Kingdom Enemies Challenge
Objective: Have two opposing complete opposite kingdoms share a lot with both of their castles, and watch the drama unfold. Romeo & Juliette stories strongly recommended.
CAS: Create:
ADULT (not YA) woman dressed like a queen. She wears pink and other bright colors, dresses, and has the cheerful and/or outgoing trait. Her first name must be Queen, but her last name can be whatever you wish.
Now create her
TEEN daughter. She wears pink and bright colors like her mother, and she has the cheerful and/or outgoing trait. Her first name must be Princess, but her last name can be whatever you wish.
ADULT man dressed like a king. He wears black, red, and gothic style attire. He has the gloomy trait, and his first name must be King, but his last name can be whatever you wish.
Now create (above's) son. A
teen boy dressed like a prince. He wears black, red, and gothic style attire. He has the genius trait, and his first name must be Prince, but his last name can be whatever you wish.
young adult woman dressed like a princess. He wears black, red, and gothic style attire. She has the creative trait, and her first name must be Princess, but her last name can be whatever you wish.
RELATIONSHIPS: Queen & Pink Princess are mother and daughter. They are ONLY HOUSEMATES with the King and his two gothic children.
Find the biggest lot possible, and bulldoze it.
Move in your sims.
Now place two castles from the gallery or build them.
One should be pink and beautiful/enchating, the other dark/gothic/victoran.
Have the pink sims, such as the Queen and Pink Princess live in the pink castle, and the gothic family in the gothic castle.
These are the two opposing kingdoms.
Feel free to create as much drama as possible between the two.
-make a goth royal and a pink royal have a baby, have the parents break up and see what side he/she (the child) chooses
-Create a slave for the pink kingdom, and have the gothic
princess fall in love with him.
Then have the pink kingdom lock him up in their prison. See how she reacts/helps him escape? (;
-Have the pink princess fall in love w/ the gothic prince.
-Move in slaves/peasants/nobles and build your kingdoms.
-Throw dinner parties for a kingdom, and have the opposing kingdom crash it and ruin the party.
-Make a keplomatic sim in one kingdom, and have them steal important objects from the other.
-pull pranks on the other kingdoms.
if you wish, after a while of fighting, join the kingdoms together and have the pink queen and gothic king marry. with the existing mean relationships, sharing a castle should get interesting.
Money cheats are allowed but NO relationship cheats.
Feel free to recruit members to your separate kingdoms around town, or add new members in CAS.
FOR THE GOTHIC KINGDOM: The Goth family is perfect for recruiting.
FOR THE PINK KINGDOM: Summer Holiday and other girls are good for this kingdom, as they will have cheerful traits.