Author Topic: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Behind-the-scenes 9/4/18  (Read 89574 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Epilogue up! 9/3/18
« Reply #105 on: September 04, 2018, 02:06:52 PM »
Congratulations to Blakely, the new King!
Oddly, the other two candidates hadn't really wanted to rule, anyway, so I guess all things really turned out for the best.

I was surprised Beatrice didn't inform King Darian of her news about Adrian immediately, rather than letting King Darian announce the winner first.
Still, I really liked how King Darian let his "rivals" decide among themselves whether Adrian's genealogy should be the deciding factor.
How wonderful, though, that both Beatrice and Adrian will be able to serve the kingdom in the roles they feel suit them best.
Although I  imagine all three would always remain loyal supporters and gracious losers, no matter who'd win.

The Royal Kingdom Challenge seems so incredibly complex due to the numerous households involved in the kingdom.
Greatly looking forward to meeting everyone!


Hehe, none of them really wanted it lol, but it was also me trying some foreshadowing as I played through the challenge.  I really didn't have a favorite candidate for the monarch.  I enjoy them all, in different ways. But as the next bit I'm going to post will explain, things didn't quite go as I thought they would XD

Beatrice was fighting with herself a little. She felt duty bound to say something, but didn't actually want to. Especially since she didn't know if Adrian knew or not, so she knew it would be quite a blow. I'm glad you enjoyed it with Darian.  He may be a bit shocked that Adrian is his nephew, but in some ways, it was as much a test for them as anything else and they handled it as he thought (and hoped really). So even though Blakely will be King, he has the support of the other two and their families which is what Darian had hoped.

Yeah, the RKC is going to be a beast of a project lol, but I like all the planning and whatnot.  The families I will actually be playing aren't as hard to keep track of, but it's keeping track of all the kingdoms that can get a little crazy hehehe.  But we'll see how it goes!

Is your RKC going to be in this thread or a new one? a.k.a. if I need to move it to Completed Stories or not ;)


I have one more post, a behind the scenes look, which I will be posting directly after this, then the story itself is completed ^^ So it can be moved to the Completed stories board.  The RKC will have its own topic.  Thanks for checking!

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Re: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Epilogue up! 9/3/18
« Reply #106 on: September 04, 2018, 02:13:36 PM »
Behind the Scenes of One to Rule Them All #1

So, now that we know who are winner is- Congratulations to Blakely!  I thought I'd give everyone a bit of behind the scenes information, show a bit of my favorite shots that didn't make the chapters for one reason or another and take you through some of the actual requirements they made.

First off, we all know how skilling can be, the sims going to work etc.  It doesn't make for such an exciting story, at least not how I write it XD So to avoid that, I am trying to do actual character arcs, or at least the story is focused on the characters.  This was an ideal challenge for that, and one of the reasons I wanted to start with it before I delved fully into the Royal Kingdom Challenge.

So, first off, the set up.  Set up took months for this.  I started with bull dozing Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, and Brindleton Bay.  Then I deleted the normal townies. The only townies I didn't delete right away were the Villareals.  I had the idea from the start that Windenburg was going to be Newcrest's "sister" kingdom in a lot of ways and the fact that they went through a civil war was important, since it was the reason the King needed to choose a successor and avoid a war.  I thought the Villareals were a good fit for what I wanted.  So I put them into CAS, deleted all the kids and aged Jacques down.  Then I used genetics to create his parents, then his father's parents.  That's how Ezekiel and Camille came into being.

I wanted a bit of variety, and Ezekiel was the type to ignore some conventions, I created Nina as a servant and then gave the two of them a son.  Thus Gunner came into being.

Windenburg was also one of the only towns I didn't bulldoze entirely.  I did bulldoze Dresden House (I wanted that 64 x 64 lot to have the castle on it) and so I downloaded Windenburg Castle by PierrePiguet_ from the gallery.

1tRTA #1.jpg

I did much of the building first in Newcrest.  Started with the castle and went from there.  I already had a good idea for my royal and nobles and as I built, I got more ideas for the other families I'd be playing.  I gave things a history which ended up being a lot of fun.  All my builds are available on the gallery. Using #Wolfie #carlsguide #RKC should bring them all up.  My Origin ID is (surprise, surprise) Shewolf13.

As I said, I had ideas for each of the noble families in particular as I was building and in some ways, they were the beginning inspiration for the One to Rule Them All Challenge.

