Author Topic: The story of Audrey Houser  (Read 21288 times)

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #90 on: December 22, 2016, 08:01:56 AM »
So today was the day that I would be telling my parents. I was super nervous, and Audrey decided to come along. There was a festival on tonight, one that promoted pranks and jokes, sounded fun!
Hannah: "Stop sweating, mum and dad will be fine."
Audrey: "What if they're not?"
Hannah: "Bit late for you to turn back now! It's now or never."

Audrey: "You're right. Hey, wanna see something cool?"
Hannah: "Something on your phone?"

Hannah: "...what the heck is that?"
Audrey: "It's an ultrasound of the baby. My first one."
Hannah: "No way, that's the baby?"
Audrey: "Yep!"
Hannah: "I can't quite make it out...where's the head."
Audrey: "It's not that big yet!"

Hannah: "It's really happening!"
Audrey: "Yes it is auntie Hannah!"
Hannah: "We need to show mum and dad."

Hannah: "Just imagine...I can take the baby to the zoo...the aquarium...I can dress it up!"

Hannah: "C'mon, let's take a pic!"
Audrey: "I look like crap though!"
Hannah: "Wait until the selfie after you've just given birth, that's gonna be amazing!"
Audrey: "Well I now know who's staying in the waiting room..."

We all arrived at the hijinks festival, Hannah couldn't contain her excitement. I was so worried that she was going to give it away.

Randy: "No drink for me, girls. I have a food baby."
Hannah: "So does Audrey."
Audrey: "Hannah! Shush!"
Luckily, dad didn't hear her.

I pulled Hannah aside for a moment. I love her dearly, but I didn't want my parents finding out through squeals of giggles.
Audrey: "I love you Hannah, but I need to tell them on my own."
Hannah: "*sigh* Okay..."

I finally pulled my dad to a secluded spot behind the vendors. He had had a worried look on his face the entire night...
Randy: "Audrey, what's wrong? I know something is amiss. I can always tell with you, you look scared."
Audrey: "Well!"
Randy: "You're sick?"
Audrey: "No."
Randy: "You're moving away again! Please don't tell me-"
Audrey: "No!"

Randy: "Well...what is it?"
I knew that he hadn't been told about Cannon yet. It would make more sense if I cleared that up first.
Audrey: "Well first...I'm...kind of not with Cannon anymore."
Randy: "You've broke up?"
Audrey: "Yeah, for a few months now."

He dropped his head and stayed there for a good five minutes. He was devastated, and I hated seeing him this way. He didn't say a word. He'd always had a special bond with Cannon, sometimes they would hang out together...without me. My dad treated him like his own son.

Audrey: "Dad...there's something else."
Randy: "Can't be worse than that."
My heart dropped, it was gonna get much worse.
Audrey: "I can't believe I'm saying this, I thought I'd be the last person to say it but...I'm pregnant."

Audrey: "Um...?"
He threw his arms out and started cheering into the sky. Considering he was practically depressed a second ago, I'd never seen him so happy...but I was about to end that happiness unfortunately. I knew instantly he had gotten the wrong end of the stick.
Audrey: "It's not Cannon's."

Randy: "Oh jeez, Audrey."
Audrey: "I thought you would've gotten the gist of this by now."

Randy: "Then who's is it?"
Audrey: "Bjorn's. He's my..."
I was about to say "boyfriend" but I stopped myself. It made me wonder...what really are we? We basically live together, we sleep together, heck, we're even having a baby together! Bjorn tells me he loves me everyday, so...have we skipped the basics and are now a couple? Do either of us have to say we're a couple, or is it possible for two people to automatically merge into one?
Audrey: "He's my boyfriend."
My dad gave a deep sigh. He was kept in the dark for so long.
Randy: "Listen, I'm ecstatic about the news, but I need to meet this...Bjorn fellow."
I agreed, he needed to see how much of a decent man Bjorn was. I fully understood that it would take my dad a while to come to terms with all this.

Next was my mum.
Audrey: "Mum, I have something to tell you..."

Iris: "Oh my gosh, you're pregnant."

