Author Topic: How do I remove a room mate or turn them into part of the active family  (Read 2657 times)

Offline Gingerkid

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Please help.

I don't even know where the room mate option came from. I don't know what EP it came with so I didn't know where to post it. I asked a sim to be a room mate but I thought I was asking them to move in. How do I get rid of them or change them to part of the active house hold/family please?

Many thanks in advance

Offline Ijzabela

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The room mate option came with University. I can come up with two ways to add the sim to your active household:

First one is to type in "testingcheatsenabled true" in the cheat box and then shift click your room mate and pick the option  "add to family" (I think it says). I'm not sure it works when the sim is already a room mate though.

If it does not work, you should get the option to "dismiss" when you click on your room mate. By doing that, the sim will not be your room mate anymore, so then you should get the "ask to move in" option again after some friendly interactions. If you do it this way, just remember to toggle room mate services off by calling "real estate and travel services" on your phone, and set number of room mates to zero.

I hope this helps!

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Offline Gingerkid

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Brilliant, thank you. The second option worked. I tried that before but it didn't come up as an option (dismiss room mate) but it did when she was asleep. Anyway it worked, thank you

Offline Ijzabela

  • Llama Wrangler
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Good to hear!

