So I've just been expanding my dynasty house by building upwards. I removed the roof, put up the walls, put in a spiral staircase, made little patios and put future generation skilling objects on said patios, and put up a new roof, still no problem. I go to send my gen 2 spouse up there to learn alchemy (so he can plant the original ingredients for the future alchemy immortal.
I then realise 'ooh, I forgot to put doors in up there'.
So I return to build mode and select the surplus sliding door. No problem, I go to where I want to put that door, and I get that error message. I am in building mode, and I am trying to place a door that I've placed many times before. The placement icon along the bottom of the door is green, there is nothing/no one in the way.
So I click the tick to close the error message, return to live mode and then return to build mode. I try to place the same door in the same place. This time its a success. I place the door in the other places I want it as well, also a success.
Any idea on why I'd get that error message? Any idea if it is the first step of something major?