Author Topic: Snow/Winter Options  (Read 3441 times)

Offline igor140

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Snow/Winter Options
« on: July 19, 2015, 09:22:09 AM »
So, my twins are in high school... and have only been to school once.  ever. 

I like the fact that it is winter and there is snow, but is there a way to make it snow a LITTLE less? 

Also, where is EA headquarters?  Finland?  It is absolutely ridiculous that it snows the equivalent of seven months a year.  I have literally seen it snowing the third day of summer in this game.  That is just stupid.  Is there any way to edit this without removing weather entirely?  And yes, i have tried tweaking the length of seasons, but that a) causes problems because it confuses the game and b) seems cheap.

Are there any other options?

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Snow/Season Options
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2015, 01:48:32 PM »
I'm sorry you are having a frustrating time with the game. Have you tried playing around with the season options, more than just the length of days?

To Change the seasons options go to Options > Seasons Tab (2nd to last tab) and change around the options until you find something you like.

For example, you can turn off Winter and/or snow. Or make it to where you have less snow days and more Spring/Summer/Fall days.

This actually shouldn't confuse the game. It should auto-correct itself and skip either the season if you have Winter turned off, or skip the snow if you have snow turned off.

When I had Seasons installed I had to have Rain and Hail turned off due to the lightening in the game. It didn't bother my game at all. I've also played with snow on but at a max of 3/4 days and it wasn't too bad.

So if you haven't already, try playing with the options.

Hope this helps, :)

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Offline igor140

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Re: Snow/Winter Options
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2015, 02:53:28 PM »
I appreciate your reply!

Looking around these settings, where do you set the number of snow days?  I once tried adjusting the number of winter days (down to 4 days, and upped all other seasons to 8 each), but the game started doing really weird things.  After the first couple "years", I ended up with 75 degrees in mid winter and 21 degrees in late summer.  Also, people were wearing heavy coats in the early fall, when it was 84 degrees.  So i'd prefer not to tweak the proportion of seasons, if i can avoid it.

And really, the only significant problem i have is school being canceled because of snow... But i don't want to take out ice skating, snowmen, snowball fights, etc.  Is there a way to just turn off the school canceling?

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Snow/Winter Options
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2015, 04:10:06 PM »
How I adjusted the number of days a year has was I scrolled the length down to 3/4 days for Winter and then adjusted the other season days to whatever, maybe giving Summer or Spring some extra days.

I don't think you can turn off school getting canceled for snow days. It's one of those things that the game just does.

The only way I can think of to actually make it to where school doesn't get snow days = school canceled is to turn off off snow, by unchecking it.

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Offline igor140

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Re: Snow/Winter Options
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2015, 06:07:37 PM »
hmm... do you know off-hand if disabling the snow will also disable the other snow-related activities (snowmen, snowballs, etc)?  if not, i suppose i could test it...

in the meantime-- and completely unrelated-- is it normal for my live-in butler to make food CONSTANTLY?  this is the second one i've had (the first one literally disappeared one day), and they both make piles and piles of unnecessary food.  it's not a huge deal, considering it i make $80,000/ wk from real estate alone, but it's still kind of annoying when i can't find an open surface in my kitchen because every counter has a plate of something i didn't want (she makes a lot of mushroom plates... blech).

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Snow/Winter Options
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2015, 06:19:05 PM »
I'm going to have to take a guess on this one and say it may disable the snow related activities due to there not being any snow. Go ahead and test that thought, if you'd like. :)

In my very-limited experience with butlers they do seem to make piles and piles of meals. I'm not sure why that is, unless it's due to them being bored or not having a lot to do.

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