Author Topic: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.5  (Read 5048 times)

Offline Phantome-A

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Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.5
« on: November 30, 2015, 03:11:41 PM »
My father was an extraordinary man. He owned his first dive bar mere days after his young adult birthday and skyrocketed from there, literally every skyscraper in Bridgeport bared the Comic brand before I was even able to walk. My father built an empire and then before my very eyes it was torn down. After my mothers death he lost all ambition and let his businesses fall. Soon enough every penny was gone and my father followed not long after them. Both of my parents were gone, my home, my lavish lifestyle, I was left with nothing. Nothing save for my determination to rebuild the Comic name with an empire of my own, or you could call it a Dynasty...

With the liquidation of my fathers last few assets I managed to buy myself a plot of land in Sunset Valley, the home town of an old childhood friend. Agnes Crumplebottom and I had spent numerous summers together as our families vacationed together in France, China, Twinbrook (though I'd rather forget that particular summer) and had remained friends ever since. So I sought a familiar face to help me achieve immortality.

My name is Clark Comic and I intend on heading a family of supersims, this is the beginning of an Immortal Dynasty

Dear, All

I arrived in Sunset Valley equally excited and terrified, I'd only heard stories of these families that managed to defy death itself and live beyond their years. No one seemed to have actual proof of these Immortal Dynastys existing, but I have hope. I will make my family proud. But before I can do anything I need to find Agnes, if only I knew where she lived.

I remember her mentioning a beautiful modern mansion overlooking the ocean they'd been looking at purchasing before the wedding, that was my best hope. So I took a leap of faith and went door knocking.

Hallelujah luck is already on my side. Agnes was to say the least shocked to see me after all these years. Now I'd found her the question was how to explain my 'plan'

The smile one her face as I launched into a much rehearsed proposal was...surprising, yet encouraging. Once I'd finished rambling she explained that her father had been obsessed with the same theory. He spent years researching parallel universes in which sim families recruited certain 'chosen' individuals a helpers in quests to not only obtain Ambrosia but fulfill the tasks required for its mystical properties to actually effect those who ate it. He believed that there was a certain genetic code found in some sims that made them ideal candidates to be helpers, a genetic code Agnes just happened to have. She told me that she'd kept all of her fathers research including a list of the requirements for immortality. Agnes was one resourceful woman, it was extremely difficult to contain my bewilderment at the fact that I would be so lucky that my oldest friend was about to hand me a step by step guide to achieving immortality. This was insane.

Given what she had just told me I really shouldn't have been surprised when she jumped at the chance to come on board as my helper and get this thing started. It looks like we were both out to honor our fathers in our own ways. She barely even gave me a chance to finish asking before agreeing to move in with me.

to celebrate we decided to hit up the summer festival, have a little fun before the work began. Well, after a quick stop at the salon.

Then it was off to the festival.

now let me take a moment to tell you about snow cones, specifically grape snow cones. They are delicious, even if it did give me brain freeze. I took a moment to enjoy my treat and observe the festival as sims went about their day, enjoying the various attractions of the festival. I liked this place, and i really liked this snow cone. That was until Agnes had a ridiculous idea.

I don't even like hot dogs, how on earth did she convince me to shove them down my throat for fun? Safe to say it did not end in my favor.

At least Agnes enjoyed herself. Or maybe she just enjoyed seeing me make a fool of myself.

After removing all remnants of hot dog from my throat I decided it would be safer to try my hand at socializing with the locals. Of course by locals I mean cute men. One in particular caught my eye just as he was strolling through the park. he looked like he'd just arrived, hopefully he missed the hot dog incident.

Why hello there Stiles...

Offline Ferretmania

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.1
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2015, 03:54:41 PM »
I like how you write and looks like you're off to a great start.

Good luck with your Dynasty.
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

Raven's Immortal Dynasty

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Offline Phantome-A

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.2
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2015, 07:34:16 PM »
I like how you write and looks like you're off to a great start.

Good luck with your Dynasty.

Thank you very much :)

Offline Phantome-A

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.2
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2015, 08:05:47 PM »
Stiles and I hung out at the festival until he had to go to work. he's a musician, isn't that hot? Agnes left hours earlier to arrange some form of roof for us, while I tripped over my words and swooned over Stiles. But eventually we had to tear ourselves away. Responsibility has a way of catching up with you like that

Upon arriving home I was greeted with another astonishing surprise from Agnes. She'd hired contractors, the best in the area, and had a gorgeous house waiting on my previously bare lot.