Most of the screenshots are taken straight from gameplay.  However, certain scenes, I do have other files where I go in and take pictures to use for the story itself to help supplement or explain a few things.  This one, I have to share.  When I set up the prologue with King Darian writing in his journal, I wanted a picture to hang above that he could look at.  The one I chose, I knew was from the vampire game pack.  I had no idea that it goes from a picture of a nice lady to well- I'll let the picture speak for itself:

1tRTA #2.jpg

I about died; I may even have yelled a bit XD  It really did come as a bit of a shock.  But I enjoyed it too much to not use it anyway hehehehe

So, we all know I have a softspot for Blakely.  In fact, if there were any of my sims I'd put in my own personal savefile, he'd definitely be one of them.  So I had to show you this shot of him dancing *snickers*

1tRTA #3.jpg

Not only is he a "terrific" dancer, but Blakely is a master of disguise as well!  This is him trying to talk to a witness at a crime scene.  Um... Blakely, your wife is the witch, you aren't!  How did you do that?

1tRTA #4.jpg

Speaking of his wife, Adisa was at every crime scene he ever went to in one form or another.  I thought it was great.  I had always had the idea of pairing them, but I do have this unspoken rule that for the most part, in order to form a relationship with another sim, they have to meet them out and about.  Well, Adisa was everywhere Blakely was lol!  She also has friendships with several others as well, including Adrian and Gunner.

Speaking of Adrian, during the dinner party with the Xaviers, he and Marisa were getting quite close in the spa room downstairs.  This was all autonomous, which I thought was great fun!

1tRTA #5.jpg

So something that happened in game, which I was not expecting and which I was really disappointed I couldn't figure out a way to work it into the story was, during a club meeting, Vlad (a club member) drowned/burned to death (I still don't actually know which). Except, Adrian was able to plead for his life!  It was awesome.  I can count on one hand the times I've been able to plead successfully.

1tRTA #6.jpg

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King Darian isn't all somber and regal all the time either.  He thought to have fun with young Adrian during their meeting hehehehehe

1tRTA #8.jpg

So during Beatrice's trip to Selvadorado, she saw a few familiar faces:

Such as, the King of Windenburg, King Kellen.

1tRTA #9.jpg

Sooo, Mira was my first kitten in game and I went a bit crazy with photos of her XD She was so cute!  I couldn't help myself XD

1tRTA #10.jpg

Ironies of ironies, I had to laugh when I saw that Beatrice's future mother-in-law worked at the hospital heh.

1tRTA #11.jpg

I just- I love this pic and had to share it XD  Mira greeted Beatrice once she returned from Selvaderado and this was just too cute!

1tRTA #12.jpg

That concludes the first rotation of shots that I wanted to share.  On to the second week.

I so wish Blakely would change into this outfit more, because I think he looks awesome in it.

1tRTA #13.jpg

While at work, Blakely has to go talk to the Chief of Police, right? I think he's trying his smolder out on her here:

1tRTA #14.jpg

It would totally work on me, let me tell you XD However... the Chief of Police was having none of it XD

1tRTA #15.jpg

I'm not sure what it is about my male sims, but they all try the smolder look.  Some with less success than others.  Here's Adrian trying it out on Marisa.  Good thing she loves him, even when he is a dork XD

1tRTA #16.jpg

Adrian's expressions were some of my favorite.  His wide eyes are great.

1tRTA #17.jpg

Apparently, Queen Emilia of Windenburg has no qualms about public displays of affection XD

1tRTA #18.jpg

Poor Maxim; I can hear his thoughts.  "Oi, humans! Would you two get a room already!  I'm already gonna have a brother or sister as it is!"

1tRTA #19.jpg

I just really love this screenshot. Toddlers hugging their parents just make me go "Awwww!" Adrian is family-oriented, so his whims almost always evolve around his family.

1tRTA #20.jpg

I giggled a bit too hard at this because I have a cat.  I know how it is XD  They want to be everywhere you are... regardless of how inconvenient XD I would not have been surprised if Mira had tried to jump up there with them.

1tRTA #21.jpg


As promised, here are some of the details and inner workings of the challenge itself.  For those who haven't read the rules, each family that is competing has to pick an option (1 of 7 choices).  Each option has requirements that must be met.  The first one to meet all the requirements of their option is the winner.  So in essence, this is a race.

For Blakely, he had the Military option. His requirements were completing Bodybuilder Aspiration, maxing fitness and wellness, mentoring other Sims for 10 hours, level 6 or higher of athletic, detective, or space ranger career, as well as getting at least a silver wedding, and having an heir born.

Chart #1.JPG

Normally, the Bodybuilder aspiration seems to take forever to me.  That and because I chose detective career, I had no idea how it would go with Blakely.  But in reality, he cranked through his stuff rapidly.  As you can see, he completed everything by Friday of the 3rd week, at 12:12pm.  In fact, the only thing he was waiting on was the birth of his heir.  Once Zach was born, he had locked in his score.

