Author Topic: Explain details of new 'move to new town' option?  (Read 6213 times)

Offline berninicaco3

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Explain details of new 'move to new town' option?
« on: February 22, 2014, 04:01:38 PM »
Along with one of the updates --maybe this even happened months ago-- the option is now available to 'move to new town.'

previously one had to save to bin, then which all is lost, basically.

so question; when one moves to a new town,
are careers reset?
is the old neighborhood still in existence, if returned to is it in the same state as when left?
with all the same sims?
and all the same relationships saved?
property there still owned,
and vacation homes still owned/ status of vacation worlds (explored tombs, etc.) still preserved?


Offline Randox

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Re: explain details of new 'move to new town' option?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 01:11:31 PM »
Not sure on all the points but:

As long as the job is an option in the new town, progress is saved. Not sure if you can resume where you left off if you add the job after moving in.

I think all relationships are retained.

I'm not sure what happens to the oldtown, having never moved back. You definitely don't keep the house. You either sell it, or bring it with you.

Everything related to the travel destinations is saved.

Basically, anything that would be kept if you moved with the clipboard, plus a few extra things.

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Offline Mahmeya

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Re: explain details of new 'move to new town' option?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2014, 02:35:36 PM »
Careers are preserved, but as you're in new town, you'll need to build up relationship with boss and/or covorkers from 0
When you move back to the town you were previously, it'll be same as if you started fresh game there - nothing preserved
Relationships are saved only between sims you move together. Memories of your sims are carried over.
Properties owned and such are lost as they're rarely the same in 2 towns - I recommend selling anything in the old one if you want to avoid loss.
Not sure about travelling status though.

Skill levels remain with challenges,with one exception: charisma skill challenges are reset as they are based on amount of people you know in the town.

Offline Justin2108

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Re: explain details of new 'move to new town' option?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2014, 03:54:24 PM »
As stated before, new start, only household relationships stay, even world adventures and into future is reset. Skills and jobs stay same except for film, gypsy reader and maybe the stylist or fireman occupations. All wishes are cleared as well.

