Author Topic: The Rodgers-Goth Family (complete)  (Read 16045 times)

Offline Jafa

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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2014, 09:25:02 AM »
A wonderful job you are doing! So very informative as well as a sweet story. Thank you for creating this for us all. I will keep reading.


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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2014, 05:14:35 PM »
@Jafa   You're welcome :)


Sunday is pretty productive.  Wilson would be so proud of Roxann with her handiness going around upgrading all of the plumbing in their house.  He’d have said, “That’s my girl!”  Alexander finished a plugin he was working on and Roxann decided it was time they went out for some fun!  This time, they decided to check out the juice bar.  Aileen was there as well!  So the extended family had a good visit and Alexander got to know his mother-in-law a lot better and they’re now friends.  He was surprised as they actually have a couple things in common (both Foodies and Bookworms).  Roxann was happy to get some quality couple time with Alexander and lots of loving gestures (she’s a romantic and I’d say that makes her ‘high maintenance’ in that department LOL).  I’m absolutely LOVING how full the venues are.  At one point I counted 9 sims at the bar NOT counting Roxann, Alexander, Aileen or the Mixologist.  So 13 total at that time.  Sims 3 could be so dire when you went to a club.  You’d be lucky to run into 2-3 other sims.  I got a screenshot of Roxann and Alexander snuggling on the couch at the bar.  So cute!

Monday it was back to work for them both.  Roxann managed to work a bit more on a second song.  It certainly takes a while to complete one but the licensing fees are a nice boost.  Still, the only way to get her to stop writing the song is to cancel the action (which doesn’t make her stop) and then have her click on the guitar to practice.  That makes her stop and then I just cancel the practice guitar in the queue.  Definitely a bug.  I’ll wait to report it until I get the other instruments up high enough and see if it’s just the violin that causes it.  I’m getting antsy to build a house again so I’m looking for what will be their family home.

Tuesday saw Roxann working on those friendships.  She still has a few to go.  Alexander was pretty happy about his new promotion to Development Captain.  Still 9-5, M-F and he received an Innovator’s Award for Excellence at the weekly company meeting.  He needs to complete a couple freelance jobs for a performance boost (which seems odd since you’d think his company wouldn’t want him working ‘off the books’ - oh well).  Alexander started on a freelance job.  This is kinda like Sim 3 and writing books in that you can stop and come back and resume it later.  It takes a while.

Wednesday, Alexander headed off to work as usual.  Roxann had a visit from Cassandra and decided it was time the two of them hit the gym (Cassandra is ALWAYS coming over so this was a good way to ditch her LOL).  At the gym (I find the Oasis Springs gym to be bigger and have more equipment) Roxann got busy on a treadmill and watching the cooking channel.  She then struck up a conversation with a guy she met on the street a couple days ago.  After sweating it out together, they became friends.  Soon, it was time to grab a shower (Thoughtful for the Inspired buff) and head home so she could go to work.  Alexander came home quite angry due to a competitor of his company.  He played a video game for a while to have some fun (was low) and see if that would make him feel better.  He was still feeling a bit angry so he also headed to the gym.  He finished his workout about the time that Roxann made it home for work so they hooked up at home for dinner.  Alexander was feeling pretty good now and definitely made the moves on Roxann.

Thursday Roxann spent a lot more time at the gym.  It was her day off.  She was able to make two more friends and got a good start on the last one she needed for her promotion.  Alexander had a good day at work but he still need to complete one more freelance job.

Friday and Alexander is off to work.  Roxann spotted that last acquaintance jogging along the street so she stopped and completed getting him to friend status.  She had just enough time to also do her instrument practice for her daily task before heading to work.  Alexander came home and got busy with the freelance job but he got the blue screen of death on the computer and it needs repaired.  He's hoping Roxann can fix it but meanwhile, he's started studying the repair self-help books that Roxann has been using.  She returned home from work with a promotion to Professional Pianist.  Her reward is the Classical Genius Antique Piano – quite a tasty reward as she was able to sell her old piano for a bit over $1,000 (Fun: 3; Inspiring Décor: 6).  Luckily, the new performance tasks are level 5 piano skill (she already has) and Play Piano for 10 Hours.  Should be a piece of cake.

