Foundations? What Foundations?A free budget build? Oh yay! But wait... there's a twist. Isn't there always? This time around the foundation for your build is supplied. This foundation is, well, foundational meaning, forming the base from which everything else develops.
Start Date: Mon. Apr.24th
Photos Due: Fri. May 19th
Voting: Mon. May. 22nd - Fri. May.26th
Winner Announced May 29th
2017 S4 Building Challenges Rules any time you can ask Playalot or MrsFlynn for clarification of the rules or post any general questions here in the TS4 Building Challenge Discussion Thread. Link
RulesNo altering the foundation shape or size is allowed.
Its shape should still be clearly visible from top down.
No adding more foundation on.
No taking any foundation off.
You may adjusting the height of the foundation but any steps up need to be incorporated into the existing foundation as you may not
add on a porch or veranda.
Creating split level rooms in the foundation is permitted.
Not sure what a split level room is? You'll find that explained here: Building Away from the Foundation/BasementsAs stated above, the top down view should still resemble the original lot. This means:
no over hangs for more space and
no adding basements.
Lot Size and PlacementYou can place the supplied foundation on any lot that is 40x30 in any world or neighborhood (excluding San Myshuno which is banned for this challenge**).
You are allowed to rotate the lot any way you would like.
You are allowed to rotate the foundation to any direction you want.
Lot TypeResidential
BudgetLimitless. You can build your heart's desire!
LandscapingA requirement. Style and design up to you. All landscaping and/or outside activities are permitted from any pack/cc. Just remember no adding buildings/foundations.
Custom ContentAllowed as long as it is free and you include acknowledgements to the creator/s.
CheatsMOO: Allowed
Enlarging Objects: Allowed
bb.showhiddenobjects: Allowed
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: Allowed
Money x, motherlode, kaching: All Allowed
How To get StartedDownload the foundation from the Gallery
Name: Foundations!
Hashtags: #foundationchallenge #carlsguide
Lot Size: 40x30
lot Type: Residential
Origin ID: Playalot2002
Gallery Link: on any 40x30 lot you choose and ensure that the lot type is 'Residential'. If there is already a building on your chosen lot, bulldoze to create an empty lot.
You can move a sim onto the lot if you like for testing purposes or to set lighting colors etc and of course for screenshots, that is entirely up to you in this challenge.
Create your build following the rules.
Post the jpeg screenshots to enter. Please ensure you have converted the screenshots to jpegs as you can imagine it takes MrsFlynn quite some time to convert them all on your behalf and we don't want to continue doing that!
How to: Convert photos to jpeg format
AvailabilityIt would be great of everyone's builds were available for download
after the challenge has ended. Not a requirement, just an option.
** San Myshuno's Penthouse lots are banned for this challenge due to issues when downloading either a residential lot or room. The foundation is not appear correctly and then have the possibility of causing an error that reads 'incompatible room' when trying to alter or even download, which may make the lot basically unusable. We made the decision to ban San Myshuno rather than run the risk of causing anyone's save file to corrupt!