There is a new set coming out Thursday, November 21, 2013.
The newest set is now available from the Sims 3 Store:
It is called Mother Russia, and boasts some new outfits, as well as some new build items.
The official blurb:
Inspired by both slavic folklore and modern trends, the Mother Russia set is sure to please! Bold, stunning architectural pieces will allow you to create breathtaking structures while the clothing and hairstyles will give your Sims a unique look.
Some pictures from the store:
You can find it here:
Mother RussiaIt is normally 1900 Simpoints, but you can purchase it for 1600 Simpoints until Dec. 2, 2013.
Note: Those buildings displayed in the link were a mock-up. However, one of the SimGurus did say they were trying to get something similar uploaded to the Exchange. If this comes about, I will provide the link for it.
Update: SimGuruCopeland put this lot up if you wish to have buildings similar to the mock-ups in the Mother Russia picture:
Mother Russia Lot