I promise to give you a tour once there is time. once things are a little less hectic around here... though I'm beginning to wonder if that will ever happen.

What I can update you on is Stiles. I'm aware that I can't stop talking... or thinking about him, but he's just... he's really something special. I decided to invite him over to see the house but we didn't do much looking.

Yes I know it's reckless and a little crazy, but I can't help it. He makes me crazy. And I think-I hope that he feels the same.

It sounds incredibly cheesy, even in my head, but when I look at him I see a future. That feeling is exactly why I did this.

Stupid, such a stupid idea.

All is not lost though. Believe it or not he found it cute, giggling a little as he let me down. He first let me know that my passion and spontaneity are the reasons he is so enchanted by me. He also explained that we will have plenty of time to get married and all that, but it doesn't need to happen so fast.

So as a compromise he agreed to move in and that's enough for me, as long as I get to see him everyday.

Of course once I had him under my roof I sunk my claws into that wardrobe of his.

In other news Agnes was acting strange the other night. To be honest I didn't know she was such good friends with her brother in law. If you ask me there is definitely something going on there. But if she isn't ready to share I won't pry.

Seriously though, I know she's been lonely, but this is some serious danger zone she is treading in. No, nope I know nothing, I have seen nothing.

Besides I've been too busy to see anything.

You do not want to know the places I managed to get clay. it's disturbing, and uncomfortable. learning is messy

The other thing I have been busy with is Stiles. Call me stubborn but when I want something I won't take no for an answer. And I really wanted him to be my husband.

A fiance was indeed what I got. Stiles' exact words were, "you're not going to let me say no are you?"

That my friends is how I, Clark Comic got engaged.

Of course after all that fuss we hat to 'celebrate'

On a final note Agnes is certainly keeping a secret.


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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.1
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2015, 05:12:10 PM »
Great story! Clark is very pretty, and I love her name. Can't wait to read more!

Offline Ferretmania

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.1
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2015, 05:35:52 PM »
Nice update and good for Clark that she's stubborn. It paid of in the end..

I like Stiles' new look.
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

Raven's Immortal Dynasty

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.1
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2015, 05:50:32 PM »
Nice seeing you here again!

Good dynasty, but Agnes, you naughty in-law!
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Offline Phantome-A

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.2
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2015, 09:10:49 PM »
Great story! Clark is very pretty, and I love her name. Can't wait to read more!

Thank you very much :) I'm hoping some of her genes will be passed on but we shall see ;)

Nice update and good for Clark that she's stubborn. It paid of in the end..

I like Stiles' new look.

Rather dashing isn't he? I've always liked Stiles as a townie.

Nice seeing you here again!

Good dynasty, but Agnes, you naughty in-law!

Thank you, I just got sims reinstalled and couldn't stay away from the forum.It's just Such a friendly and welcoming community on here :)

Offline Phantome-A

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.3
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2015, 10:29:24 PM »
 Clark here, checking in

Agnes' little secret isn't so little anymore. Somehow I don't think she can blame that rapidly growing bump on the key lime pie for very long. I'm extremely happy for her but can't help worrying about what's going to happen once her bump turns into something else. What will she tell Cornelia? Will she tell Cornelia? Will she tell me the truth behind her pregnancy? I don't think she knows that I know anything and I've promised myself that I won't bring it up until she's ready to talk. The only thing I can do is support my best friend, and that I will.

I am happy to anounce that Agnes wasn't the only one cooking up a little surprise. It seems Stiles and I have our own bun in the oven and we couldn't' be more excited. Sure I was hoping to wait until after the wedding but with our excitement over the recent engagement this just sort of happened. Agnes is equally excited about being pregnancy buddies, but still tight lipped on the origins of hers. Things around here are about to get... interesting.

Stiles decided to start a garden (after a little gentle persuasion from myself) as a sort of safe haven from the two pregnant women running amuck in the house. I think he enjoys it more than he expected, so much it's the first thing he does when he wakes up. Though I would prefer he'd get dressed first at least.

Well it's started, Agnes went into labor at her sculpting station, scaring the wits our of both of us. Agnes screamed and I, well joined her. I had no clue what to do, did we need towels? Should someone boil some water? What do you even do with a laboring women and boiled water? I made Stiles get some just in case.

Eventually I managed to usher her inside before she passed out from heat exhaustion. Then it wasn't long before my friend gave birth in our hallway, oh what a day.

I would like to introduce you all to Jack Crumplebottom the official cutest member of the Comic household. Agnes was instantly smitten with her bundle of joy. Seeing the pure joy on her face made all of my worries about Jack's father fade. Agnes could handle this, and if somehow she ever has trouble Stiles and I would be her by her side the whole way.

