Author Topic: My games won't load  (Read 5438 times)

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: My games won't load
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2014, 04:27:41 PM »
With having custom content in your game. Let's try something -

Try running your game with out the custom content. Open the launcher, click the Installed Content Tab. Checkmark Run Game Without Custom Content. Then click the Play button.

As sometimes CC does mess the game up for whatever reason.

Removing Bad Custom Content

You may get a warning that items maybe replace. This is fine. As it's just a test. Select the saved game you're having problems with to see if it loads better. If this test game loads well, it maybe some of your CC is bad. Read more about removing it from the link above.

When you want to run your game with custom content again, open the launcher, click the Installed Content Tab. Un-Check Run Game Without Custom Content. Then click the Play button.

As for giving up on the particular game save. I honestly don't know. It depends on how invested in the save or family you are.

I usually like to backup my families, and houses first before deleting any saved games. But I'm weird that way. I'm attached to my Simmie people and their houses. I still have families and houses from when I started playing Sims. *Snicker*

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Offline Gingerkid

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Re: My games won't load
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2014, 10:05:19 AM »
Thanks MrsFlynn

I know what you mean, I get attached to them too. I have my favourite family that I dip back into all the time, they were my first family lol.

I decided to give up on that other game, gives e an excuse to start a new game lol. I hadn't invested in it much  and it frightens me playing around with removing things & restoring original setting etc. Thank you again for all your help with this issue. It's greatly appreciated.

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