Saturday and Roxann finally completed her second song (these take ages).  Two more to go for her current phase of the Musical Genius aspiration.  Now she can concentrate on playing the piano until that task is completed.  Alexander was very happy that Roxann was able to repair his computer (tip: always save your game before doing any electrical repair in case there' s an electrocution accident – it didn't happen but I'm always careful).  Alexander was able to finish that second freelance job and earned a bit over $1,000 – not bad!  Now he's working on mobile apps – he needs to do 3 to complete phase 3 of the Computer Whiz aspiration.  He got the first one completed while his mom was over visiting.  They're both off tomorrow.  I think it's time for a party.

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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2014, 05:43:11 AM »

Sunday and I set up the house for a house party.  I added a bar so there could be drinks.  I invited about 8 sims over, hired a mixologist and a caterer.  Tip: bake a cake before the party.  One of the tasks is for 4 people to eat cake.  Luckily I had enough time left when it popped up that I got a cake made and people ate it in time.  So I was able to get a gold medal for the party.  Another couple tips:  The Sims 3 expansion lamps are an awesome way to satisfy tasks like Have sims all be playful at the same time 0/3.  Just get the Pets lamp and turn on the aura.  Done!  And for tasks like Have 3 sims listen to music together – it requires the Listen To... interaction.  The easiest way to do this one is get a group conversation going with enough people to satisfy the task and then click on the stereo, Listen To... and you'll see there's a Listen To [fill in radio station] Together.  It's an easy way to satisfy that task.  Last tip: make sure to have the recycling trash can bought before the party.  There are SO many dishes and glasses from the party that I was constantly dragging them to the recycling bin and getting $20 for each one.  So I made more money from the party than it cost to host it.  Not bad.  For their first House Party, they did really well.

Monday is a great day for Alexander as he's head hunted for a new position as they think he's the Next Big Thing (Start Up Entrepreneur branch).  He's still trying to finish that third app for the aspiration achievement.  Roxann came home and finished the 10 hours of piano playing which should give her a nice boost tomorrow at work and a likely promotion.  She hopes to have more time soon to get a couple more songs written.

Tuesday is a good day for Alexander and he's back hard at work on that last mobile app.  Roxann was supper excited to be offered a place with the symphony as a string player.  Her new performance tasks are level 6 in piano and level 6 in guitar or violin (Roxann has both).  She also now needs 10 friends.  So she'll be heading back to the gym on days off.  Knowing what I know now, I think I would have switched the ageing to Long while she was a teen and worked on leveling all three instruments.

Alexander heads off to work on Wednesday and Roxann hits the guy with Aileen, Cassandra and a couple other people (one was still a friend but getting low and the other had just dropped to acquaintance.  She was able to return that person to a friend state and make a new friend as well.  One more to go for the performance boost. 

Alexander came home from work and got right on to trying to finish that mobile app and finally finished it!  Yey!

The biggest thing of note for Thursday was Roxann completed her third song.  One more to go for phase 3 of Musical Genius aspiration.  Also, Alexander’s last phase in Computer Whiz requires the following:

Reach Level 5 of the Tech Guru Career (done)
Have Spent 100 Hours on the Computer (done)
Have Earned $5,000 from Livestreaming or Gaming Tournaments

I don't have access to Livestreaming yet. 

On Friday Roxann started on a new song, a haunting melody.  She'll be working on it whenever she can.  Alexander is working on his video gaming skills after work each night and he'll be doing it a lot over the weekend.  Roxann came home from work with a new promotion!  Instrumental Wonder (9).  Her performance boosting tasks are:

Achieve level 8 Piano Skill (she's 7)
Achieve level 7 of Guitar or Violin Skill (done)
Write a Song (0/1)

Very convenient that this next song will complete two different tasks.  She's still working 5 days a week (interesting since at this level in Sims 3, most had only 3-4 days they had to work – another example of it being a bit more challenging).  She off on Sunday and Monday though.  I think it's the first time she's had two days off consecutive in a very long time.  She'll be song writing like mad.  I've built a large Victorian home for them when they're ready to start a family.  I think that will be once they've both maxed their careers.  They're going to need a net worth of around $80,000 to move in a furnish the house.  I'd be happier with $100,000.  The money is mounting up more and more though.  By the way, you send written songs off for licensing.  However, you can only license one song at a time as far as I can tell.  I'm not sure that's intended or not.  Although, all of my songs are violin songs and the mailbox says “Roxann has already licensed a violin song.”  So maybe you can license one of each from the three instruments.  I think you should be able to license any song you write.  They take long enough!

