Hi Sonshine,
Hubby and I did a test game to see if we could duplicate the problem (Replacing lots).
Our best guess is that there are lots that just can not be replaced if/when the original lot gets bulldozed. We're thinking these lots may have been placed using EA's version of Create A World.
We got messages like:
Can't place on unrouteable terrain
Can't place on Roads
Can not place on lots - acting as if there's already a lot there, when there isn't.
I found I can place a 64x64 lot somewhat at 2345 Waning way. It won't place exactly in the same place as original lot, but slightly to the side.
Hubby found:
36 Riverside Terrace
If you bulldoze this 64x64 lot, you cannot place any lots against the road.
20 Paradise Drive
We're able to bulldoze and replace this 64x64 lot with any lot size we want.
I'm not sure if there's anyway to actually fix this. Maybe try (?) creating a new game with the same town? But can't promise that will exactly help. As when you bulldoze some lots, there's just no way to replace them.