Audrey: "WHAT? How did you...?"

Iris: "So, you are?"

Audrey: "Uh...yeah."
Iris: "Wow."
Audrey: "How did you know?"
Iris: "Mother's intuition"

She pulled me into a hug, and I just started crying.
Iris: "Listen, I'm over the moon! Regardless of the circumstances, a baby is a blessing. If you need anything, just ask."
Randy: "She's having a baby, Iris. A BABY!"

We continued the festivities throughout the night, and it all ended in fireworks. All parents now knew, the hardest part was over...or was it? Perhaps pushing the baby out will be the hardest? Who knows? All I know is that I'm coming around to the idea of being a mother, I guess Bjorn and I are now a couple, in a relationship. Because after all, I do love the goof.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #91 on: December 22, 2016, 04:24:02 PM »
"I do love the goof"

That right there literally made me lol. But, it has me a bit worried too... Does she love him or does she LOVE him... Because, if they're going to be a couple and raise the kid together (which they totally don't need to do unless they want to) she would need to LOVE him. Plain ol' loving him would be worse... Not sure if I made that make sense lol it did in my head but now that I read it, I'm not sure lol

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #92 on: January 08, 2017, 04:02:03 PM »
Five months had passed, and I was already well into my pregnancy. I had started to show, and my clothes were beginning to get quite tight on me. However, I though my bump was super cute!

Although it was super obvious that I was pregnant, the reality of the situation was getting to me. With each passing day, I was closer and closer birth! Sometimes I had to stand in front of the mirror and practice my breathing techniques.
Audrey: "And breathe!"

Hannah occasionally comes round to check how I am. She hadn't seen me in a while, so she popped round for a chat.
Hannah: "Wow, Audrey, you're getting huge!"
Audrey: "Well, you can have a feel if you want?"

Hannah: "Hello little one!"
Audrey: "Do you feel that?"

Hannah: "Oh my gosh, they're kicking!"
Bjorn and I don't find out what gender the baby is until next week. We're both torn on whether to find out early or not. Bjorn wants to know, but I really wouldn't mind waiting until its born. He's really hoping for a boy since he's only ever had daughters.

Most days consisted of Bjorn and I going to work, then when we're home in the evening, Bjorn would cook me dinner and I'd...well...take a nap. Pregnancy is tiring, okay?

Bjorn: "You always look so funny when you wake from a nap."
Audrey: "Shush, food."

Audrey: "Ugh! What did you put in this?"
Bjorn: "Um...nothing different than usual?"
Another lovely benefit of being pregnant? My tastes have changed, drastically. All my once favourite foods now either smell or taste disgusting, or weird foods I'd never usually eat become the only thing I can think about when I'm hungry. An example? Well, I'm now quite - embarrassingly - fond of pickles dipped in strawberry milkshake. Disgusting, right?

Bjorn: "I can make you something different?"
Audrey: "No, I'm sorry. I'm just cranky, I'll finish it."

Bjorn: "There's really a baby in there, huh?"
Audrey: "Ayup! You put it there!"
Bjorn was so adorable when looking at my bump, it was as if it's the first time he'd seen a pregnant woman. He's had two kids already, you'd think he'd be an expert by now!

Bjorn: "I hope you can hear me, baby Bjergsen! I bet you're all toasty and warm in there, you lucky duck! Just give mummy a break once in a while, okay?"

Bjorn: "She may get super, super cranky when she naps...eats...pretty much when doing anything really. But remember, she's the most beautiful woman on the planet, and you're super lucky to have her as a mum."
Audrey: "Bjorn, you cheeseball."
Bjorn: "Excuse me, that was supposed to be a private conversation!"

Bjorn: "I do mean it though."

Bjorn: "Sometimes I wonder if this is all just a dream."

Before you ask, yes. Bjorn and I are now a couple. I still haven't said the L word, and Bjorn is perfectly fine with that. He knows I appreciate him in my own special way, and I do. I adore him.

However, I had a guilty conscience.

