Author Topic: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child  (Read 4000 times)

Offline Caterina

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Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« on: August 19, 2016, 04:30:00 PM »
Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
Part 1 – Childhood

Hi!  My name is Chloe Farnsworth and this is the story about how I ALMOST became the highest scoring
Wonder Child in the Gallery.

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My Watcher thinks I am very beautiful in this white dress.  However, she doesn’t like what the
Bodybuilder Aspiration did to my figure.  She attributes my good looks to good genetics.   Meet my
parents, Michele Farnsworth and Brody Jennings.  They even have great names from the random
generator.  Here they are having their first kiss.

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They started working on their soulmate aspiration right away.  Mom’s makeup was very beautiful.  Our
Watcher doesn’t wear makeup and doesn’t know how to make it look nice on us Sims.  She doesn’t know
much about fashion or style and that is why our outfits and rooms are almost all predesigned.

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Mom and dad spaced their first kiss, engagement, and wedding a few days apart so that the emotional
boosts would be spread out.  Here is dad proposing and mom admiring her ring.

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They were married on a Thursday at a wedding arch in their yard.  They used the wedding arch to renew
their vows a couple of times for extra mood boosts.

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Dad is a Good, Geek, Genius.  His task was to max all of the Focused based skills that could be mentored.

Mom is Creative, Family Oriented, and Loves the Outdoors.  Her task was to max all of the Inspired based
skills that could be mentored.

They spent some time (I don’t know how long) working on their skills.  They still had a few left to max
when I arrived.

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I was born in the Inspiration room/bedroom to the prettiest mom in the whole wide world! 

A few days later I leaped from my crib and stuck my landing.  Ta da!

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My Watcher heard that I was aging up and when she looked for me, I was nowhere to be found. 
Apparently, I was invisible in mid-air.  She had to wait for me to look up to see how I turned out.  So
what do you think, Watcher?

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It took me two days to get an “A” in school.  After that, I went one more day to try to make some
friends.  Our Watcher had to move two families from the Gallery into the neighborhood just so I would
have a chance to make 3 friends.  Mom wrote excuse notes and I took vacation days so I could stay
home from school and work on my skills.  I only slept in my bed when I was sick and needed to take a
nap to feel better.  Mom and dad gave me Moodlet Solver’s so I could work non-stop on skilling.  I
finished all of my childhood aspirations and all but one of the childhood skills before I became a
teenager.  Mom, dad, and I had our own club called WonderChild.  We were ‘gathered’ almost all of the
time.  Our Watcher chose our club uniforms to be “Preppy”.  She really enjoyed seeing all of the different
outfits we would wear to club.

Here is a picture of me wearing her favorite dress.  It was taken at my birthday party.

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Dad really should have showered before making his toast.

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Time to blow out the candles…

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Offline Caterina

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2016, 05:16:41 PM »
Part 2 – Teenager

My life as a teenager was very similar to my childhood.  My Watcher decided to focus on maxing skills
over completing aspirations.  She chose the Retail career for me to max.  Here is a picture of me
returning home from work after my promotion.  Our club outfits were chosen from the “Polished”
style now.  I aged up with a really short haircut that didn’t look like me.  I was given a longer hairstyle
that was closer to how I wore my hair as a child.

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Here is my first and only selfie.  I took it after I maxed photography.

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I learned Herbalism from reading books but they only took me to level 9.  I started to learn Baking in
the kitchen but it was a big mess and going very slow so I switched to reading.  I leveled it very quickly.

With all other skills maxed, I focused on completing some aspirations.  I spent most of my birthday
party working on the Serial Romantic aspiration.  I ran out of teenagers and out of time so I did not complete it.

Here is a picture of me about to blow out my candles.

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Mom and Dad were nearby when I did the spin and became a Young Adult.

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I had until the party ended to finish up any aspirations that I could.  I made a few phone calls and found
jobs in Culinary, Entertainment, and finally Business. 

Then, I made one last phone call to quit the Business career.  The party ended and the challenge was

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Here are pictures of the skills I maxed…

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… and the Traits I gained.

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My Watcher calculated my score to be an impressive 836 out of a possible 964.

Her calculations are below:

 4 * 10 =   40/40 Childhood, Teen, Young Adult, and Original Aspiration Traits
 4 * 10 =   40/40 Childhood Aspiration Traits
 4 * 13 =   52/52 Childhood Skill Points
 2 *   5 =   10/10 Dancing and Photography Skills
22 * 13 = 286/286 All other skills except for Herbalism
 1 *   9 =     9/13 Herbalism
28 * 10 = 280/300 Reward Traits (All except for Antiseptic and Super Green Thumb)
 8 * 10 =   80/180 Aspiration Traits** (Long Lived, Shrewd, Thrifty, Handy, Beloved, Natural Leader, Friend of the World, The Curator)
 2 *   5 =   10/10 Gold Medal Birthday Parties
 1 * 10 =   10/11 Days Remaining after getting an “A” – Child***
 1 * 10 =   10/11 Days Remaining after getting an “A” – Teen***
 1 *   9 =    9/11 Days Remaining after maxing Teen career***

**   I’m not sure if it would be possible to complete the Soulmate aspiration during the Young Adult birthday party.  I counted it, just in case.
*** I don’t know what are the fastest number of days it takes to accomplish these so my max numbers are a guess.

I was quickly uploaded to the Gallery.  My Watcher was so excited about her achievement, she shared
the news with her whole family and they were happy for her.  She thought with a score of 836 I might
be the most downloaded #WonderChild in the Gallery.  Then, she decided to re-read the rules.  It was
then that she discovered a mistake had been made.  My parents were Young Adults when they started
the challenge and NOT Adults like the rules clearly specified.

