I recently downloaded Nraas Story Progression after being reccommended it on Reddit. Basically, I don't like inactive Sims doing big milestones, and want to disable them. I wanted to turn off aging, pregnancies, getting new jobs, and promotions for inactive Sims, kind of like Sims 2. I'm cool with Sims doing their own thing, but I just don't want them doing important things without me haha!
I installed Story Progression fine, and get lots of new story notifications - that bit seems to work! However, any of my own modifications dont seem to have any effect... I've turned Death: Aging to false for everything except active household, yet since playing for an hour, loads of sims still became old! And not only the puppy from another household grew up, it also had it's own puppies. Lastly, I've gotten loads of notifications of sims starting new jobs (which all seem to be Magician based, for some reason... that's probably just a coincidence though!) I keep checking all the settings, and I've turned practically everything to false related to pregnancies, and careers, so I'm really stuck.
I understand Story Progression is there to make the SP element more interesting, and I'm fully aware I'm using it to disable autonomous features that couldn't be turned off using the default EA options, so if it's the wrong tool, and there is a better one for the job, please tell me. Also, if anyone has uploaded Sims 2 style settings for story progression, I would really appreciate bing linked to them! Thank you