Author Topic: Mad Scientist  (Read 8752 times)

Offline athena

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Mad Scientist
« on: October 26, 2010, 04:35:36 AM »
My Sim had finally made it to the top of the science career as a Mad Scientist.
Now there is an option "Experiment On" whenever the cursor points to an
object with her as a character. I tried to experiment on the crib of the baby,
and the result was a pulsing glow under the crib, so far that's it. Who has
tried the "experiment on" other objects? Anything remarkable you have experienced? Thanks for sharing! :)

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Re: Mad Scientist
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2010, 05:29:29 AM »
Welcome to our Forum!

Experimenting on things will produce various results, both positive and negative.  The game will tell you the specific result after you do the experiment.  For example, the television will give a positive moodlet every time a Sim walks by.  Or the couch will make a noise when someone sits on it.  Thankfully, if it's a horrible result, the experiment can be reversed and the object will return to normal.
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Re: Mad Scientist
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2010, 05:00:50 PM »
Welcome to the forum!

Although Experiment On is very practical ingame I have to warn you too: the worst thing that actually can happen to your item undergoing an experiment isn't the danger it can ashes down in flames but that it can instantly vanish. And there is no other way to get it back than to reload your game. :(
I learned this the hard way, after loosing my hardly owned 5star fridge while experimenting on. :( I did preffer to reload the game and wasting 2 gameplay hours than to go through the whole culinary career again.
Sometimes offers need to be made to fully enjoy the game...

But the Experiment On can also be used to get really happy kids with a lot of LTW while they are still toddlers.
You've succesfully experimented on your cradle you've said? Well, do the same thing with gnomes and baby toys and put them around the cradle while your little one is in it, than the babysim will enjoy having the LTW's rolling in while sleeping. So many positive moodlets, your child sim will have enouth to buy some LTW rewards worth 10.000 points after growing up.

Offline athena

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Re: Mad Scientist
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2010, 08:38:28 PM »
Thanks for your early replies! Ive noticed someting about the experiments, if the pulsing glow is green - there will be good results related to the mood (I think) or other positive
aspect for the Sim who uses the object. If it is an orange pulsing glow - then the result
is negative... Thanks for letting me know that it can make the object vanish..I'll undo
the experiment on the crib, I cant afford to lose the crib with the baby in it! Ciao!


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Re: Mad Scientist
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2010, 06:18:05 PM »
Oh no, you don't have to be afraid of that! When the object is going to vanish it will do that right after your experiment goes wrong, and only than. After you get the green or yellow glowing circles, your experiment will not vanish.
And I don't think the cradle will vanish with a baby inside it just to take the little one to the big unknown. That would be just too... well, wrong.

