I got Generations for Christmas and am trying it out now. I'm having a major problem that seems related to daycare.
In my first Generations game, one Sim in my household started a daycare. I soon noticed that kids who had been in my daycare at any time, could not be interacted with by any of my household members once they became teenagers or older. At first this was just annoying, since my Sims kept getting wishes about the ex-daycare clients that could not be completed.
Now, a younger member of the household went to Prom and was given a Romantic Interest randomly. The Romantic Interest had previously been in my daycare for one day as a toddler. Nobody in my household can interact with the Romantic Interest, such as to chat, break up, or get married. Only the "Call Over" interaction and "Dance Together" interactions are available with him for my whole household.
I've seen that having a lingering Romantic Interest is going to cause chaos when my household member wants to start her own family.
Is there any way to remove the Romantic Interest status, or allow my household members to interact with him? I've managed to Google a small number of threads about this precise problem, but no solutions applied. Here is everything I've tried:
- resetSim on the Romantic Interest and all my household members.
- Retiring the carer from the daycare profession.
- Attempting to interact with the Romantic Interest off the lot.
- Inviting the Romantic Interest over (the cell phone works) and hoping he and my Sim will break up. (They don't seem able to interact with each other autonomously, however.)
- (I considered "accidentally" killing the Romantic Interest, but I know this causes any future spouse to eventually divorce you for "cheating". I had hoped to start a nice family.)
I have never installed any mods or custom content. My game is up to date (including this week's patch). It is vanilla other than a few official EA store items (all cosmetic). For expansions I have only Pets, Ambitions, and Generations.
Your help is appreciated and I'll try anything!