he could buy a packet of seeds and start his own garden. Yay, organic food is awaiting!

With this much money, he could buy a new stove, and a trash can, too. The one for children which got filled up after two meals, but better than living in a junkyard, right?

To prove he indeed is of noble blood, he bought himself a bathtub with curtains to have at least a little privacy  - it isn't the best option, to bath naked in front of the whole street. However, only bubble bath is fit for a king!

And that's all for this chapter!

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