Saturday Alexander spent a lot of time gaming.  Trying to improve his skill so he might have more chances to win at tournaments.  Later, he took a walk about the neighbourhood and did some digging.  Amongst other things, he found a couple crystals.  He's going to send them off to the Geo Council and see what elements he might get.  After work, Roxann came home and had some quality couple time with Alexander before he got too sleepy.  After he went to bed, she buckled down on her song and finished writing it.  This completed her career performance boost task and, more importantly, phase 3 of her Musical Genius.  Phase 4 requires are:

Achieve Level 10 in an Instrument (done)
Have Spent 100 Hours Playing Musical Instruments (done)
Mentor Others in Music for 15 Hours (0/15)

So I'll be figuring out Mentoring for her days off and I purchased the Mentoring Satisfaction Points reward item.


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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2014, 01:19:16 PM »

It's Sunday again and I was able to do the Mentoring interaction with Alexander practicing on the violin.  It certain helps their skilling go faster.  Now to spend enough time at it.  No gaming for Alexander if Roxann is home and can mentor him. LOL  Poor guy.  They spent some time at the guy (which I've revamped the bathroom area – Oasis Springs gym – it was badly organized with lots of people getting embarrassed.  When I have the game back online, I'll copy it to the Gallery in case anyone would like to use it as well.  Before Roxann has children, I'm going to want to maximise her piano and guitar.  I wish there was a way to get someone to play an instrument when you don't control them.  If you could, then you could become a music teacher out of your home.

Monday and Alexander is off to work.  Roxann practised the piano until reaching level 8 and then she got a call from Cassandra asking if Roxann would like to come over and hang out.  I clicked ok and immediately went into the load screen.  I love how quick stuff like that is now.  No more waiting for them to stop what they're doing, get up, walk to the pavement and THEN get on the road.  This is so much cleaner.  When I got to the Goth house, I knocked on the door and Cassandra just 'yelled' for me to come in.  No more waiting for ages to the sim you're visiting to answer the door.  Yey!  While I was visiting with Cassandra and then Bella (who is now and elder and I updated her wardrobe as well as Cassandra's – her clothes are not very good for an elder LOL  By the way, if you use the cheat to Modify in CAS someone not in your household, when you come out of it, you'll be swapped to that household.  To get back to your original household, simply click on the Options Menu and choose Manage Worlds.  From there you can select your original household and hit the play button), I got notification that Alexander got a new promotion to Independent Consultant.  Finally some more days off!  He works 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and now makes $185/hour with an initial bonus of $2,394.  No rest for him though.  I had Roxann head home and Alexander practising on the violin so she could mentor him. LOL

Tuesday follows the same pattern of work and skilling/mentoring.  Nothing new happened today.

Wednesday saw some changes as Roxann became a Concert Virtuoso earning $340/hour working 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday with Sunday through Tuesday off.  Not bed.  She got an autographed guitar.  Alexander is working on a performance task – Earn $2,000 From Mobile App Royalties.  He's at $1,492 and completed a new app today so hopefully that will pop soon.  It's getting down to maxing out money making so they can move into a much bigger house.  When Bella passes on, I might gift Alexander with an inheritance unless something happens in game along those lines.  Both mothers are still living.

Thursday was nearly a typical work day for the couple.  However, Roxann got a work event and it looks like I picked the wrong one and she came home angry.  She missed out on credit for work on a movie score.  I chose to “Let it go”, or something similar, when I should have chosen to confront the director.  Will see if it pops up again.  They're both bringing in over $1,000 a day now and expendable income is at $52,000 with the house worth another $40,000.  Getting close to being able to afford the move.  They each have 15 days until they age to adults.  I think they'll need to move soon, maybe right after Alexander’s next promotion as I'd like them to have two children and time to enjoy them.

Friday is a work day for Roxann.  Alexander had the day off and mostly worked on his gaming skills.  He really wants to do better than third on the novice tournament.  Cassandra came over than evening and they had a nice visit with her before sending her home and then heading to bed.

On Saturday, they both have to work.  Alexander is back to gaming when he gets home and he's hoping for a good payout on his apps (need to his that $2,000 mark on revenue from them).  At work, Roxann again got that same event and this time I answered confront the director.  That didn't end well either.  So I guess it's a no-win situation unless emotion or skills play into the outcome.  She's in the inspired emotion going to work with an 8 hour buff (from an instrument).  So maybe it's something else, like charisma.

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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2014, 01:56:49 PM »
Your Alexander Goth is a lot more handsome than the one that was in my game. He had horrid hair and clothes. I didn't let him in my family and eventually he got old and died. I'm on Generation 4 though in my first family so all of the original townies are long gone.