Only yesterday, I received a text from Cannon, asking how I was and that he was thinking of me. He went into detail about how he deeply regrets what he did, and it was because he was too immature. He told me he'd been travelling the world doing a combination of photography and busking. He'd seen so many things, and experienced so many walks of life. At the end of the text, he ended with "I love you."
I deleted the text, out of fear. Hearing from Cannon made me wonder if this life I was now leading was a sham? Was this meant to be? Or are Cannon and I supposed to end up together in the end? I couldn't sleep that night...
I didn't want to lose Bjorn, and I already adored our baby. I just didn't expect to ever hear from Cannon again, he'd really messed with my head. 

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #93 on: January 12, 2017, 08:18:39 PM »
So apart from me spewing up my guts every single morning...

...I actually felt pretty good today! I decided to go wander around the city, since I've been cooped up and working at home most days.

I ran into Jesminder. I hadn't seen her since I first moved here, and she's had the baby since I first met her.
Jesminder: "Oh, hi! Uh...Audrey is it?"
Audrey: "Yeah! How's the baby?"
Jesminder couldn't stop staring at my bump.
Audrey: "Yeah, I'm pregnant."
Jesminder: "You're huge."

Jesminder: "How far along?"
Audrey: "About five months."
Jesminder: "Wow, congratulations."

Jesminder: "No offense, but when I met you I could never imagine you having a kid."
Audrey: "Yeah, me neither. It came as a bit of a surprise."

She started chatting to her friend across the table. I also wondered what was in her coffee.
Jesminder: "So this morning, I change the baby into new clothes, and guess what? She poops over everything. So I change her again..."
I space out for a while. I already know that having a baby is super hard work, but I didn't really want to hear about someone else's baby poop. Every baby is different, right?
Jesminder: "...and then she screams the store down, so I gotta run outta there as fast as I could!"

All the baby talk was starting to grate on me. The topic never changed for 20 minutes, and I had to think of an excuse to leave.
Audrey: "Lovely seeing you Jesminder, but I gotta go! I'm really constipated!"
Jesminder: "Good luck, girl!"

I got back home, just as Bjorn got in from work. I decided to have a coffee, but it was a bad idea. I know pregnant women are supposed to reduce their caffiene intake, but just one sip of it made me nearly hurl! So much for an energy boost!

So I thought I'd take a nap instead whilst Bjorn did some programming. (But I knew that he was just playing games!)

That nap soon didn't last long as the neighbours decided to blast music at an ungodly hour.
Audrey: "SHUT UP!"

Geeta: "It's not that loud!"
Audrey: "I can hear you across the hall, I'm so tired! I just wanna sleep!"
Geeta: "Well I'm not turning it down! We live here as well, you can learn to live with it! When your baby is born we'll have to listen to it screaming all night!"

Audrey: "Oh you did not just..."

Audrey: "You will turn that music down, or I'll come in there and throw the stereo out of the window! Perhaps the piece of junk can be sold on the flea market! I'm very pregnant, and my tolerance levels are getting less and less each day!"
Geeta: "Fine, fine!"
I did sleep well that night. Well...apart from Bjorn snoring and...

...yeah. Again.

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #94 on: January 13, 2017, 03:11:27 PM »
I'm furious at stupid Cannon for trying to sneak back into Audrey's life again!
What a relief that Audrey didn't fall for him (again).

Audrey's having a tough pregnancy. I hope it's over soon!
The noisy neighbor thing is so annoying!

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #95 on: January 13, 2017, 05:54:13 PM »
The following day, I thought I'd become a bit more sociable and visit the neighbour's apartment. Across the hall was a japanese family, a woman, with a husband and two children. The woman said she prefers to be called by her nickname "kimmy". I was sure we met briefly in the past, but I don't think we were formally introduced.
Kimmy: "Nice to properly meet you, Audrey!"
Audrey: "Ditto!"
Kimmy: "Come inside!"

Audrey: "I hope you don't mind my partner joining us in a short while? He's almost finished work."
Kimmy: "Course I don't mind!"
Audrey: "How's the new baby?"