And that…is how I, Chloe Farnsworth, was ALMOST a Wonder Child.

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Offline Caterina

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2016, 05:37:45 PM »
Watcher’s Notes

 I want to thank @officialghosts for the inspiration to try the Wonder Child challenge for a third time.  I learned a lot from reading their story and I was intrigued to see if I could come close to their score.

I plan to try again very soon.  I hope my next child is as attractive as Chloe. 

I believe I can get an even higher score by changing the order in which I complete things and by managing time better.  I kept having to remind myself that this was a challenge and to stop doing things just for fun.  It is okay to end a date or a dinner party early!

I don’t think starting the challenge with Adults as opposed to Young Adults will make much of a difference.  Chloe’s parents aged to Elder the day before her Young Adult Birthday. 

I wish I had taken notes on when certain events happened.  I may try to research the best time for getting pregnant, having the baby, and aging up the baby or child so that I can be more efficient at getting A’s and completing the Teen career sooner.

I wonder if a perfect score is possible.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2016, 06:05:20 PM »
What a beautiful wonder child, Caterina.
If you made bin clones of your original parents and aged them to adults, wouldn't you have a high chance of again giving birth to such a lovely daughter?

One thing that confused me is that you say you started with young adults yet your parents are already elders at Choe's YA birthday.
I'm thinking: 3 + 3 + 13 + 13 = 32 days (Chloe: conception/infant/child/teen) so your parent's courtship must have lasted over a week?

The difference between starting your parents as adults, I believe, is that your parents in the above scenario would have passed away before your WC's YA birthday.
In this case, a sibling might have been helpful as a so-called "utility slave."
I look forward to reading about your next attempt.  Chloe is really a gorgeous and accomplished sim!
At first, I'd thought you were preparing for another Apocalypse Challenge but then realized you were doing the WCC for it's own enjoyment.

And our enjoyment, too! Thanks for sharing.  ;D

Offline Caterina

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2016, 06:31:21 PM »

I plan to use the original parents in my replay.  I "played with genetics" when I created them and the majority of their offspring were attractive.

The courtship might have lasted over a week and they did not try for baby until much later.  A strategy learned from @officialghosts .

I did play the Wonder Child challenge mostly for enjoyment, for the challenge of bettering my score, for the possibility of getting a highly downloadable sim out of it, and in preparation for another Apocalypse Challenge.

I still need to add the scoring details to my previous post.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Offline officialghosts

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2016, 09:18:07 AM »
Wow, what a great score! It's a shame that the challenge was void bc of one stupid mistake (I think they need to be adults so that, unless you complete Bodybuilder, they die during the WC's teen years), but I'm glad your excited to try again!

And wow, it seems skilling really is the way to go during this challenge!

And I'm flattered you took so much inspiration from me!   ;)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2016, 12:51:34 PM »
This is great! Chloe is highly downloadable, indeed! Really impressive!
I have a hard time cancelling dates and parties before they go gold, too. I'm much more of a for-fun player, so switching my brain to going for points instead of telling stories is very difficult.
I look forward to seeing your next attempt!

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Offline Caterina

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2016, 02:43:13 PM »

I took Chloe down from the Gallery immediately after I learned of my mistake.  Unfortunately, she had already been downloaded 5 times.

I went ahead and played the challenge again and I made sure the parents were adults at the start.  The father, who completed Bodybuilder was still alive at the end of the challenge.  The mother, who did not, passed a couple of days before.

Chloe's reincarnation earned an even higher score.  Her name is Cierra Farnsworth and you may find her in the Gallery by searching with #Caterina.

I plan to post her story as there a few things I learned, one too late with 3m left in the Young Adult birthday party.  So believe it or not, I may try again.  I know I can do even at least 19 pts.

Offline Joria

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2016, 02:15:02 PM »
Rules not withstanding, I personally still consider her a Wonder Child!  Just found this and am really impressed.  The parents were gorgeous and so was Chloe.  I'll be looking forward to reading your new adventures with this.  It is so tempting to give it a shot, but I'm terrible at keeping score so mine would never be very high.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Caterina

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2016, 01:21:08 PM »
Thank you, Joria!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2016, 02:38:14 PM »
I'm really, really looking forward to reading about your Cierra Farnsworth! Your enthusiasm for and enjoyment of this challenge makes me want to give it another go, later.
I can't wait to see what Cierra looks like as well as, of course, to hear about the new things you learned!

Offline Caterina

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2016, 05:00:22 PM »
It might be a little while before I write again. 

My real life has been a little upside-down lately.  I'm supposed to be moving before Oct 14th and I don't know where I am going yet.  I'm looking for a full-time job while working as a part-time seasonal temp.  I still like to visit the forum as an escape.  I've been spending some time in-game playing with genetics and creating new sims.  I organized 2,800 Sims 4 screenshots into folders.  It was fun reminiscing.  I hesitate to really get involved in any game file or story right now.  I have to try to focus on the tasks at hand.  It may be November before I am able to designate and commit any real time to my sims.  Till then, thanks to everyone for keeping me entertained.

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Re: Chloe Farnsworth - ALMOST A Wonder Child
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2017, 12:56:23 PM »
I found Cierra the other day by accident, and she is downloaded and saved in my library.  I have plans for her, just not sure what yet. :)  Great job - I think Cierra is the highest scoring WonderChild I have seen.
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