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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2014, 07:06:44 AM »

It's Sunday and both Roxann and Alexander are off.  Roxann spends almost all day mentoring Alexander on violin and by late afternoon, her Aspiration is complete!  (Throws confetti)  Now Alexander can enter that gaming tournament he heard about.  Or so he thought.  But Roxann was in a mood to watch something romantic and cuddle on the sofa.  It wasn't long before he got with the program though. :)

Monday and Roxann gets to spend all day working on her guitar skills which have lagged a bit behind her violin and piano (both maxed).  Alexander has exciting news to share when he gets home – he got his promotion to Dot-Com Pioneer!  Now he only works Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. To 4:00 p.m.  His performance boosting tasks are:

Max Programming Skill to Level 10 (9/10)
Make $2000 From Video Game Royalties $0/$2,000

So he needs to get busy with all that time off with creating video games.  He makes $371/hour.  He gets a start on his first game that evening while Roxann visits with Aileen.

Tuesday is moving day.  They've closed on a gorgeous Victoria house that will be perfect to raise their family as they feel it's time to add children to their budding family.  There are a lot of rooms to fill and Roxann is busy with their hired decorator (Me! Lol).  She can't wait to have a proper house party in their new home as soon as it's ready.

After a hard day moving in all they had, Roxann was happy to leave their birth control in the bedside table and start trying for a baby.

It's Wednesday and after a pregnancy test (click on toilet), Roxann learned she was pregnant!  She announced the big news to Alexander and they both celebrated.  And then she promptly had to run for the nearest toilet to loose breakfast.  The joys of the first trimester.

Thursday morning starts early as a delivery van brings a few things they needed urgently from the decorator.  Although they're still waiting on everything for the formal dining room, most of the living room and the book cases for the library.  But despite the nagging nausea, Roxann is very happy with her new kitchen.  So much cabinet space!  She can't wait to fill it.  And the view out of their breakfast nook is spectacular.  A great way to start a day and into her second trimester.

Before work on Friday, Roxann was inspired to start a song on the piano; thoughts of a new baby on her mind.  Alexander had the day off and put it to use around the house with some DIY projects.  He has a very long “Honey, do...” list.

Saturday is a work day for them both.  Alexander looks a little worse for wear after all the upgrades he did yesterday on the plumbing.  He really pinched his finger on one of them.  Roxann entered her third trimester and has Sunday through Tuesday off from work (this worked out pretty conveniently).  Roxann has the decorator on standby once the baby is born.  They've selected two different colour schemes depending on if it's a boy or a girl.  A note from me: once the house is completely decorated, I'll upload it to the gallery.  It's quite pretty if I do say so myself.


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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2014, 10:26:45 AM »

Roxann definitely won't miss the feeling of always needing to pee.  It's Sunday and she's going to kick back and relax awaiting her labour to start.  She looks ready to pop! 

About midday, her labour started.  Alexander was tense about all of it but the birth went fine.  It's a girl!  Her name is Cate and the parents couldn't be happier.  Bella and Cassandra were the first to visit and see the new baby (although I couldn't get the “Show off to...” interaction to work).  Alexander noticed both Roxann and Cate needed a nap so he guided his mother and sister out to the living room where he got an earful of baby advice from the new proud grandma.  Alexander remembered to call and tell Aileen the good news.  She said she'd be over later since they were napping.  He also called the decorator and let her know it's a girl so she could place orders for the appropriate colour scheme.

Monday rolls around and Alexander has to work.  Roxann has been able to nap along with the baby so she's staying rested while still figuring out how to tell what Cate needs (I like it that we don't get needs for babies – a bit more challenging and realistic).  There's a steady stream of visitors and while the house isn't really ready yet, their friends understand – especially with a new baby just arrived.  That evening, Alexander psyche’s himself up and enters his second ever professional gaming tournament and wins!  What a high.  I will be ageing Cate up to child on Tuesday.

Tuesday is here and it's Cate's birthday.  She seems to be a good mesh of Alexander and Roxann.  Genetics seem much better now. 

Cate loves to draw (Artistic Prodigy and Creative) and she plays with her Darcy doll in the doll house.  Roxann finished the song she was writing on the piano and named it Dreams of Cate.  Now she can license a violin and a piano song.  Be sure, if you've licensed a song, to remember to license it again each week.  Alexander was pretty tired after work and his computer breaking didn't help.  Roxann told him to take a nap and she'd fix it.

Wednesday and it's Cate's first day of school.  She was a bit nervous heading off but when she came home she was full of confidence (Killer School Day buff).  Roxann was at work but Alexander was home and praised her.  He even spent some time playing with her and the doll house.  If the guys at work saw him, he'd never live it down.