Kimmy proceeded to tell me a hilarious story involving her baby, her husband, and a unicycle.
Kimmy: "Best day of my life, I've never laughed so hard!"

Kimmy's daughter, Sakura, approached us.
Sakura: "Mummy, Pierre is crying again."
Kimmy: "Okay, I'll be there in a second."
Sakura: "Who's this?"
Kimmy: "This is our neighbour, Audrey. She's having a baby."

Audrey: "Nice to meet you! I love your dress!"
Sakura: "Thanks, Miss. You're having a baby?"
Audrey: "I sure am!"
Sakura: "Wow, you know they're super noisy?"
Audrey: "So are some adults!"
Sakura: "Wanna see Pierre?"

I entered the small bedroom, and I spotted the baby basinet. Inside was a tiny baby, baby Pierre. I asked Kimmy why he was given a french name, considering the rest of her family have traditional Japanese names. Her reasoning? He was conceived in France. Fair enough!
Audrey: "Hey, little one!" I cooed, not quite sure how to approach this. I hadn't ever held a baby before. Well...when my brother Nathaniel had a baby with his alien wife, I was able to hold my niece for about ten minutes. My expertise stops there.

Suddenly, he starts wailing really loud. I have no idea how to shush him.
Audrey: "Shh! Don't cry!" I started to panic.

Kimmy entered the room looking very exhausted.
Audrey: "What do I do?"
Kimmy: "He needs feeding. There's a bottle nearby."
Audrey: " do I give it to him? Do I stay standing?"
Kimmy: "Yep. It's easier that way, you can rock him."

I pick up Pierre, and he continues to wail. He's just one hungry, grumpy baby! The look on his face says it all! He hated me!
Audrey: "Does this likkle baby want his bottle? Yes he does!"
Pierre obviously didn't like my baby-talk, and started to pull my hair.

Kimmy plopped the baby bottle in my hand and pointed to Pierre's mouth.
Kimmy: "Stick it in there."
Audrey: "Like this?"
Kimmy had already sat down and started playing blic-block. I was kinda getting the hang of it, Pierre was certainly loving it.

Bjorn came to collect me from Kimmy's place, and walked me back to our apartment. He had already made grilled cheese, and had the idea to eat it in the bedroom! That way I could eat and nap straight afterwards! He's such a sweetie!
Audrey: "Guess what I did today?"
Bjorn: "I don't know?"
Audrey: "Guess!"
Bjorn: "Swam with dolphins?"
Audrey: "I fed Kimmy's baby!"
Bjorn: "Not as impressive, but great!"
Audrey: "Bjorn..."
Bjorn: "I'm joking! I'm very proud of you!"
Audrey: "You goof."

I took a bite of the grilled cheese and almost spat it out. Bjorn didn't react, he was used to this at every mealtime.
Audrey: "What have you put in this?"
Bjorn: "Nothing different. Just you being weird again."
Audrey: "Aww, I liked grilled cheese too!"

Instead, I thought I'd make some sugar cookies. They were the one thing I could reliably eat, and not spew up! Plus, it was increasing my terrible baking skill!

After cleaning up after myself, my back started to throb. All this carrying around another human inside me is really hard work! However, sometimes I'd feel it moving around inside, and it makes all these aches and pains worthwhile. I didn't know who this person was inside me, I had no idea what they looked like or whether they had blonde or red hair, blue eyes or brown, but I knew that I had an immense, unconditional love to give this person.

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #96 on: January 15, 2017, 09:06:10 AM »
The next 4 months flew by, and I was starting to look like an elephant! I couldn't wear jeans anymore, and I was almost ready to pop.

Bjorn suggested we go to the Love Festival. I slipped on a pink dress and some comfortable flats. My family were attending the festival also, and I was most excited to see my brother, Nathaniel! I hadn't seen him since I moved to San Myshuno, and he's been occupied by working and looking after his young, alien daughter, Tabitha. We were so close growing up, he was my wise, strong big brother and we used to play all the time. Seeing him again put a huge smile on my face.
Nathaniel: "Audrey! You look like a balloon!"
Audrey: "Thanks for that!"

