Hey all! It's that time of year again. The time of year to start a story and ultimately never finish it! Kidding kidding, sort of. That is usually how it happens, but I'm going to be trying very hard to actually finish this time. That's why I'm doing a Legacy instead of a Dynasty. Not as hard and based more on points than absolute failure.
I am keeping track of scoring with a spreadsheet, but will be also add it here per generation. I'm fiddling with it a bit so that I can start on the 50 x 40 lot. I'll just be buying and putting another object into the inventory to put me at the right starting money. Other than that, all rules will be followed.
This Legacy will follow the Stone family. All members will be named after gems and precious stones. Chapter lists can be found under the generation it's about. Sorry about the short chapters, but I honestly prefer to tell my stories with pictures rather than words. Anyways, enjoy!
Succession LawsGender: Matriarchy
Bloodline: Strict Traditional
Heir: First Born
Species: Brood
Generation One: Ruby StoneTraits: Neat, Perfectionist, Creative
Ambition Traits: Muser
Completed Ambitions:
Maxed Skills: