I've read the
wiki on how to populate CAW worlds, and I find it a little bit bare-bones. Especially when it comes to how to use the mods required.
I've had a glance through some of the documentation at NRAAS, but would like some advice/guidance on using these mods for this specific purpose. Any tips or things that aren't mentioned in the brief tutorial would be really appreciated.
I'm only at the early stage of building my new world, but I want it to be fully complete this time. My first one was good for a first try, but this time I am going all out. I want to make sure that I plan from the outset how many sims I'll need (I've got a rough idea from looking at the wiki, but if the game doesn't accept my townies and makes its own, then I'll need to make considerably less), how to get them in, and how to set them up with careers, skills and relationships.
Also it would be good to know how to clean up routing (I think I read that a mod is required?) and anything other advanced tips for finalising my world.
Edit: Should I use Overwatch or Story Progression?Is there a mod or inbuilt function for adding food trucks to worlds?
Edit: I think I'll give the food truck a miss - flagging my world as a city seems too complicated and iffy, at best. I've also had problems in the past with unlocked items crashing the game.Is there a way to set what hours tourists visit worlds (with or without a mod)?
Edit: Once again depends on how the world is flagged, and I'm not messing with that for now.And last but not least, can I just confirm that the factory reset method (switching my sims folders in and out) is enough to 'uninstall' the mods for my challenge files? None of the program files are touched?
Edit: confirmed - I wasn't sure if once installed the mods would run a script or something that edited program files. Glad to hear that they don't.Thanks Nona for the help sofar