I did a little more digging and searched Lifetime wish not showing up in Create a Sim. Have you tried clearing out your game cache and/or resetting your Sims?
-- Delete the Game Cache Files
socialCache.package, Sims3Logs.xml, simCompositorCache.package, scriptCache.package, ompositorCache.package, and CasPartCache.package
Also delete everything except Ccmerged.package file in the DCBackup folder. (Delete the contents of the folder, not the folder itself) -- Be sure to leave Ccmerged.package alone.
--> Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3 > DCBackup
-- Resetting Sims
In Edit Town mode - Press Shift-Ctrl-C keys together to bring up cheat console.
For the whole town - resetsim *
For individual Sims - resetsim FirstName LastName
If reset Sim doesn't work, try evicting your family and moving them back into their house to see if that helps.
Reset Town and/or Individual Sims Evict household Howto
http://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,20732.msg401812.html#msg401812If neither of those tips help, have you tried going back to a previous game before things started messing up? To see if that might help?
I'm sorry if I'm not a whole lot of help. I haven't experienced this problem myself. So best thing I can do is search it out.