Author Topic: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge [Completed]  (Read 5556 times)

Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2016, 10:56:52 PM »
Chapter 1: An Interesting Opportunity
Hello everyone. My name is David Tate. You will never believe what just happened.

This morning, I found a strange letter from the government in my mailbox. It told me that I had been selected to be a participant in the Wonder Child Challenge, and that I wasz to go to a lot in Newcrest. When I arrived, I found this severe looking, but beautiful, woman.

Her name is Aiko Chan, and apparently, we are to have a child, the Wonder Child, and raise it to the best of our ability. Here we are, meeting for the first time.

We quickly got this house set up for ourselves.

It isn’t fully furnished, and it doesn’t have any wall paper, but it will do for now.

We sat at the table and got acquainted with each other. It took some time, but we soon started to warm up to one another. She is a Genius, Family Oriented, and a little bit of a Loner. I am Creative, Family Oriented, and Cheerful.

Finally, I worked up the courage to kiss Aiko. She looks very surprised in this photo,

But in this one, I would say she appears to be quite pleased.

I asked if she would be my girlfriend, and she said yes!

We decided that we should split up the skilling responsibilities. Logic and handiness go to Aiko, as she is a Genius, and Painting, Guitar, and Piano to me. She will also be taking care of the violin and writing skills, and I will be taking care of fitness. We are starting with painting and handiness, as we don’t have enough money to buy other skilling objects.


I will be cooking the meals for our household as well.

The next morning, I had a difficult decision to make. Sure, we didn’t need to get married, but we both have the Soulmate aspiration, and maybe we’d both be happier. In the end, I decided to propose, and she said yes!

Quite enthusiastically, I might add.

We had a very private ceremony in the garden hallway, which is very quickly becoming my favourite place in the house.

Afterwards, Aiko took me to the Magnolia Blossom park in Willow Creek for a date.

Then I took her to the museum.

Bjorn didn’t seem too pleased with our public displays of affection.

We took it home after those two silver dates, and had another gold date, then headed off to bed.

The next morning, we had two more gold dates at home, and by 3:10, we had both finished our aspiration. We both purchased the Mentor and Marketable reward traits. I also purchased Steel Bladder, but Aiko is trying to work towards Never Weary.

She has started on the Bestselling Author aspiration to try and get more aspiration points.

Author’s Notes:
I hope you guys enjoy this new style of writing. I am feeling a little burnt out with the legacy challenge, but don’t worry, I’ll update that as well. I just wanted to try something new for a bit. I'll write soon.
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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2016, 05:25:20 PM »
Good start, and the house looks wonderful.  I really like the garden hallway.  I don't know if you are doing this for scoring but if you are, then clubs are a very powerful tool for keeping needs high and speeding skill aquisition.

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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2016, 09:13:22 PM »
@HelenP Ah, I almost forgot about how useful clubs were, what with the challenge tournament banning them. I'll have to set one up. And yes, I do intend to play for as high a score as I can manage.  :)
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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2016, 11:58:37 AM »
Chapter 2: Clubs!
Since Aiko has started on a new aspiration, I figured I may as well start with the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration.

Aiko has decided that logic is probably more important than writing for the moment, so she has started on the Nerd Brain aspiration.


When I woke up, I made some chips and salsa. They weren’t very good.

We decided that six days would be enough time to max at least a few skills, so we tried for a baby.

After our second attempt, Aiko was pregnant!

After a day of skilling and painting, I ended up painting a few masterpieces. I sold them after taking this picture.

With the funds, I papered the walls and installed some flooring for the house. It actually didn’t take as much money as I thought it would.

After some more skilling, we went to the museum. Aiko practiced on the violin while I viewed paintings for my aspiration.

With our new Rally the Troops interaction, we haven’t gone to bed in about three days. I am no longer needed to cook meals, so I have more time for skilling up! However, the steel bladder trait isn’t really required now either. Good thing Aiko didn’t purchase Never Weary!

As I was checking up on Aiko and rallying the troops, she went into labor! To the hospital!

I have to admit, I panicked. A lot. I don’t think it calmed Aiko down at all.

Incompetent doctors are everywhere! She removed Aiko’s heart!

But luckily, all was soon well, and Samara Tate was born. Welcome, Wonder Child.

We put her bassinet in the focused room so that Aiko would hear her if she cried. They seem to have bonded already.

But if she is ever busy, I’m always there to help out.

We reworked the room for our little cherry blossom. I hope she likes yellow…

Aiko insisted upon making a new dining table and some chairs to go with it. That’s a lot of seats for three people…

I completed my aspiration after making these three masterpieces. Sims we have 50,000 simoleons, maybe I’ll keep these!

