Author Topic: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!  (Read 141032 times)

Offline beardeux

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #210 on: July 22, 2013, 03:44:03 AM »
I just stumbled onto this thread and found it interesting.  I had a family who had 4 kids.  A girl, boy and twins (a girl and boy).  I did absolutely nothing special.  The mother was a gardener and the father a painter.  She never went to a doctor (I didn't know they could) until it was time.  So no asking.  They ate all the foods from the garden and I got what I got.  It was a great surprise to have twins.  I was very excited about that.  Fun Fun... ;).  I had no idea that mixed gender twins were a myth turned fact and that the fruit had anything to do with it.  Neat to know, but I was just as happy with the surprise, just as in real life.  I never knew any of my own kids genders.   :)
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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #211 on: July 22, 2013, 05:51:07 AM »
I had no idea three didn't cut the cake! No wonder my last pregnant sim didn't have a girl! I usually forget about them needing to eat the fruit for the certain gender, so I fell for the legend of three was enough. Whew, I got to be careful, I could end up with a boy heir and not intend or want it. I've always believed it was three! My, I just can't believe that I've thought that through all my time on the Sims 3. Back, when I was reading your immortal dynasty, (goodness, of the many times I've read it! I love reading it OVER and OVER, lol) I remember you saying Periwinkle (or it could've been Cinnamon, I can't remember) was stuffing herself of watermelon, and I was all like, "Why not just do 3?" Well, I've learned something new.

This thing about eating three of the desired fruit is something of a myth/legend.  It may have been true for Sims 2 or possibly in the very early days of Sims 3, but if it was, they changed it pretty quick.  Mine usually eat around 10 pieces of fruit and I've never failed to get the gender I want.  :D
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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #212 on: July 24, 2013, 02:50:18 AM »
It didn't take me long to debunk the thing about birth order.  On my first test pregnancy, the mother had the fertility treatment and watched a lot of Kids TV.  She ate first three watermelon, then three apples.  Twins were born.  First came a boy, then came a girl.  This is the exact opposite of the fruits she ate during her pregnancy.  (Sorry, simlover16.)
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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #213 on: July 24, 2013, 08:13:14 AM »
I had no idea three didn't cut the cake! No wonder my last pregnant sim didn't have a girl! I usually forget about them needing to eat the fruit for the certain gender, so I fell for the legend of three was enough. Whew, I got to be careful, I could end up with a boy heir and not intend or want it. I've always believed it was three! My, I just can't believe that I've thought that through all my time on the Sims 3. Back, when I was reading your immortal dynasty, (goodness, of the many times I've read it! I love reading it OVER and OVER, lol) I remember you saying Periwinkle (or it could've been Cinnamon, I can't remember) was stuffing herself of watermelon, and I was all like, "Why not just do 3?" Well, I've learned something new.

Eating three of a fruit only gives an 80% chance of the desired Gender. The ideal amount is five (you start at a 50% chance and each fruit tips that balance by 10% - so three apples and two watermelons is 50 + (3 x 10) - (2 x 10) = 50 + 30 - 20 = 60%), but if it's absolutely essential to have one gender (ie Generation Seven in a Dynasty) it is recommended that the desired fruit is ALL the mother eats, to be absolutely certain.

Offline beardeux

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #214 on: July 24, 2013, 01:19:12 PM »
Ok, thanks.  Had no idea.
Bear Deux
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Offline panda_bear330

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #215 on: February 13, 2014, 12:09:57 PM »
that happened to me too except what happened was i made my  parents try for baby but she didn't get the nausea moodlet so i made then try again the next night too. she fell pregnant and had twins, a boy and a girl, but she didn't have the fertility treatment.

i didn't think it was possible for that to happen until it happened to me!

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #216 on: February 13, 2014, 01:30:31 PM »
My sim Honesty had triplets with Joel Vidal. Honesty was vampire, Joel was faery, and the children were a faery girl and two vampire boys. Before I threw them out of my family, they tried again, and when I looked, it was triplets again. Two girls and a boy, again girls were fairies and the boy was a vampire. Guess I got lucy, even though only two of six inherited the rainbow skin tone.

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Offline HelenMoriarty

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #217 on: February 14, 2014, 07:27:07 AM »
Cool strategies! Need to try them out, I love twins even though they mean more work for those poor parents  :P
I've had mixed gender twins twice without trying, once way back when in the base game. I remember having the parents try for baby several times in succession and hearing the 'pregnant chime' twice, and voila, twins. Has anyone had it happen like this? My second set of mixed twins arrived after only one Try for baby. Did nothing special there except keep the mother happy and playing the piano. So yeah, surprised and also not too happy about double IFs.
It is fun to leave it to chance and be surprised, but I definitely want my current couple to have twins, so many thanks for the input :)
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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #218 on: February 14, 2014, 07:30:23 AM »
Cool strategies! Need to try them out, I love twins even though they mean more work for those poor parents  :P
I've had mixed gender twins twice without trying, once way back when in the base game. I remember having the parents try for baby several times in succession and hearing the 'pregnant chime' twice, and voila, twins. Has anyone had it happen like this? My second set of mixed twins arrived after only one Try for baby. Did nothing special there except keep the mother happy and playing the piano. So yeah, surprised and also not too happy about double IFs.
It is fun to leave it to chance and be surprised, but I definitely want my current couple to have twins, so many thanks for the input :)

Mixed gender twins used to be exceedingly rare and practically require certain tricks to get them. A while back, however, EA released a patch that dramatically increased the possibility of mixed gender twins. I believe that the initial strategies still work, but you can easily get them without any extra effort.

Offline HelenMoriarty

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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #219 on: February 14, 2014, 08:44:49 AM »
Mixed gender twins used to be exceedingly rare and practically require certain tricks to get them. A while back, however, EA released a patch that dramatically increased the possibility of mixed gender twins. I believe that the initial strategies still work, but you can easily get them without any extra effort.

Marvellous! Thank you! Off to torture my couple ;D

Edit: So following the setup, this happened:

So stoked right now ;D Worked to perfection! I never thought it'd be this easy.
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Re: Mixed Gender Twins - It's True!
« Reply #220 on: May 03, 2014, 03:32:30 AM »
I just had triplets.  All girls, but I think that is because I ate 4 watermelons.  I'm a rock star mom and the dad is a rock star dad.  I have to hire a babysitter and I'm scared to death to let someone else watch my kids.