Thursday arrived and Alexander worked on some freelance jobs (I'm discovering it's a good money maker and much quicker than making a video game or apps).  Cate came home from school in a bored mood.  After she had a bite to eat, Alexander took her to the park to brighten her up.  He tells her about all the fun he and her mom had at the park when they were kids.  Cate had a great time and even made a new friend, Guillermo Tatum.  When they got home, there was tragic news.  Bella and Cassandra had been killed in a freak electrical accident.  Note:  I don't know what happened, but Bella and Cassandra simply disappeared.  Therefore, I decided that Alexander would have inherited the estate as the only surviving child of Bella and Mortimer.  The Goth estate was worth $218,000.  So I added $200,000 to Alexander’s funds.

Friday was a good day with everyone off at school or work.  Alexander spent the evening reading to Cate and telling her stories about her grandmother and aunt.  It was a quiet but relaxing evening and the weekend is coming.

Saturday is a day off for Alexander but Roxann has to work but she has three days off coming.  Cate did a lot of drawing and spent time with Mee Maw (Aileen Rodgers).  Later, Cate and Alexander baked a cake because it was his and Roxann's birthday that day.  They were going to celebrate as soon as Roxann got home from work.  Cate took a nap so she could stay up a bit later.

Note: Their house, named Victorian Charm is now available on the Gallery.  You can see it here.

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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2014, 09:26:29 PM »

Sunday is family day since no one works or has to go to school.  As soon as they were all ready, it was off to the park.  Cate was super excited and had a great time really improving her social skills as well.  They didn't return home until the evening and everyone was in a great mood.

Monday is an achievement day for Cate and Alexander.  Cate brought home a B from school!  Alexander was promoted to Start Up Genius (maxed career).  He received a bonus of $5,335, a Plasmatron 3000 Flat Screen TV and can now Brag about Startup interaction.  He works 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  His salary is now $516 per hour.  Roxann thinks it's time to consider adding another child to their family and Alexander agrees.  They're both established in their careers and have ample family time to devote to their children.

It's Tuesday and a rare free day for Roxann with Alexander at work and Cate at school.  She finished writing a song for guitar (she now has written a song for each instrument).  She was feeling a bit ill later in the day and took a pregnancy test – it's positive!  She's very happy and after telling Alexander that evening, they go out for a little date.  Cate has her homework done, as well as her extra credit and has fun drawing.

Cate is off to school on Wednesday and has an incident at school where she tried to be nice to a new kid and just ended up getting attention from the school bully.  She was steaming mad when she got home.  She took it out on her teddy bear and felt better.  Alexander spent all day doing various DIY projects around the home (figured I'd start getting all the upgrades done).  Roxann came home exhausted from work due to her pregnancy and had a nap on the sofa.  Then she was starving and just not having a lot of fun in general.  She's in her second trimester.

Thursday and Alexander is still doing upgrades around the house.  Cate has a so-so day at school so they play cards when she gets home.  Aileen calls and asks to come over (wish they'd do this more often – they're going to wear out the front door with all that knocking).  She helps Cate with her homework and her extra credit.  Roxann is nearly exhausted when she gets home so a pit stop for a pee and then off to bed.

On Friday Roxann went into labour and they had another little girl, Olivia.  Note: due to work schedules and the fact that I'd already done the whole baby thing, I opted to age her up immediately.  She definitely favours Roxann.

On Saturday, Roxann spent the morning enjoying the outdoors.  She's gotten the urge to do some gardening but wants to just grow flowers, unlike her father who grew fruits and vegetables.  Around her neighbourhood she finds lots of roses and snapdragons.  She's happy they're not too complicated for her to start with.  Alexander worked on a new video game and finally finished it in the afternoon.  Then he had fun with the girls on the new pirate ship jungle gym he bought for them for the backyard.


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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2014, 06:49:30 PM »
I've decided I'm going to stop the story at this point.  I've accomplished what I wanted with the family regarding their professions and several skills.  I want to explore some of the others now.

I hope people have found this entertaining and informative.  Happy simming!

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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2014, 08:23:59 AM »
Thanks Dellena, and yes it was great to read. Have fun with your simming.

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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family (complete)
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2014, 08:22:51 AM »
I'm moving this to the Completed Stories Board.

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Re: The Rodgers-Goth Family (complete)
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2014, 10:05:18 AM »
Thanks, Dellena! Yes, this was fun and informative. Interesting to know that Grim continues to show up at weddings!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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