I took a moment to admire my honorary nephew and have a little one sided chat with him about the household he'd been born into.
"Well little man you have been born into something great, you may be confused sometimes why your mummy spends so much time sculpting and painting or why uncle Stiles is growing glowing fruit in the back yard. But all you need to remember is that we love you and always will"
I know he had no clue what I was babbling about but it made me feel better and eased my worries about bringing a child into this mission of ours. He'd be happy, no matter what we will make sure he is happy.

Then just as Agnes and Jack got settled it was wedding time. Can you tell im impatient yet? We debated about inviting the Goths but Agnes insisted. Of course she doesn't know that I know about Gunther yet. So the day came and I caught Agnes announcing Jack's arrival to her sister. By the look on Cornelia's face I doubt she know's Agnes' secret either.

I couldn't spend my special day worrying about Agnes though. I had the man of my dreams to focus on. The ceremony was enchanting, even with my belly between us, it just made the moment even more special having our nooboo at the altar with us. Both of us were absolutely entranced in the moment, thinking about our lives together.

Then I finally got to kiss my husband. My husband! Can you believe it? No one can ever say I don't know how to get what I want and now I had it. A beautiful, loving husband and a nooboo on the way. Everything was falling into place.

The celebrations continued inside as Stiles celebrated his Adult birthday. Age only made my man even more gorgeous, you have to admit he suits those sparkles.

There won't be any shortage of cake in the house for a while I'll tell you that. Now the mature man he is Stiles gave the wedding speech before cutting the cake. Also possibly because I couldn't do much more than stare at him, still baffled that this was really my husband.

We barely had a couple of hours to let the wedding bliss set in before a new reason to celebrate decided it was her time to arrive. I went into labor the morning after the wedding, still in my wedding 'dress' because I'd spent the whole night sculpting again. I stole a chance to gather my wits before this dynasty hit the ground running with the birth of our heir. I can't deny that I briefly doubted if this was the right choice for my family, but then I remembered the admiration I had for my father. He was a wealthy successful man who headed a massive empire I knew that. I also remembered that with all that he was also a loving and supportive father, constantly encouraging my own success. I wanted to be a Mother like that, a figure of guidance and encouragement for my daughter.

Within what seemed like a split second the center of my simverse shifted and I was holding my little girl. Harley Comic, my nooboo and a new contender for cutest member of the Comic household, watch out Jack.

Offline Phantome-A

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.3
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2015, 12:59:59 AM »
The birthdays have been rolling in left right and center lately. Honestly I have no clue what to do with all this cake. Next up was Agnes, celebrating at her sculpting station. I didn't even get a chance to express my guilt at not throwing a party before she informed me there was a reason she didn't announce it. Like myself she was personally invested in this dynasty and would've had to be dragged away from that station to celebrate her birthday when all it would do was fill our fridge with more cake. Secretly I think she just wanted to pretend she wasn't getting older. I may be facing generations of immortality but age is a very real thing for her.

So everything went on like clockwork until it was time for Jack to age up. This time we did decide to get him a cake, but opted for a family affair since Harley's birthday would be the next day and a joint party would save us a lot of hassle, plus Stile's might love playing the house husband but cleaning up after two parties in a row seemed like a bit much even for him.

And with a couple sparkles the comic household welcomed their first toddler, Jack is Artistic and Friendly. I get the feeling Agnes is hoping he will take after her in the artistic field.

With the added responsibility of children Stiles has shown a whole new side. He is a fantastic Uncle and Father spending the better part of his days caring for the kids while Agnes and I try our best to get on top of our sculpting duties. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better man to share my life with.

Just look at him he's a natural and the kids absolutely love him

Though our time is a little more stretched Agnes and I still take some to dote on the little ones. I'd live up to my word and make sure they always knew they were loved, even with Stiles taking care of most of the dirty nappies and bottle duties we'd still sneak in a cuddle when we could.

I'm still finding it hard to believe she's real. This giggling, gurgling little bundle is really a part of Stile's and I. I may be striving for greatness with this dynasty but Harley will always be my greatest achievement, for as long as I live. Which will hopefully be a really, really long time.

By the looks of it Agnes has been thinking exactly the same thing. I have to admit that grin is incredibly cute. The one thing we've all been ignoring though is the particular in'law Jack is growing to resemble more and more. Despite how much Agnes refuses to face it I'm afraid her secret will be a lot harder to keep come Jack's child birthday.

