What I've been doing thus far is just separating and containing different rooms with different skills.
I have one room that has a piano, easels, a computer, guitar, violin, and kids activity table. It's a fairly large room, and this is a legacy I'm talking about so this is after 4+ generations of collecting from careers/aspirations. I've taken to dumping any career rewards that have the inspiring aura in there and keep them on at all times.
I have another room with the chess table, bookshelf, an empty desk (for children's homework), a computer, the woodworking table, and the child's potions table. I've dumped all the rewards from focused-aura careers there and keep those on. Also, the couch from the tech guru career can be put next to the bookshelf for quick reading.
I made the kitchen and area just outside of the kitchen inspirational (as that is where cooking, gourmet cooking and mixology is performed).
Upstairs, I separated out several bedrooms. My sims hardly use the bedrooms for sleep anymore though, but I have a room with a flirty painting in it (good for dates, just drag your two sims up "together" and flirt while flirty!). I have angry paintings on the wall in one of the bedrooms next to a computer for quick mischief skill gain. Another bedroom has the playful lamps/rewards and a comedian microphone, and last but not least one of the bathrooms has a confident painting in it always so my Sim can skill up Charisma at the mirror after psyching themselves up.
Outside, I have several (dozens) of focused lamps surrounding the garden/rocketship/telescope/microscope area to maintain focus while doing that.
Sometimes the rooms seem a bit small/crowded, so I expand them a little or shift things around, but thus far, this has been working to keep my sanity all while balancing an ever-changing/growing/shrinking household for 10+ generations. Perhaps something like this could work for you?