So I made my family's youngest son have the Serial Romantic aspiration - his three older siblings all settled down early in young adulthood and I thought it would be fun to have him play the field for a while. Anyway, one night I sent him out to the bars to try to find a new lady while the rest of the family slept, and I had noticed it was really easy to get other sims to be flirty with him (even a married one), so I thought, what the heck, let's see if he's able to just flirt and do romantic interactions right away without being rejected, and he was! He had no previous knowledge of this girl or friendship of any kind, but she accepted his romantic advances right away. I went into CAS to see if she had the romantic trait and she didn't, she didn't have a romance aspiration either.
I know the alluring trait is supposed to make it more likely that your romantic advances will be accepted, but is it supposed to be that easy? Also important to note, he hasn't completed the aspiration yet, just the first part of it. He's stuck on getting to Level 4 Charisma because quite frankly I am already concentrating on building his Logic, Fitness, and Rocket Science skills because he just started the Astronaut career.
Does the alluring trait really make it that easy to woo the ladies? (Or guys if they so choose lol)