A while ago, I packed my sim off to boarding school (LeFromage, in case that's relevant).
Sims in my household include:
1)Young adult - female (her mother)
2) Plumbot (not there when problem started)
3) Baby (not there when problem started.
Her father, who was a genie (but after she was born), died

But everytime I go on that sims game, her icon is invisible! In relationships her face isn't there, her actual sim icon is grey and just says the typical boarding school message. Every expansion pack is installed with the Movie Stuff Pack also being installed. The only glimpse of her face I've seen is on the adventure journal, though even then it looks
nothing like her (it looks like an adult sim from the sims 2). I've had this trouble for a very long time now, here's what I've tried:
1) Removing her from boarding school, using the phone and the computer. The typical "are you sure you want to do this?" message pops up then she never returns.
2) Using the resetSim cheat. Still nothing happens.
3) Moving house. It just doesn't work. It says processing but, when processing is finished, the game just freezes.
4) Moving town. Same problem.
5) Merging another household with mine. Nothing happens.
delete the sim if I could just get rid of the icon...any help?