Author Topic: My sim's face change to a light green color *Fixed!!*  (Read 11742 times)

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: My sim's face change to a light green color
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2016, 09:01:12 PM »
Thank you for the .sim file. I'll see if that works.
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Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: My sim's face change to a light green color
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2016, 09:22:05 PM »
That worked!! I was able to load her in CAS. No green face. However, I had to change the skin tone, due to her skin being black - as if the skin didn't install correctly or was corrupted some how.

That's an easy fix, if you ever run into that yourself.

1. Take the Sim back into Create a Sim. (Your Sim may be entirely grey/black.)
2. Under the Basic Tab, change the Sim's skin tone color to it's original color. - For example: My Sim had a light skin tone, so I choose yellow. (Now you will see the body/head align a little better.)
3. Click on the Swimwear tab to get the skin tone back to normal.

Then I clicked on the options button under their photo to save them to the Simbin. So I had a saved version of the fixed Sim. And went to play them.

I do notice that she doesn't (?) have a formal outfit. I'm assuming that might be custom content or something from the store?  I don't have any store content installed at the moment. As I'm using a new Sims 3 folder.

Edited to Add:

Kathryn Fixed (Changed skin tone)

Kathryn after loading her into CAS - Closeup.

Kathryn - Before Full

Attached file is Kathryn's Simbin file - (Kathryn_Zimmerman-Fixed.sim)
Note: She doesn't have any traits. She came that way in her .sim file.
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Offline TonyTajiri

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Re: My sim's face change to a light green color
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2016, 10:39:52 PM »
I figured it out!  It was the eyebrows the whole time!  How odd...  They worked fine before, but I'll change them in CAS.  Thank you so much for your help, though.  The first is with another set of eyebrows and the second is with the original.



Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: My sim's face change to a light green color
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2016, 11:24:14 PM »
Yay!! I'm happy she's fixed!! She looks SO much better in your game. :)
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