Author Topic: Moving Troubles?  (Read 1262 times)

Offline bubblypandabuns

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Moving Troubles?
« on: August 08, 2014, 03:01:29 PM »
Storyline: When I started off with my family (somewhat of a Generations Legacy), I had two parents (Leo and Rain Valentine) and their toddler daughter (Seren Valentine). I made her a toddler purposely to test out the Imaginary Friend option for Generations, sadly I hadn't gotten a doll. Her mother, Rain, has the Lifetime Wish of "Surrounded by Family" for the purpose of granting Seren a sibling. Her mother wasn't employed, with her father as a Surgeon, and she constantly took care of and taught to "walk", "talk" and "potty train" quickly. Afterwards I immediately aged her into a child.

Then I used a cheat (motherlode) to move them into a new 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home. Leo and Rain then "Tried for a Baby". After Seren's first day of school, I presented her to child Mortimer Goth because I planned for him to be her future partner. The two became great friends and he stayed at her house once, for a total three days. I even named a treehouse after them: "Ori (Original) M&S (Mortimer and Seren"; to be used in all Generations as a reminder of them. Rain gave birth to a baby girl, Sora. And FINALLY, an Imaginary Toy, Soren arrived in the mail.  :D Mortimer aged into a teen unexpectedly and I triggered Seren to a teen as well. She visited him and they went Steady soon afterwards. At one point, the parents had a two day vacation where Seren hosted a teen party, almost getting caught in the process. Sora aged into a toddler on the second day of their vacation and began to play with Soren, forming a very good bond.

The parents soon came back and I constantly postponed Seren's teen to Young Adult aging for her Prom (her date is Mortimer). Seren aged the day after, Leo, Rain, and Sora aged a day before her. Sora is now a child and Soren aged with her. Leo and Rain, Adults.

The Problem: When I first started my story, Seren was to be with Mortimer and the two were to move to Bridgeport together and start a new life, leaving their parents behind. But, I miscalculated and forgot about Imaginary Friends and since I never received one, I just assumed one would never appear. But, when one did come I wanted Sora to form a bond with it and eventually "Make it Real" and her partner. But, I know if I move, I won't be able to control this and she may be married off to someone else. Her mother has had a "Mide-Life Crisis" to Move into a New House. I wanted Seren to move in with Mortimer into a home I placed adjacent to her parents' home (4 bedroom, 6 bathroom) , but I don't want to leave her little sister behind. I also want to complete the Rain's Mid-Life Crisis (I accidentally promised her) or she may fall into deep depression and divorce her husband, which she's almost done on multiple occasions before and leaving her alone may cause her to finally do so. I don't want them to split and wish for them them to continue having children, when I'm not there to control them. The treehouse I spoke of earlier, I want to keep it and avoid selling it, the only way would be to move and pack furniture (without Leo and Rain). I don't want to take all of the parent's furniture if I decide to leave them alone in their current home.

I want to fix this without hurting anyone, I'm sorry it's so long. But please help?  :-\