Coming from TS3, i was searching to solve some of the problems i had playing the sims4.
It was not very obvious to me how to play the game through generations and townies.
If i select aging they just all died and if i started to jump between houses it seemed difficult to keep some consistency.
Then i decided to use dices. You can easely find virtual dices on internet or use real ones.
After some weeks of testing/playing i'm quite happy. It's helpful and more fun as before.
Let me explain.
I play session with one family only, between dice rolls.
I put aging for only the family i play.
I tried to reduce at most the use of the dices:
I roll 2 dices with 6 faces twice between sessions (so 2-12 as sum result, two times).
First roll (2 dices6): WHO? WHERE?sum of dices / choices
- 2 3 Change family + Travel
- 4 5 Change family + Stay on the lot
- 6 Free
- 7 8 9 Same family + Stay on the lot
- 10 11 12 Same family + Travel
More if you get these special dices in the sum :
[1] reward store open (1 reward available only for each sims, no youth potion)
"milk cow" open
"use of book of life" open
[6]buy/build mode open
[11] [66] ambrosia, potion of youth open
[16]changing aspiration open
[22] [44]Sims should not go on work (and school)
[33] [55]A social event or a date should be immediatly planned (if possible).
You can't end the event before gold medal reached.
There is no second dice roll: the session ends with the event.
Second roll (2 dices6) HOW? HOW LONG?- 2 3 watch until noon
- 4 watch until 6am
- 5 control before noon
- 6 control before 6am
- 7 control for a day (24hrs)
- 8 control before midnight
- 9 control before 9pm
- 10 watch until 9pm
- 11 12 watch until midnight
Notes:stay on lot: means you only control sims on the home lot
travel: means you only control sims not on the home lot
open: all what is open in the list of special dices is closed (no access) otherwise in the game.
watch: means your sims are acting without you, on their own freewill.
watch can last longer at your will, but not shorter
control: means you can play your sims and ask them to do what you want them to do.
control can last shorter, but not longer.
if you miss a term, you can use penalties (double the time in excess) for the next session.
I use full hours only, no mns.
CommentsThese is based on my liking and can be adapted on yours.
I like sims with different personalities, aspirations...
They have to die too after having prepared a new generation.
It's boring if each of your sims will top 2 careers (more if you use anti-aging a lot), fulfill all the aspiration and max all skills available in a single life.
A superheroes town all similar to each other, meh.
To avoid that, i included watching break, and restrictions lifted by special dices.
Watching fundamental was more to keep some balance in a sims life, more as to have to watch them.
There is always the fast speed option.
Nevertheless i guess sims freewill may surprise you if you don't use it often.
Enough dices for me but it's possible to add more (or less):
Pick a family from a specific part of the town; single, small or large family,children...
Travel to a (specific) community lot or visit
Holidays from O.R.
No social life/Stay indoor-outdoor/No skilling/Be happy/Be mean and reverse...
open/close: change career, clothes, friends, food, specific rooms,...
Still many more...
Some rules don't need dice, but this would be another topic to open.
If you change, it's more easy to use one single dice with a lot of sides as to take the sum of dices rolled together.
Probability may become complex to dispatch, if you chose to throw 3 dices with 6 faces (16 choices max from 3 to 18), it jumps from 36 to 36*6=216, something with 1/216 chance to occur may never happen in your game too.
Feel free to ask if something is not clear.
Any feedback will be deeply appreciated.