Nathaniel: "You know I'm only joking, I haven't seen you in so long, you're starting to look a lot like mum."
Audrey: "Well someone had to get her good looks!"

Nathaniel: "So do you know what you're having?"
Audrey: "We decided to wait until the baby is born. Bjorn really wanted to know, but I didn't want to. He's already got two girls, and really wants a boy, but he's happy either way.
Nathaniel: "He sounds like a great guy!"
Audrey: "He really is."
Nathaniel: "Are you moving out your apartment before the baby comes?"
Audrey: "I love this city, I don't really wanna move anywhere else."
Nathaniel: "Isn't your apartment tiny though?"
Audrey: "I'm sure we'll make it work."

After 20 minutes of talking, we said our goodbyes.
Nathaniel: "It's been great seeing you, don't leave it too long next time!"
Audrey: "I won't, you need to come see the baby when it's born."
Nathaniel: "Will do, love you, Aud."
Audrey: "Love you too."

Bjorn was curious to visit the love guru.
Guru: "You want your love fortune to be read? 50 Simoleons!"
Bjorn: "Uhh, I dunno that's expensive..."
Guru: "You sure? You don't want to know what lies ahead?"
Bjorn: "Fine."

Guru: "You are in for disaster! Your heart is due to be split in half and everyone you have ever loved will die!"
Bjorn: "Um. Aren't you only supposed to say nice things?"
Guru: "That's a fortune teller, I'm a love guru, darling."

We all had a great time at the festival. My chatty aunt Liliana kept talking about her recent holiday and unusual beauty regimes, Nathaniel kept playing games on his phone and texting his wife, Astrid. Hannah kept making fart jokes and complaining about modern music. Ahh...feel like I'm a teen again!

I met up with my dad and his face just lit up.
Randy: "There's my little angel!"
Audrey: "Okay, go ahead. I know you want to."

Randy: "Oh wow, you're so big. I think I can feel the baby moving!"
Audrey: "Yeah, they're pretty wriggly today."

Randy: "You know, your mother was this big when she had you and Hannah. You sure you're not having twins, or triplets? You know they run in the family, a LOT."
Audrey: "Please stop."
Randy: "What if..."
Audrey: "Stahp."
My dad wasn't wrong though. Hannah and I are twins, and so are Athena and Noelle - but they're not identical like us. My great-grandmother was one of triplets, and her brothers were twins also. Some say back in their day, there was some sort of outbreak of multiple births, but I'm glad it's over now. I don't think I could handle three toddlers. To put it bluntly, I think I'd die.

For the remainder of the festival, I pretty much stuffed my face and complained about my aching back. I had gotten to the point where I just want this baby out. I was already past my due date, and I'd tried everything to induce labour - spicy food, walking, pineapple, jumping and even woohoo. Bjorn was always suggesting the last method, he's convinced it'll eventually work. I'm sure there's another reason why he keeps suggesting it too...

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #97 on: January 18, 2017, 06:25:55 PM »
So yeah, you're probably sick of seeing me looking like a beached whale by now. Me too! I'm currently overdue and the baby still hasn't made an appearance. To get me in good spirits, Bjorn has suggested we go for a meal together. We haven't actually eaten out together since...I was still with Cannon, and he was still married!
Bjorn: "Where did you say you wanna go?"
Audrey: "Anywhere with seating."
Bjorn: "That's...everywhere?"
Audrey: "Fine by me."

We went to Chez Llama, however, there weren't any tables left, so we got a booth at the back of the restaurant instead. Charming!
Bjorn: "So what're you having?"
Audrey: "It's been a while."
Bjorn: "I was hoping we could talk about something."

Audrey: "Yeah, what about?"
Bjorn: "Well, the baby is about to come and..."

Audrey: "They do duck! Can I have duck?"
Bjorn: "Audrey, please I'm trying to be serious."

The waitress then approached with her notebook.
Waitress: "What can I getcha?"
Audrey: "Duck please!"
Waitress: "I'm terribly sorry, we're all out of the duck!"

It was one of those existential moments in life. As if everything you thought you knew was a lie. My desire for duck surpassed even that of the basic of needs.
Waitress: "I highly recommend the chef special. It's really quite something."
Audrey: "Fine."
Waitress: "And for you, sir?"
Bjorn: "I'll have the steak."
Bjorn leaned towards the waitress and whispered: "I apologise, she's heavily pregnant and really wanted duck!"
Waitress: "Don't worry about it, the duck is our most popular dish, on busy days like today we tend to run out!"
I stared off into the distance, wondering what that duck would've been like. Bjorn suddenly broke the silence.
Bjorn: "So Audrey...what I was saying before. The baby is almost here, and we need to think about moving into a bigger place."

Audrey: "But I really like my apartment! It's so close to everything, and it's so hard to find an apartment with character on a budget."
Bjorn: "I know you love it, I love it too! It's just...we have one bedroom, Audrey. We can't possibly raise a child there. We should've talked about this when you first told me you were pregnant."
Audrey: "I just..."

My back started to ache again.
Audrey: "Where are we gonna go? Back to your house?"
Bjorn: "That's what I was aiming for. It's absolutely big enough to fit us, the baby and even a whole football team in there!"
Audrey: "If you're hinting towards more kids you can forget it!"

Bjorn: "What do you say? I've been paying the mortgage on it since I've been living with you, all that space going to waste."
Audrey: "I dunno. No offense, but I find houses that big to be slightly...obnoxious."
Bjorn went silent. He rubbed his beard and gave a small cough as he replied.
Bjorn: "I worked hard for that house."
Audrey: "Bjorn, I'm sorry. I've always been happy living simply. We don't need a huge house."
Bjorn: "I understand. But please think about it?"
I nodded, and noticed the waitress approaching with our food.

The chef special was this weird...thing. It was like a salad...disguised as art. Very bizarre. Bjorn was happily munching his steak, and I was slightly jealous, but I couldn't eat rare meat in my condition - only well done.

Audrey: "Ew, what's in this?"
The waitress heard me say this. Bjorn sighed and gave the waitress an apologetic glance.
Bjorn: "It's just her-"
Waitress: "Yeah, yeah I know. Don't worry, I was the same."

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #98 on: January 18, 2017, 07:24:35 PM »
So! Today was the day I was going for lunch with Bjorn and my parents. During the pregnancy he'd met with them on multiple occasions, but never for a full-on meal with them. I'd been thinking about what Bjorn said about moving back into the Lighthouse. He was right, we did need more space, but I've fallen in love with the Spice Market and I really didn't want to leave. The flea markets helped me furnish my apartment, and the Spice festival is what I'd look forward to every month. However, I was about to become a mother, and I needed to make grown-up decisions.

(Apologies for the awkward face graphics, my textures decided to not cooperate!)

We all gathered at Hogan's Burger bar! I really fancied some chili, and hopefully the spice would kick start my labour!
Iris: "It's nice to meet you again, Bjorn. I keep saying to Randy that you're such a gentleman."
Randy: "She does."
Bjorn: "Thanks! It's great we could spend some more time together before baby is here."
Randy: "Or babies?"
Iris: "Oh shush, Randy, it's just the one."
Randy: "We thought Audrey was one, until Hannah popped out after her! These things happen, Iris!"
My mother sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

Luckily, Bjorn distracted my parents from an oncoming arguement.
Bjorn: "Good news! Audrey and I have decided to move into the Lighthouse."
Iris: "That big house you have?"
Bjorn: "Yep!  We're just thinking of the baby."

Iris: "Is this true Audrey?"
Audrey: "Yeah, why not? It's...more space, right?"
Iris: "You were so happy in San Myshuno though, you're moving back to Windenburg?"
Audrey: "So what do you guys want to eat?"
Iris: "Audrey. Stop avoiding things."
Audrey: "Yeah, I don't wanna move, there I said it. But I gotta think of this baby now! What I want doesn't matter anymore."

Randy: "Of course it matters, sweetie. You just have to shift your priorities, that's all. I panicked when I met your mother, she was already pregnant with Nathaniel. I had to put my dad-hat on super quick. It's difficult, but do-able."

