Name: Micro-brick
Lot Size: 10x10
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 3
Cost when placed on lot: §64,832
Cost when placed on lot unfurnished: §27,613
Requires expansion/Sims 3 store content: Ideally, just base game - I did my best to not use any store items, free or otherwise, or any expansions. However, you must be patched up to the most recent due to spiral stairs.
My very first Swap Shop upload!
This house is perfect for a family who is looking to keep their property taxes low low low. Three bedrooms gives plenty of space for you to bring your parents and your children too! Clever planning gives the athletes a place to work out, children to play, and a family den in the basement for bonding time! The not-so-secret gem is the small office that faces the carport. Don't like cars? Turn it into a small garden or an outdoors play area, the possibilities are endless!
Hope you enjoy it.