Oh God....
Thank you Twinmum, that ... kinda makes sense.
Although, I'm not quite sure that this is the cause of it. Do you know monte vista? So we use that town. I have a household and she has another, both on new empty lots. She gets a lot with a pre build house and I pick up and empty one 'cuz I like to build my own houses. But besides this two new families, there's no other new ones.
If overpopulation was a issue, then what you're saying is that the city was design to hold only one new household other than the original ones...
(again... I hope I'm being clear 'cuz my english sucks)
anyway - I'm going try to do this - I'm going to REMOVE some of the original families and then put our families there to see what happens

And about the story progression, I already new that and this is quite the idea, because, that way, every time we start the game, something new has happen to us, which is, somehow, quite funny

I think it's related to the save file. IF I place both households and never switch, playing with just one, the other stays there forever... but since we "share" the save file, switching every time we come to play... well... that's when the problem occours.
Anyway, as soon as I do this, I let you know if it works.
Thank you for you explanation and let's hope it works