Randy: "Plus what would be even better is if this baby really is Cannon's and you're just keeping that as a surprise for me."

Audrey: "Eh, no, dad. It's Bjorns. Definitely. Please stop saying that in front of him."
Bjorn: "I can assure you Mr Houser that it's all mine in there."
Randy: "Are you sure...?"
Audrey: "DAD!"
Every single time Bjorn and my father meet up, my dad finds the opportunity to bring that up and they talk about it for an hour. My dad is just holding onto hope. He always said that he liked the thought of Cannon and I having kids, just because he'd finally be able to have a child in the family with black hair (apart from Athena). 75% of his children came out with red hair, and he just felt left out. Hopefully once baby is here, he'll stop with these theories.

Dessert finally came, and my back was exceptionally sore. The pain spread around from my back, and across my middle. Painful, but manageable.

The Spice festival was on that evening, and we thought we'd go check it out. Bjorn really wanted to try the bubble blower. My pains were getting more severe.
Audrey: "Bjorn..."
Bjorn: "The bubble blower is this way. You don't have to blow with me, if you don't want to."

I sat down on the bench near him and held my stomach. I kinda knew...that this was it.
Audrey: "Bjorn..."

Bjorn: "I think I'll try the strawberry flavour."


I'd never seen Bjorn jump off a seat so quickly.
Bjorn: "Oh my god, whatdowedowhatdowedowhatdowedo?"
Audrey: "We gotta go the hospital. ASAP! You should know the drill you've done this twice before!"
Bjorn: "Yeah, but it's been a while!"
So we made our way to the hospital, very...very slowly. Since I couldn't walk from the pain! Bjorn had to carry me to a taxi! So this was it...

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #99 on: February 08, 2017, 06:50:16 PM »
We arrived at the hospital, and I approached the receptionist. The pain was unbearable.
Audrey: "I'm think the baby is coming!"

Noelle: "Well, hi there baby sister! It's a surprise seeing you here. Are you having the sprog?"

Audrey: "I forgot you worked here, you witch!"
Noelle: "The doctor will come collect you in a second, tee-hee!"

I was so nervous. What if something went wrong? What if I got seriously hurt? Or even worse, what if something happened to the baby? All these thoughts were running through my mind at a million miles a minute.

Bjorn did seem quite excited about the whole thing, but as usual, his smile doesn't reflect what he's feeling inside. He's probably just as nervous as I am.

As I laid down under the big contraption, I tried to keep myself calm. The machine will work its magic and the baby would be here in no time, right?

Suddenly there were a few whirrs and clunks of the machine. This startled Bjorn.
Bjorn: "What's going on?"
Doctor: "It's all normal, trust me."

The next thing I remember, Bjorn started to scream like a little girl as the machine held something which looked like a heart!
Doctor: "Oops, wrong one. I'll put it back."

Yeah...the sight of that knocked me right out. I was unconscious for the rest of the delivery.

But before long, the procedure was finished, and I was woken up.
Audrey: "We...we're done?"
Doctor: "Yep, all done."
Bjorn looked anxious as I did.
Audrey: "What...did we have?"
Doctor: "Well...the procedure...mostly...went pretty smoothly and you had a..."

Doctor: " girl!"

It didn't take long for me to recover, and I was soon able to hold my precious little girl.

She was a little bit restless, but I put that down to her probably being hungry or tired. She had that gorgeous baby smell, and everything about her was so tiny!

Looking down at the little bundle in my arms, I was still unsure on what to name her.
Audrey: "Bjorn, have we decided on a name?"
Bjorn: "I thought you liked Maddison?"
Audrey: "I don't see her as a Maddison anymore."
Bjorn: "Hazel?"
Audrey: "No way."
Bjorn: "Annika?"
Audrey: "It doesn't quite fit."
Bjorn: "We could name her Peighton, after your grandmother?"
Audrey: "Hmm, I'm not sure. What was the name of your grandma?"
Bjorn: "Which one?"
Audrey: "The one who swears like a sailor and wears the garish make-up?"
Bjorn: "Matilda?"
Audrey: "That's it. That's the one."

