Hello Everyone, I'm new to Carl's Sims 4 Forum. I'm an older player, like probably too old to be considered a "Simmer" but I love the Sims experience, and I've also spent years playing online MMORPG's like World of Warcraft, Runescape and Toontown. As far as Sims goes, I've been playing it since #2 came out, but oddly enough, I'm totally new to the world of Mods and Custom Content. I never dared to install any of it in Sims 2 or 3, but now I'm hopelessly obsessed with amassing it in Sims 4.
Anyway, at this point in Sims 4 there are no babysitters or nannies available, right? I did read elsewhere that currently, children are presumably, magically, automatically whisked away to daycare when both parents are out of the home, but this just isn't as comforting having one's Sim children cared for by an in-home provider. Personally I prefer nannies to babysitters. And speaking of nannies, where the heck are the Butlers? My Sims always loved to totally destroy their Butler's lives, lol.
I'm probably not in the right section of the Forum to ask about CC and Mods, but it would be really awesome if some brilliant Simmer out there could create a Nanny mod. I'm also perpetually disgusted by the choice of *noses* that the Sims team provides for our use in CAS. Sure, noses can be modified by players to a certain extent to look more attractive, but most of the noses in CAS are so ugly it's ridiculous. Do real people even have noses like the ugliest ones in CAS? So if another awesome Simmer out there could make some CC for new, improved, realistic and more attractive noses that would be great, thank you!
~ hillary