My problem is that my restaurant owner can not propose and get married to his
boyfriend - because they say the boyfriend is his employee and it is not nice to
go and marry your employees !
The boyfriend is not working at his restaurant - in fact the boyfriend has no job
at all - but he has excellent cooking skills - still - he is not hired at any restaurant.
The guy in question that is taking care of the restaurant is a young adult still living
at home so technically the restaurant belongs to his parents even it is him taking
care of it. I moved the boyfriend in with the family - so now he should actually be
kind of an owner of the restaurant as far as I see it. But still ... no .. he was not
allowed to propose to him.
Of course I have a way to get around it ... as the two guys are to move out and
have their own place to live - and then none of them own any restaurants.
Even I very much would have liked for the son to take the restaurant with him I
cant see there are any ways to do that. So I have to let the parents sell it - and
then let the young couple buy it ... but I better wait untill after they are married
as I do not dare get more problems like that.
I want to hear if any of you have had this problem .. it must be a glitch?
My Origin name : zoozee
- I have sims and builds - restaurants, apartments and rooms