The baby didn't look too pleased with all the cuddles.
Audrey: "Okay baby girl, that's what we'll name you. My little Tilly. Matilda Peighton Rose Bjergsen."
Bjorn: "It's pretty cute actually! And is the Rose after my mother?"
Audrey: "Indeed it is, plus it seems to fit it all together."
Bjorn: "Welcome to the world, Matilda."

And don't worry, when we got back home, Bjorn got plenty of cuddles. But Matilda...was NOT a hugger. She was a very independant, stubborn young lady already, and I couldn't love her any more than I do. Seeing Bjorn with Matilda caused me to fall in love with him all over again. Already the paternal sort - since he already had two daughters - he took to it like a duck to water. I was scared of holding her wrong, scared of being too rough when handling her or dropping her. Bjorn, the lovable goof, shown me everything. He was amazing at everything...

Bjorn: "Umm. Audrey? Could you come in here? She's pooped on my hand."
Well...almost everything. He hated poop.

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #100 on: June 26, 2017, 07:05:07 AM »
Just a bit of a update. Motherhood is harder than I expected. Following a career in social media with a little one is hard. Not to mention, I need a new computer, as my current one keeps breaking on me...

Bjorn has also been working harder lately, and I'm grateful, but Matilda is a little madam, and is quite the handful. She rarely sleeps, and it's having an effect on me.

Meanwhile, whilst Audrey's at work...

Sofia: "Thanks for seeing me, Dad."

Bjorn: "I shouldn't really be here. I still can't believe you've travelled all the way from Norway on your own. We have a short while before Audrey's home. What did you want to tell me?"

Sofia: "Mum is getting unbearable to live with."
Bjorn: "In what way?"
Sofia: "She's just crazy. And I just really miss you, Dad. I was hoping I could stay here a while."

Bjorn: "Listen, Sofia. I'm not sure that's a good idea..."
Sofia: "So you don't want me? Your own daughter?"
Bjorn: "I do, I do, but with the baby and everything..."
Sofia: "You have ANOTHER baby?"

Sofia: "Oh my god, is there anything else I don't know?"

Bjorn: "I'm sorry, Sofia. Believe me, it's been agony for me. Ever since your mother took you and little Elsa, I've been trying to get back in contact with you. With you being in a different country, it was difficult, your mother literally vanished with you both. I'm just so happy to see you."

Sofia: "Oh my god, Dad. You're being really cheesy again."

Bjorn: "Come here, smidge."
Sofia: "Daaaad. You're SO embarrassing. But I've really missed you."
Bjorn: "I've missed you too. I'll help you out. There's vacant apartment in this block, I can help you rent it for now. You can't live with us, but you can at least live near me."
Sofia: "Thanks, Dad. But I think I'll go back to Norway. Elsa needs me."

Offline Peaches

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Re: The story of Audrey Houser
« Reply #101 on: June 26, 2017, 07:30:49 AM »

Bjorn was promoted again, which was quite fortunate for us, as we were then able to save up enough to move out of that tiny apartment. We needed a place with a bedroom for Matilda, she was at that age where she needed her own bed now. Too big for a crib. I was gonna miss this place, but I have to think about what would be best for the family.

We moved into a much bigger apartment with huge windows. It wasn't too expensive either, which was a plus.

Also, Matilda loved wandering around the big open space. Sorry, Matilda, but we gotta fill it up with furniture soon!

Her room was the first to be decorated. She was more interested in playing with her toys and reading her books than appreciating my amazing decorating skills.

Tilly, as Bjorn and I call her, is quite a little mischievious madam. She's quite clingy, and cries when we leave for work. She loves her nanny though, so that's a positive. She does throw tantrums, and plays with her food more than she eats it. But Bjorn, oh my gosh, he's taken to fatherhood again really well. She's such a daddy's girl, and I'm 100% certain that her father is her favourite!

However, Bjorn may be the favourite, but at the end of the day, he usually spends his time flat out on the floor. Poor thing. He works way too hard.

