Author Topic: Michael Lee Harker, Intergalactic Sim of Mystery (COMPLETED 14/10/16)  (Read 6676 times)

Offline bookloverblue

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Not since the days of Sherlock Holmes has there been a detective as intelligent as Michael Lee Harker. He solves mysteries with ease... but the greatest mystery is that of his own origin. Born to a scientist under the strangest of circumstances, Michael hides a massive secret from the rest of the world. This story begins before his birth and follows his life up to his efforts to stop a crime wave in his adult years. But could his career and his bizarre heritage soon be connected?

Story contents include aliens, male (alien) pregnancy, and general sci-fi strangeness! All feedback would be MASSIVELY appreciated!

Michael Lee Harker, Intergalactic Sim of Mystery

Offline Joria

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Re: Michael Lee Harker, Intergalactic Sim of Mystery (last update 07/02/16)
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 03:26:27 PM »
First of all, welcome to the forum, the friendliest place in town.   ;D  Ok, you've got me hooked.  I'm a sucker for good writing and so far your story is really well written.  I've only read the first chapter, and already feel a bit bemused by Michael's foray into romance.  Totally oafed out with that knocking the vial out of her hand.  So sweet.  Thank you for posting the links and for making it so easy to read.  Some blogs are so cluttered with the print so difficult to ready that I give up right away but yours are really great.  (Elderly eyes here.)  Bookmarked!
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Re: Michael Lee Harker, Intergalactic Sim of Mystery (last update 07/02/16)
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2016, 05:10:20 PM »
I like the story and most of all the characters a lot, they have endearing personalities :)
I also found the pregnancy chapter funny, because I'm currently taking screenshots for a story with this kind of pregnancy and you described the symptoms almost the same way as I did LOL !
I was also intrigued by the aborted story of the Mortan-Murdacs, I'd have liked to see more ! The vampire-witch hybrids are really cool :)

Offline bookloverblue

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Re: Michael Lee Harker, Intergalactic Sim of Mystery (last update 07/02/16)
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2016, 09:42:26 AM »
First of all, welcome to the forum, the friendliest place in town.   ;D  Ok, you've got me hooked.  I'm a sucker for good writing and so far your story is really well written.  I've only read the first chapter, and already feel a bit bemused by Michael's foray into romance.  Totally oafed out with that knocking the vial out of her hand.  So sweet.  Thank you for posting the links and for making it so easy to read.  Some blogs are so cluttered with the print so difficult to ready that I give up right away but yours are really great.  (Elderly eyes here.)  Bookmarked!

@Joria - Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm very touched by your kind words. I've lost a lot of confidence in my writing lately, so this really helped me.

I'm glad that Gabriel's meeting with Katerina peaked your interest! (It never occurred to me how similar his name is to Michael's!) I do try to make my blog as clutter-free and readable as possible, but I will happily offer other formats if need be!

Offline bookloverblue

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Re: Michael Lee Harker, Intergalactic Sim of Mystery (last update 07/02/16)
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2016, 09:45:53 AM »
I like the story and most of all the characters a lot, they have endearing personalities :)
I also found the pregnancy chapter funny, because I'm currently taking screenshots for a story with this kind of pregnancy and you described the symptoms almost the same way as I did LOL !
I was also intrigued by the aborted story of the Mortan-Murdacs, I'd have liked to see more ! The vampire-witch hybrids are really cool :)

@Candyd - Thank you so much!

I also liked the Mortan-Murdacs, but sadly The Sims 3 affected my laptop quite badly. At the end, it wasn't so much on life support as trying to raise Lazarus from the dead! The Sims 4 runs a lot more smoothly on my setup - I'm really hoping more life states are released soon so they can make a comeback!

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Re: Michael Lee Harker, Intergalactic Sim of Mystery (COMPLETED 14/10/16)
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2016, 11:56:18 AM »
Congratulations.  I'm moving this over to the completed stories board.