I had to start a new game of Sims4 about 10 days ago. I lost about 400 saved games in my saved game list --- so about 30 generations of my main Sim family --- the Sullivan family (find them in the swap shop for TS4.) I had a fully updated lot (all appliances in all rooms done by my 2 level 10 Sims --- totally great and smart family --- many skills maxed.
Anyway, I started again with about the last four generations of my main family. I wrote everything down, so now the family is becoming very similar to the genius family they were before.
My question is: What takes up more memory/slows the game down and in which order from the following list:
1. saved games
2. the number of playable Sims (I had 80 --- now it will be 35 shortly)
3. upgrades to stoves, tubs, dishwashers, fireplaces, etc
4. the amount of things Sims have on a lot
5. how much stuff Sims have in their individual inventories
P.S. Is there a cheat to get back the upgrades that my Sims did before I had to start over? I placed the same house from my library back on the same lot with all of the stuff in the house.
Does anything else major slow down the game?
Thanks a lot.