Adrian had the Diplomatic option.  His requirements included: completing two of the popularity aspirations, maxing charisma and comedy, having 12 good friends, get to level 6 of political, business, or critic career as well as achieve silver or better for his wedding and bring in an heir. I also started him as a teen.

Chart #2.JPG

I was surprised at how well Adrian started off.  I normally avoid the popularity aspirations if at all possible (I'm a bit of an introvert, so having my sims interact with others outside is not my cup of tea), but Adrian had his aspirations both done super quick. That meant he also maxed charisma incredibly early as well.  Of course, he couldn't start on his career until after he aged up and I wasn't sure how that would go. I did have him spend his points on Connections, hoping to give him a leg up once he did start (I didn't really concentrate on his grades at the time; it seemed more in character that he could take or leave school XD).

By week 3, he had everything (including the birth of his daughter) completed but maxing comedy, a level in his career and finishing up his friends. He only had one or two more to go. His career got bugged a couple of days (his work from home assignment wouldn't appear as an option, sadly), but he did eventually get a promotion. But trying to get comedy maxed and taking care of a toddler, plus finding a new friend, he just didn't quite make it.  Once Friday rolled around and he still had 4 or more levels to go, it wasn't going to happen.  So then he had fun with his daughter XD

Beatrice had the Scholarly option, of course. Her requirements included completing two of the following aspirations: Bestselling Author, Nerd Brain, Archeology Scholar, Renaissance Sim, The Curator, and Jungle Explorer; maxing four skills; create a collection of 10 written works (could also have 10 collectibles); must reach level 6 of either the doctor, writing, scientist, or tech guru careers; achieve a silver or better wedding and bring in an heir.

Chart #3.JPG

Honestly, I thought I'd smash her requirements.  At one time, I could get through Bestselling Author in less than a Sim week (from playing challenges like 13 ghosts and just always having a writer sim). But for some reason, perhaps because I was woefully out of practice or just too complacent, it took a lot of time and just couldn't seem to get there.  Adding in Archaelogy Scholar, which was an aspiration I hadn't yet done was the second mistake.  So from the beginning, Beatrice was just behind. Even after her marriage to Gunner, their first couple woohoos (I have Risky Woohoo on; there is no option to Try for Baby) resulted in no pregnancy.

I did not set out to make any of them the Monarch over the others.  But as each week with them unfolded, it was apparent that Blakely had a leg up.  Storywise, none of them actually wanted to rule, but they felt it a duty to try. So, there you have it. 

I hope everyone who read along enjoyed my story and will enjoy the upcoming fun of the RKC.  I'm always up for suggestions, comments, and if you have ideas, etc, don't hesitate to PM me!  Thank you so much for reading!

Thank you!.jpg

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Re: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Epilogue up! 9/3/18
« Reply #107 on: September 04, 2018, 02:23:47 PM »
Oops, I posted this a bit after you posted your update.
But I'm going to leave mine as it is.


Here's a quickie question that I'd been meaning to ask but kept forgetting.
I'd noticed that Adrian Rosa's name is an anagram for King Darian's name.
I'd figured out Adrian's paternity because of his mother Ferina fiddling with her locket, but was the Darian/Adrian naming also a clue?

Though I've been a staunch Blakely fan throughout, I still believe things worked out for the best.
Adrian is rather laid back and now will be able to offer his "people skills" to the kingdom--he's great at connecting with people from all classes as the king's "heart."
Beatrice is the most intelligent of the three but lacks diplomacy. She will be brilliant as the king's "brain."
Blakely will be a great king. I love his household, too. Does that mean his dog is now Prince Maxim?

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Behind-the-scenes 9/4/18
« Reply #108 on: September 04, 2018, 02:51:27 PM »

Oh wow, ha!  I actually did not do that on purpose.  Or at least not intentionally.  I came up with Adrian's parentage later on, though there might have been some leaning towards it even before lol, but no, I was not that clever sadly. I love what you notice!

You have some terrific points in there.  Each is well suited for what they need to do.  Blakely has a great team in those who pledged their loyalty to him and I think he'll be good at balancing it all. Hehehe, yes, in essence, I'd say Maxim is a Prince. But I'm also terribly biased XD Since I love him.

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Re: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Behind-the-scenes 9/4/18
« Reply #109 on: September 04, 2018, 02:56:42 PM »
Thank you for sharing how the royal competition worked.
With only a single aspiration and two skills to complete for the Military bloodline, I can understand how Blakely would finish first.
But I can't really think of a second appropriate Military aspiration...Jungle Explorer?

