Author Topic: Disable the 'Supernatural' stuff for playing other Sims games?  (Read 11900 times)

Offline Darkskythe

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Hi, At the moment i have Late night, Ambitions and Showtime (and the Monte Vista world as it looks really nice).
I really fancy getting Supernatural expansion to create some 'supernatural' sims to play about in Moonlight Falls (and really like the look of Midnight Hollow as well) but my concern is i already have a few sims living in Sunset Valley and Starlight Shores and i don't want any of the 'Supernatural' elements interfering with those saves. Would like to keep my regular sims in a regular world (apart from the vampires from Late night - which i haven't encountered yet) without having any fairys, witches and zombies etc turn up and ruin it. Is this possible please ?

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Disable the 'Supernatural' stuff for playing other Sims games?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 04:06:01 PM »
Hi Darkskythe,

At the main menu (The one where you can select which saved-game to play) Click the option button (...) select Options from that menu. Check for the Advanced Demographics Options tab - It should be the last tab.

Make sure Story Progression is checked on.

Then uncheck each of the types you don't want in your game. You can also opt your household out of the celebrity system by unchecking it.

When finished, click the checkmark and your done.

You can also use cheats to turn off supernaturals in the town your playing in.

To do this, press Ctrl+Shift+C at the same time to bring up the cheat console. Type in testingcheatsenabled on or true then hit enter. -- When done with the cheat, type in testingcheatsenabled false.

Shift-Click on the mailbox of your active family. Select Supernatural Population Control. Then select Remove Supernatural Sims from the world.

Hope this helps, :)

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Offline Darkskythe

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Re: Disable the 'Supernatural' stuff for playing other Sims games?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 06:24:58 PM »
That is awesome, thank you so much. AS you can tell, i'm new to the sims 3. Played the first one many years ago and my daughter asked me to watch her sim on her tablet while she was having a shower (my daughter, not the sim lol) and it suckered me back in. Looked at all the games that have come out over the years and decided t give sims 3 a go, dont know why it just appealed to me more than sims 4 (plus, thats one i can try when i get a new pc).
Thank you again for that advice, will  get supernatural in the next couple of days and give it a try :)

Hi Darkskythe,

At the main menu (The one where you can select which saved-game to play) Click the option button (...) select Options from that menu. Check for the Advanced Demographics Options tab - It should be the last tab.

Make sure Story Progression is checked on.

Then uncheck each of the types you don't want in your game. You can also opt your household out of the celebrity system by unchecking it.

When finished, click the checkmark and your done.

You can also use cheats to turn off supernaturals in the town your playing in.

To do this, press Ctrl+Shift+C at the same time to bring up the cheat console. Type in testingcheatsenabled on or true then hit enter. -- When done with the cheat, type in testingcheatsenabled false.

Shift-Click on the mailbox of your active family. Select Supernatural Population Control. Then select Remove Supernatural Sims from the world.

Hope this helps, :)