After this part, here is what has happened…
Wonder Child
The wonder Child, Samara, has been born.

Aiko has mastered handiness and logic skills

I have only mastered the painting skill, and completed the painting aspiration.

Rally the Troops has been bought, along with the guitar, handiness, logic, painting, piano, violin, creative, social, motor, mental, and homework boosts.
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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2016, 03:29:06 PM »
Chapter 3: Aspiration Accomplished
As Aiko has maxed all the skills she needs to in the focused room, We have both been in the inspired room. Don’t worry, though, we still hear Samara when she cries.

Samara aged up! She looks exasperated. Not quite sure why, though.

She went to the mirror and planned her new outfit. I was told that she is going to be starting with the Social Butterfly aspiration so she can meet new people and get established in this town.

Aiko wasn’t very happy that Samara didn’t want to stick around, but apparently, Aiko is pregnant! She got the moodlet while she was writing.

Samara went around town and met five new people. Her first milestone is complete!

She’s been writing non-stop all day, so poor Aiko has writer’s block. She’s practicing her violin skill until she overcomes this block.

Samara has been spending the day trying to become best friends with Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis.

Hi! It’s Samara here. Dad has decided to pass the torch and let me narrate my own story. Here I am, becoming besties with Olivia. Yay!

I tried calling Summer Holiday to invite her over, but she was asleep. Luckily, Bjorn was over there for me to befriend. Soon after we became friends, It was time to go to school. I was focused, and worked hard all day, and came home feeling a little tense.

I joined League of Adventurers, and I befriended all the members. After that, I resigned, and rejoined our family club gathering. I left for school feeling playful, and returned as a B student!

When I came home, mom mentored me while I played chess with dad for my Whiz Kid aspiration. Dad won all the games, but I learned some new tricks.

After playing three games, mom read me one of the books she wrote.

I pondered moves on the chess table, then did my homework and my Extra Credit work. I want to make sure I get an A on Monday.

Mom really likes mentoring me.

At some point, mom disappeared. When she came back, she brought with her this person. Apparently, his name is Cory, and he’s my “brother”. Not sure why I need a brother. I’m the Wonder Child! According to mom, now we have the “perfect family”. Was I not enough for her?

Oh well. I made a whole bunch of drawings, and then mom and I both practiced the violin skill. Mom wasn’t able to max the skill in time to mentor me while I was working on the Artistic Prodigy aspiration.

I started on the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration, and played space explorer while playful. Practicing typing and stuff isn’t too interesting, so I left that out of this chapter.

I am now a grade A student with 8 days until my birthday!

This is me Dominating my homework. I was done by 3:25.

I think this is enough for now. Here are the results:
Wonder Child
Traits: Cheerful, Creatively Gifted, Socially Gifted, Mentally Gifted, Physically Gifted ~50 points
Skills Maxed: Creative, Mental, Social, Motor ~52 points
Other Skills: Violin (3), Mischief (1), Charisma (1), Video Gaming (2), Logic (4) ~11 points
Aspirations Complete: Social Butterfly, Artistic Prodigy, Rambunctious Scamp, Whiz Kid
Other News: A student! ~8 points
Total points: 121

Mom (Red skills were maxed in this part)
Skills Maxed: Logic, Handiness, Violin, Writing

Dad (Red skills were maxed in this part)
Skills Maxed: Painting, Piano, Guitar

Author's Note: I have a question; what would you readers think of me doing the Immigrant Challenge with Samara afterwards? Not immediately, of course, as I want to make more progress with the Legacy Challenge first, but I love having a to-do list...
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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2016, 07:48:45 PM »
Chapter 4: Teenagedom!
I know these pictures are probably getting old, but I finished all my aspirations, so I’m working on maxing adult skills

Cory aged up. He is a Loner, and wants to be an Artistic Prodigy

Mom is quite proud with herself. With the help of her mentoring, I maxed the logic skill!

Now we’re working on the violin skill. Yay!

I suppose Cody is being helpful. Thanks  to him, dad doesn’t have to interrupt me and mom to rally the troops.

Yup, that’s right. I maxed two skills in one day!

Now it’s dad’s turn to mentor me!

Piano maxed!

Apparently child sims can’t gain the guitar skill, so I’m videogaming now. I purchased both the Night Owl, and Morning Sim traits. Night Owl is in effect right now.

Cory is training his Kampos. I don’t mind. Right now, I’m having fun playing Blicblock.

I didn’t want to force myself to play more games. I miss the sunlight! I’m practicing fishing now.

Okay, now I need to socialize. I’m going to work on my mischief with Cory.

Mischief not managed.

I won third prize in a Blicblock novice tournament!

This is the last fish I caught before maxing the fishing skill.

I didn’t place in a professional Sims Forever tournament. I did max my Video Gaming skill, though.

Mom maxed her wellness skill, so now she’s really good at meditating.

Charisma is the last skill I can max while I’m a child. I will be having my birthday party early, on Sunday. This way, I can get an A very quickly.

Dad is an elder now. He keeps whining about how he’s an old man.

I’ve maxed the charisma skill too! Right now it is Saturday, 6:47 PM. I have until Sunday to relax and unwind. I’m also going to work on my whims.

It’s Sunday, and I’ve aged up! I’m now Good, and I want to become a Painter Extraordinaire.

My party was pretty hectic, but I got a gold!

I also joined the barista career, so I started practicing making drinks. I did my homework and my extra credit work too.

I bet you’re wondering about my birthday present. Mom made me this absolutely gorgeous violin. Too bad I’ve already maxed the violin skill.

I’ve also started on the painting skill. Dad says that 25 photos is enough for a chapter, so I guess I’ll see you all next time!

Wonder Child (again, new in red)
Skills Maxed: Creative, Mental, Motor, Social, Violin, Piano, Fishing, Logic, Video gaming, Charisma, Mischief ~143 points
Other Skills: Dancing (1), Painting (2), Mixology (2) ~5 points
Traits: Cheerful, Creatively Gifted, Socially Gifted, Mentally Gifted, Physically Gifted, Night Owl, Morning Sim, Good, Muser ~90 points
Other: "A" student in elementary school, 1 gold birthday party ~13 points
Total Points: 251
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Offline Narinn2045

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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2016, 05:14:19 PM »
[/b]Chapter 5: The End[/b]
Dad’s been mentoring me for a while, and I painted this masterpiece!

After work and school, I was feeling pretty tense, so I started practicing the guitar.

Second day of work. I’m hoping to reach the top of the career today.

I was promoted! And with 11 days before aging up.

On the same day, I became an A student!

I took a quick trip to the museum to finish up the third aspiration milestone. My paintings will never be as good as these ones.

My wall of masterpieces. Painter Extraordinaire complete.

While writing my first song, I mastered the guitar skill.

Here I am, licensing that song.

This bonsai really needed some trimming, so I took a break from writing songs.

Mom’s an elder! I’m glad I won’t have to see them die before I age up.

I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to fitness.

I’m getting pretty good at cooking, though.

You’re looking at a Musical Genius. Yep. That’s right. Another aspiration complete.

Now the mixology skill has been maxed. Mom’s been my test subject. She thinks I did well.

Cory is now a teen. He wants to have a successful lineage, and he’s clumsy.

I must admit, DJing is a lot of fun.

Rest in peace, dad. I can’t believe I didn’t pay attention to how long he had left. We’ll miss you. *sniff*

Everyone’s pretty gloomy now. My heart wasn’t really into the wellness skill. That doesn’t mean I didn’t master it, though. I think it’s time for a party.

I aged up with another gold birthday party.

To the Wonder Child!

Skills Maxed: Creative, Mental, Motor, Social, Violin, Piano, Fishing, Logic, Video gaming, Charisma, Mischief, Baking, Comedy, Cooking, DJing, Gourmet Cooking, Guitar, Wellness, Mixology, Painting ~260 points
Other Skills: Dancing (1), Fitness (3), Gardening (2) ~6 points
Traits: Cheerful, Creatively Gifted, Socially Gifted,Mentally Gifted, Physically Gifted, Night Owl, Morning Sim, Good, Muser, Neat, Speed Cleaner, Marketable, Creative Visionary, Natural Leader, Expressionistic, Always Welcome, Piper, Antiseptic, Stoves and Grills Master, Shrewd, Steel Bladder, Savant, Independent, Carefree, Observant, Free services, Incredibly Friendly, Great Story Teller ~280 point
Other: A’s in school, 2 gold birthdays ~40
Total: 586 points

Author’s note:
I apologize if it felt like I rushed through this. I’m going to be going on vacation for a week, starting on Saturday, so I wanted to tie up some loose ends. I think I did pretty well, but the club is what allowed me to do this. Samara will be on the gallery shortly. My username is the same there. And after some consideration, I determined that the Immigrant Challenge wouldn't be that much fun to read about. I should have a new Legacy Challenge post up soon, if all goes well.
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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2016, 03:04:37 PM »
Well done!  It was interesting reading how you progressed along with this.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge [Completed]
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2016, 07:02:27 PM »
@Nutella @MarianT
Could you please move this story to the Sims 4 Completed Stories board? Thanks.
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Re: The Tate Wonder Child Challenge [Completed]
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2016, 07:04:21 PM »
Congratulations.  Moving this to completed stories board.