Were Adrian and Beatrice allowed to buy reward traits and switch lot traits? Like Incredibly Friendly/Convivial lot trait for Adrian?
Adrian's Scholarly bloodline looks the hardest of the three, for sure.  All that time she spends writing, she can't work on her other three skills.
Lol, Bestselling Author! I've had a teen sim who took an entire week to produce his three bestsellers. I don't remember if he had the Perfectionist trait or not.
I love the Book of Life, though. The Curator with 10 MySims trophies for the win! Haha, but it doesn't seem quite as scholarly...

It sounds like you really enjoyed trying new things out (who can resist Archaeology Scholar) and, most important for you, creating strong narrative backgrounds for these three families.
Also, I have no complaints whatsoever that Blakely won!
So many wonderful screenshots but Blakely is rocking that green variation of the Final Fantasy XV outfit!

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Re: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Behind-the-scenes 9/4/18
« Reply #110 on: September 04, 2018, 03:21:36 PM »

Yeah, I underestimated the time for Blakely, that's for sure.  But always before, I always felt like Bodybuilder takes forever.  I think in a lot of ways, because the early levels, where they get fatigued and/or sore does make it hard for them to do.  As they level in fitness, it becomes easier, but does still take a while, at least to me.  But yeah, couldn't really think of anything else for Military option.  Jungle Explorer would be closest, I think, but even that not quite. Feel like until they release some other form of aspiration, either for wellness or unless they add something in like Simfu (one of my favorite skills from Sims 3, mind you hehehe), think might keep it that way or add another skill.

There were no restrictions on buying reward traits, which did help.  In fact, that helped Adrian.  The biggest issue with him and his friends was that his watcher messed up XD I accidentally used a different greeting a couple times as opposed to the friendly one which I found out doesn't count for the Incredibly Friendly reward XD So that was my fault. Otherwise, he'd have had the friends first thing.

Yeah, Beatrice's Scholarly option was the hardest, but I was foolish to think I could do it quickly XD I had this plan and it just- didn't seem to work as well as I had hoped.  Yes, the Book of Life is just amazing.

I did.  I truly did enjoy trying new things.  I tend to stick to a few kind of characters, a few kinds of skills and aspirations.  Because of the nature of this, with so many components and different sims, thought it was a good way to get me out of my comfort zone and it would keep me from getting bored lol.  That and using MCCC has proven to be fun, even in this shorter challenge.

Hehehe, yes, such a staunch #TeamBlakely fan!  It was actually a lot of fun to see who would side with who. And yeah, those were my favorite screenshots out of the huge amount I took (most weeks had 100+ screenshots, though not every single one). I was always disappointed he didn't pick that outfit more often! I also got a charge about seeing all these Sims out and about that I created hehehe. 

Thanks so much oshizu for reading and commenting.  I am going to set up the RKC now!  Might even get the Prologue up today, but we'll see how it goes.

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Re: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Behind-the-scenes 9/4/18
« Reply #111 on: September 06, 2018, 09:30:29 AM »
Moving to Completed Stories, enjoy the road ahead!
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Re: 1.4: Beginning to Bloom
« Reply #112 on: October 23, 2018, 08:43:06 AM »
1.4: Beginning to Bloom
Adrian hugged her again and the two separated.  Adrian climbed back into the car.  As it whisked him back toward home, he had to swallow.  He hoped he was right about Marisa.  Only time would tell.

Ohh yes please! I ship Adrian and Marisa already. Marisa looks so gorgeous and is so elegant. Also, I come from a country where arranged marriages are the norm (they are never forced though...unless you have a really crappy family) so I would love to see these two find happiness in an arranged marriage too.

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Re: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Behind-the-scenes 9/4/18
« Reply #113 on: October 24, 2018, 02:02:28 AM »
^^ I hope you won't be disappointed in how the story unfolds! Thanks for reading!

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Re: 1.6: Order Will Be Maintained
« Reply #114 on: November 06, 2018, 08:33:59 AM »
1.6: Order Will Be Maintained

When she got home, after changing, Beatrice sat in her chair in the study.  She had to take a deep breath.  She wouldn't allow this situation to get to her.  She would deal with it just as she dealt with everything else: calmly and coolly.  She wouldn't allow herself to do it any other way.  It affecting other aspects of her life; that simply couldn't stand.  It wouldn't stand.  She would marry Gunner.  She would see he got his sanctuary.  After that- well, they would attend to it after it was so.

I feel so bad for Beatrice. I hope by the end of this story she gets her happily ever after.