But for now her lips remain sealed so I remain a silent observer.

Harley and Jacks birthday party served as an adequate distraction for all of us, and a good excuse to take a break from our work and have a little fun. Though I didn't have the heart to tell Pauline that with all the cake we seem to be stock piling her pie probably wouldn't see the light of day.
Then Morgana was deeply distressed by our broken dishwasher, maybe someone should have informed her that broken appliances have been the last on our list of priorities lately.

Of course we weren't there to comment on our guests exaggerated behavior, we were there to celebrate the kids transition into toddlerhood. So it was time for me to do the honor of bringing Harley to the cake.

She's growing to look a lot like her dad and it is positively adorable. I do hope this, closing her eyes for photos won't become a thing. She wasn't playing the same game as Mummy that day indeed.

Though it was a toddlers birthday the grown ups were just as happy to party and I was pleasantly surprised by our guests. I'd heard horror stories about fights, potty accidents and even supernaturals dropping dead at dynasty parties but so far so good. We just had Agnes showing off in front of a rather disgruntled looking Gunther, Chris playing maid and Stiles feeding his caffeine addiction.

Well that's all I have time for, for now. I can hear Harley crying and it looks like Stiles has gone to the graveyard in search of seeds again. I really do wish he'd stop doing that so late, I mean it is a graveyard for petes sake. That man is fearless.

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.5
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2015, 12:41:56 AM »
I have an extremely exciting announcement. Agnes' relentless sculpting has paid off and she surprised me the other evening by informing me that she has finally mastered the art of the never melting ice sculpture. Now with myself being on level 8 of my career, 2 achievements away from mastering sculpting and Stiles growing some promising looking seedlings this dynasty is really taking off. I have my dedicated husband and friend to thank for that.

This achievement has opened up Agnes' days, giving her time to indulge in some other interests. Which happen to include baking, bring on the cupcakes.

She's even thinking about baking some cakes for Jack and Harleys fast approaching birthdays. I only have one thing to say to that, SLOW DOWN!!! my baby is growing way too fast. Stiles and I are finding it hard to accept that soon she will be too big to cuddle.

Just look at that little face she is such a darling wee girl. Stiles is certainly whipped by his little princess, rushing to fulfill her every need. Tickle monster duties are of the up most importance around here.

Stiles inevitably decided to leave his job at the theater finding full time parenthood far more rewarding, he now spends the better part of his day running after the little monsters.

As much as I wanted to, the kids impending birthdays couldn't be put off. So the parties were planned and we all prepared for chaos.

One of the first guests to arrive to Jack's party was Gunther, I caught Agnes having a conversation whith him on the front steps. Keeping my distance I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. She could've been talking about their son, or she may well have been asking about his new set of bright pink wings. I guess we will never know.

Though a rather pale looking Cornelia didn't seem to impressed with the interaction. Perhaps she's beginning to suspect something, like the fact that her nephew is also her son-in-law. Hmm?

Jack's birthday was tense to say the least but all us adults managed to put it behind us long enough to cheer little Jack through the birthday dance.

Oh my those lips... well there's no more guessing who his father is. Maybe now Agnes will finally talk to me, given the fact that her son resembles a mini Gunther.

But that would have to wait because the next day was birthday number two. Now it was my little princess' turn to grow up, much too fast might I add. Stiles stole one last snuggle I think this is hitting him harder than he lets on.

Then I brought Harley to the cake and put her down for the last time. She soaked up the spotlight doing her own little birthday dance. Like that the toddler years were behind us and the Child ones began.

So far she looks most like her father, though I am secretly hoping she will grow to posses some of my features as well.

On a side note, can anyone guess the theme for this Dynasty and it's heirs? Perhaps the kids new outfits will serve as a good hint? Not to mention the name...Comic?

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.5
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2015, 08:19:41 AM »
Comic book characters? Clark (Kent), Harley (Quinn)... Right?

This is really lovely! Will definitely be reading more!

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.5
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2015, 11:37:32 AM »
This is really a lot of fun to much drama with Agnes!

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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.5
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2015, 12:19:43 PM »
I picked up on the theme pretty early, but god forbid that Jack and Harley have the same kind of relationship their namesakes did. :P
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Re: Comic Immortal Dynasty Ch.5
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2016, 08:44:31 AM »
I'm moving this to the Stories Graveyard due to inactivity.  @Phantome-A - you can revive this story by contacting a moderator.

Original Storyboard:  Sims 3 Dynasty and Legacy Challenge Stories