I have a question: I was having some issues with the mods that I added to my Sims3 folder ( in documents (win 7) ). When I first created the mod folder I assumed it was the one that the game was pulling from in the first place. It did not accrue to me that I should have checked the saved folder to verify that I was pulling from the correct folder. When I started the game again, It was pulling from the second SIMS3 folder I had in the picture>document>electronic arts>sims3. All the saved/downloaded content was not available. I just assumed that they adding the mod folder caused it to wipe everything. I did not realize that I had two LOCATIONS with Sims3 folders in it.
When I realized this, I just took everything from my older folders and copy/pasted them to the new one. I did not change the name of either of the folder. Well then I started having issues with the game loading. It would load to 99% and just sit there. I found this site looking for an answer. I found some solution, but was still having issues. Now, I uninstalled the sims3 game and now im reinstalling it now, which will take about 2 hours. I saved all the saved sims/download content on my desktop.
Will I still be able to use the content even if I copy and past then in to the correct folders?