Author Topic: Mods no longer work - Sims 3 Mac  (Read 14024 times)

Offline jahill29

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Mods no longer work - Sims 3 Mac
« on: November 17, 2016, 08:50:34 PM »
Hello! I purchased The Sims 3 for Mac probably about 2 years ago, and I think it was from the App Store, but it is no longer available to get it there. Anyway, I played it up until probably last summer and downloaded a bunch of mods, which all worked to perfection. I recently got back in the mood to play it, and upon booting it up, none of my existing mods worked. I went back and cleared the caches and even my mod folder (after backing it up) and started from scratch. I have a Packages folder next to a pretty recent Resource file inside the Mods folder, and currently all I have in the packages folder is the nointro mod. Even this is not working. If it's of any use, my game version is 1.67.2 and the patch is up to date.

Anyone have any ideas? Thank you!

Offline Candyd

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Re: Mods no longer work
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2016, 09:06:58 PM »
Check that your mods are up-to-date.
Delete your 5 cache files : CASPartCache.package, compositorCache.package, simCompositorCache.package, socialCache.package, scriptCache.package. Don't worry about the files, the game will regenerate them when it starts.
Download this resource.cfg file (one day I had a problem with this file from another source), don't forget to extract it, and replace your old resource.cfg with this one :
Try to start the game. If it doesn't work, do a factory reset. If even this doesn't work, your game must have a key which can be used to download the game on Origin, so you can uninstall and reinstall with Origin.

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Offline jahill29

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Re: Mods no longer work
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2016, 09:32:36 PM »
Check that your mods are up-to-date.
Delete your 5 cache files : CASPartCache.package, compositorCache.package, simCompositorCache.package, socialCache.package, scriptCache.package. Don't worry about the files, the game will regenerate them when it starts.
Download this resource.cfg file (one day I had a problem with this file from another source), don't forget to extract it, and replace your old resource.cfg with this one :
Try to start the game. If it doesn't work, do a factory reset. If even this doesn't work, your game must have a key which can be used to download the game on Origin, so you can uninstall and reinstall with Origin.

Thanks for the quick reply. I did delete those files, and I tried the other resource file. Still no luck. I can do a factory reset of the game? how so?
I also thought of uninstalling and downloading with origin, but I have no idea where to find the key. It's not listed anywhere under my Sims or EA accounts, and also not anywhere in the Launcher.

Offline Candyd

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Re: Mods no longer work
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2016, 12:20:47 PM »
In Documents, you have a folder called The Sims 3. Move it or rename it. Start your game (don't forget to download and install the last patch). A new The Sims 3 folder will automatically be generated. Quit the game. In the new The Sims 3 folder, create a new Mods folder, create a new Packages folder in the mods folder, copy and paste the resource.cfg and packages where they should be (don't copy and paste the whole folders from the old The Sims 3 folder, it's safer to copy and paste the files individually because sometimes folders and their content can have issues, sometimes due to invisible files in them). Delete the 5 cache files (as explained above). Restart the game and see if mods work.

If mods still don't work, get the Sims 3 key to download it from Origin. Open iTunes, open the Store tab, log into your account. In the menu bar, click "account --> View my account...". Your account overview should have a purchase history with the date of the last thing you bought. Click "show" in order to access detailed purchase history including all your orders. Click on the Sims 3 order to view details. Normally, you should have access to the key at this point, on the detailed order. If there is no key, contact Apple Support because it's your right to access the key as you bought the game.

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Re: Mods no longer work - Sims 3 Mac
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2021, 08:58:32 PM »
Adding this post for informational purposes:

If you're looking for a Resource.cfg file, please see this How to Create a Mods Folder post and download a copy of the file.

Also, here are some helpful articles for Mac Users:

itsaprilXD’s How to install Mods on a Mac Guide – The Sims 3

[32-bit] Sims 3 - Mac Help, Guides and Troubleshooting

A partial guide to 64-bit Sims 3 for macOS
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