Author Topic: Household swapping bug  (Read 3378 times)

Offline Jack Lake

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Household swapping bug
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:30:32 AM »
Hello everyone!

I'm facing a very annoying issue,

Well, first things first - I have The sims 3 with ALL expansions installed, my pc runs it smooth (sure, with some lags here and there) but the problem is this:

At Monte Vista (or any other town acctually) I've created 2 different households and place them at the city. The Idea was to play with one of those and my wife was supposed to play with the other one.
Everything runs just fine at the first part of the game,. but every time I exchange (switch) the household and after some game time I save, when I come back, the other household is REMOVED from the game and I have to replace it again...

What is going on????

Does anyone have a clue about it?

Did I make myself clear?

please, help me!!!!

Offline Twinmum

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Re: Household swapping bug
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2014, 02:17:23 AM »
When you play a household, story progression looks after other sims in the community, so basically the game has control over any other households in the neighbourhood. Not sure why the family was removed - it may have felt the town was over populated, but even if they were still there, you may find that the family may not be quite the same as when you moved them in. Along the same lines, if your wife was to play her family and then save and switch households back to your family, similar changes could have happened to your family. To stop story progression, you need to go into options and select the last tab (called Advanced Demographic Options) and uncheck the story progression mark. The only problem with this is that other households in the town will not progress as you play.. people will not move in or out of the town or have new babies and such. Not sure (I always play with progression on) but I don't even think other sims will age (I'm sure someone will correct me if that is wrong lol)
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Offline Jack Lake

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Re: Household swapping bug
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2014, 07:54:40 AM »
Oh God....

Thank you Twinmum, that ... kinda makes sense.

Although, I'm not quite sure that this is the cause of it. Do you know monte vista? So we use that town. I have a household and she has another, both on new empty lots. She gets a lot with a pre build house and I pick up and empty one 'cuz I like to build my own houses. But besides this two new families, there's no other new ones.

If overpopulation was a issue, then what you're saying is that the city was design to hold only one new household other than the original ones...
(again... I hope I'm being clear 'cuz my english sucks)

anyway - I'm going try to do this - I'm going to REMOVE some of the original families and then put our families there to see what happens :P

And about the story progression, I already new that and this is quite the idea, because, that way, every time we start the game, something new has happen to us, which is, somehow, quite funny :P

I think it's related to the save file. IF I place both households and never switch, playing with just one, the other stays there forever... but since we "share" the save file, switching every time we come to play... well... that's when the problem occours.

Anyway, as soon as I do this, I let you know if it works.

Thank you for you explanation and let's hope it works ;)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Household swapping bug
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2014, 03:52:43 PM »
What Twinmum is trying to explain is that this town is dynamic. All towns are that way.

In the Sims 2, you could switch households and when you came back they would always be there.

In the Sims 3, it's an open world, and the world progresses with your family. This means people will move in, move out, grow older, die... while your Sims family is in their house. It's very probably that her Sims simply moved to a new house while you were playing yours. Though to be clear, you want to switch households, but the household that you want to switch to is no longer where you left them? Are they in town at all?

Offline JodySuzanne1305

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Re: Household swapping bug
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2014, 09:10:25 PM »
That's what I was going to say LivvieLove. I have a town where I jump around to several different houses and those sims are always moving and such. The only ones to totally disappear are ghosts, not sure why?

Jack, maybe you and your wife should have different save files, this way nothing will change while the other is playing.

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Offline Jack Lake

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Re: Household swapping bug
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2014, 11:27:23 AM »
To everyone...

I kinda find out what was going on and I'm gonna try to explain

I have a household (Shard) and she has another (mahabarata) - But every time I started the game, I move to another house... and, since we share the same save file so our sims can live in the same city, The game asks whats the name of the new household I am going to move... BUT, since I started the game with my wife's household, when I move, I kept the name in the save... (mahabarata...) so... one of us ALWAYS desapear, hahahahahaha...

Now we fix it and, all of it to ending up marring them and building a single household, uhauhauhauhauha...

Thanks for everyones help ;)

