Author Topic: A ghost child becomes playable as a teen?  (Read 1710 times)

Offline Nevermore

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A ghost child becomes playable as a teen?
« on: August 03, 2017, 06:33:29 PM »
The ghost child in question always was a child. She came out the urn to haunt as one. Using Oh My Ghost! At the science facility my sim goes in with the remains, and comes out with that exact sim, but she is a teen. No new traits, random clothes. She has all interactions as a teen, I can customize her with teen clothing and hair styles. It is as if she has aged up by birthday cake, but not given a prompt for a new trait. When she was a ghost, my sims could only use interactions that children have with her. She would even play with toys in the nursery during her hauntings.

Is this just my game or is this normal?