Author Topic: [Solved] Bug with Queen Hatshepsut's questline quest "Online Dating + = <3"  (Read 4847 times)

Offline Troller99

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I have a problem with a quest in Egypt. The quest tells me to take a photograph of . Literally: "Take a photograph of ." With some weird empty space before the dot. I guess there the sim has been removed or something? I use Nraas Overwatch and ErrorTrap and since Overwatch removes homeless sims from the neighbourhood, maybe the target got removed? I have tried taking pictures of the quest giver, another person involved with the questline and some random people around town. I have tried putting the photograph from the camera into my inventory. Another thing I noticed was that every person in town aside from tourists had the yellow colored opportunity social option when I clicked on them, even though it was greyed out a bit, since I didn't have the photograph.
If anyone has had a situation where a target sim in an opportunity comes up as blank space, let me know.

Offline Troller99

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Re: Bug with Queen Hatshepsut's questline quest "Online Dating + = <3"
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 01:09:38 PM »
No luck on removing the mods. I am not sure how opportunities select the target sim, but if it is possible that the target is "homeless" and if it selects them before the quest is actually given out, then I'm basically done, because my sim was ready to complete the last quest with the relic from beneath the bazaar.

Also, the first link is actually a bit before the point in the questline I am at right now. I have done the bazaar, but not the personal chambers of the queen, since I don't have the keystone for it, since I can't finish the transition quest while the old bald guy figures the relic out. The second link just tells me to take a picture of Ameen Moussa, which doesn't help me much.

Thanks for trying though, I appreciate it. If anyone has any other ideas, be sure to hit me up. I have almost done everything I can think of, except leaving Egybt and coming back, and maybe reinstalling the game.

EDIT: Alright. I had already tried to cancel the quest before I posted here, but that didn't work. Now I cancelled the quest before I gave away the relic and did another quest. After that, I just checked for adventures and it worked! The target sims reset completely. Instead of the old bald guy I now had the quest giver as a lady with a rag on her head and the photo target is now Ameen Moussa. I guess patience really is a virtue.

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