Author Topic: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)  (Read 37635 times)

Offline officialghosts

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #45 on: July 13, 2016, 06:07:28 PM »
@oshizu Thank you! I don't really have the time to write the kind of story I'd want to for the challenge, which is a shame, because I do have a good grasp on the plot progression and themes I'd want for it, which show up a lot through the epilogue. (There's also the fact tht I'd have no clue where to go with it past gen 1.) I do think I'll do something like I did for this challenge, a combination of summary and story (although both will be less detailed than this, or it'll be next July until it's finished ::))

The more I think about it, I'm probably gonna do the Immigrant Challenge with Philappa. It would be a good use of her skillset. I was also considering some kind of challenge where I can use two sims so I could reunite her with Hunter (because writing this made me really fall in love with their friendship), but the only one I can think of is the Rosebud challenge, and Pinstar already did pretty much the definitive run of that on his channel.

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #46 on: July 13, 2016, 06:33:57 PM »
I also briefly considered the Immigrant Challenge and even played around with the idea of adapting it for Dine Out (restaurant instead of store), but then found that I'm too lazy to attempted an adapted ruleset.
Also, just because Pinstar did a video of the Rosebud Challenge, that doesn't mean you can't do your own version. You have different sims and different ideas about how to proceed.
I would love to see Phillapa and Hunter in a story of their own.

Whatever you decide to do, summarized AC story, Immigrant Challenge, and/or Rosebud Challenge (I've also been considering a Rags to Riches story next), I'll be looking forward to reading!

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Offline officialghosts

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #47 on: July 13, 2016, 06:58:19 PM »
@oshizu Thank you! My problem with the Rosebud challenge is that I would prefer to do a more laidback approach (despite my history, I actually prefer less grind intensive challenges over always doing ones like the WCC or the tournament ones), but I'd also feel compelled to try and get it done as fast as I could. I might try something more like TheSimSupply's Rags to Riches series, where I have certain conditions for myself but I'm not under set rules.

And I know how you feel about adapted rulesets. A while ago I was considering a Short Lifespan Legacy, as I would actually stand a chance of getting through it, but I disliked the only ruleset I found and the idea of adapting it made me drop it. Although honestly, I could probably just do the same ruleset as a regular legacy.

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #48 on: July 13, 2016, 07:05:52 PM »
Yes! I want to do The Sim Supply's Dine Out: Rags to Riches challenge!

Offline boomboomraccoon

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #49 on: July 13, 2016, 10:59:21 PM »
Joria is working on an interesting challenge called the No Buy Challenge, maybe you could have Philappa and Hunter work on that?

Offline officialghosts

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #50 on: July 14, 2016, 09:44:41 AM »
@boomboomraccoon I didn't think of that! I'll have a look at the rules. Righ now, though, the focus is on getting my Apocalypse challenge done, then the Immigrant challenge. (And also the Living Off th Grid challenge I'm currently working on.)

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2016, 11:54:51 PM »
This was just the best. I loved reading all about your strategy and thoughts on the challenge. It is a real struggle to write an interesting story to these types of challenges but you nailed it.  :)
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Offline officialghosts

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #52 on: July 18, 2016, 10:39:03 AM »
@Playalot Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I'm also happy that everyone seems to enjoy my approach to writing this challenge, as summary is definitely more fitting than a normal story would've been, and I love sharing my strategies and reflections.

Offline Nutella

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #53 on: August 10, 2016, 09:48:49 AM »
Congratulations, I'm moving this to the completed stories board.

Offline Caterina

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #54 on: August 18, 2016, 10:29:27 PM »

     I was so inspired and awed by your strategy and score that I tried to complete the Wonder Child challenge again to better my two previous scores.  I received a score of 836 only to realize that I did not follow the rules exactly.  My two starting sims were Young Adults not Adults.  I don't think it would matter much if they had started as adults though.  I learned a lot on my third attempt and I will be posting a synopsis of my game play.  I calculated the maximum score to be 969.  Does that sound right to you?  I know I can improve my score now that I know what to do differently.  Thanks for the inspiration.  It was a fun little three day project.  I feel bad because 5 people already downloaded my sim from the gallery and she is technically not legal.  I may repost her with a different description.

Offline officialghosts

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #55 on: August 21, 2016, 09:24:12 AM »
I'm glad you were so inspired by me! It's a shame about the accidental rule breach though. One question, how did you calculate out that perfect score? It sounds believable, but I'm interested to know where you got the numbers from.

I feel like most people wouldn't care if she wasn't technically *legal*, for Apocalypse Challenge purposes, but posting a disclaimer in the description still might be a nice idea. I think the age difference matters because if they start as Adults, they're set to age up to Elders during late childhood/early teenhood (depending on when you have the WC) and die during the teen years, forcing you to complete Bodybuilder, speed up mentoring, or have a spare. Not the biggest extra challenge, but still important, I would say.

Offline MystiKitty

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Re: The Piaget Wonder Child Challenge (Complete!)
« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2018, 03:20:27 AM »
I have read through your challenge and am working on a Wonder Child challenge myself. I have already had my parents (the father is a vague Simself of me called Chris Jerome and the mother is a vague representation of a fictional character of a mystery book series called Second Chance Cat Mysteries called Sarah Grayson) and they both got Bodybuilder and Soulmate. Chris got Renaissance Sim and Nerd Brain and maxed out Rocket Science before impregnating his wife, so no need to worry about not having my Wonder Child learn Nerd Brain themself!  8)

Also, if you ever did decide to try again(I am sorry your game glitched out on you, but I haven't had any issues except for Sims turning invisible after using the Rocket Ship or a skill bar glitch over one of the Sims which stays at max; oh that and one time in Selvadorado at the ruined temple, my Sims tried to swim in the pool and glitched through the wall XD), there are new things with Seasons and the lot traits with City Living which make training children so so much easier.

Oh, and your next "Paiget" wonder child will have three parties to worry about because they reintroduced the toddler life stage so you have to skill up toddler skills as well. The instant you age your infant up, you will a toddler to potty train. ;)

