Author Topic: Sims 3 Dynasty Hall of Fame  (Read 60011 times)

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Sims 3 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« on: December 07, 2010, 07:10:14 PM »
The Sims 3 Dynasty Hall of Fame

The Dynasty Hall of Fame is now open! Come and honor these worthy players that have finished a full length Dynasty Challenge.

AkonIsAwesome chose an interesting founder for his dynasty read it here

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $797,177
Finished — Week 59, Day 1

What did you like most about the immortal dynasty?
"I really enjoyed having the specific goals for each heir to accomplish. I had never completed the skill challenges for most of even the basic skills, so it was fun to try so many new things. I also really enjoy playing a long-term family  

What was most difficult for you?
The toughest part of all had to be waiting when generation 6's supposed-to-be spouse turned out to be too old. I ended up having her adopt and then spent a long, long time waiting to keep going. That was much harder to get through and more boring than generation 7 or 8. "

Front: Nightmare (Founder)
Left to Right: Chaotic (Gen. 2), Paranoia (Gen 3), Mania (Gen 4), Dementia (Gen 5), Obsession (Gen. 6), Hysteria (Gen. 7), Phobos (Gen 8)

The first family to finish the new Life States Dynasty turned out to be Alex's MacImaginary Life States Dynasty.  There is no story attached but the picture of 7 sculpted toilets is something no one should miss.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Fairy, Werewolf, Witch, Imaginary Friend, Genie, Vampire, Normal
Finished — Week 51, Day 3

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I hadn’t really played much at all with occult sims until this dynasty: I’d played a long-term vampire before, back in the days before I got sick of celebrities and uninstalled Late Night, but this was my first long-term fairy, werewolf, witch, genie or playable ghost. "

"I also got very attached to a couple of non-heirs: Remus’ imaginary friend Lexa (he was inappropriate, she was evil, they both had good senses of humour, and they spent half their lives the best of friends, and the other half fighting), and Felix, their semi-immortal cat (five young again potions and counting). I entertained myself watching Lexa and all the cat animations, and playing with the hunting skill when the current heir was doing something boring like skilling."

"Seven generations of rainbow skin tones was nice too."

What was most difficult for you?
"Anathema! (my gen 3 heir). She was named after a character in Good Omens, but her name turned out to be rather fitting! I assume it was the combination of the spellcasting skill and the insane trait, but she was addicted to breaking plumbing and dishwashers with the Ice Blast charm and I spent half my time trying to keep her occupied. She ended up doing the Business career on top of her requirements, and spent her days travelling between meetings in her motive mobile, but Sanguinius (my handy sim) still spent half his life fixing things she managed to freeze whenever I took my eye off her."

"Other than that, my only problems were caused by an ancient computer which wouldn’t keep a game open for longer than half an hour, and unfortunately Sang couldn’t fix that for me."

Sanguinius (gen 6), Simone (gen 7), Anathema (gen 3), Fay (founder), Remus (gen 2), Dolly (gen 4), Gene (gen 5)

Alex also finished another Dynasty, this time its the Immortal Dynasty.  A Bee’s Gotta Do What a Bee’s Gotta Do, check this out The Bee Immortal Dynasty.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $2,264,001
Finished — Week 52, Day 7

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“Building the house! It took several generations of busy worker bees' incomes to get it to both look the way I wanted it to and be remotely playable, but I'm a little too happy with the outcome :).”

What was most difficult for you?
“Ugh, I have to agree with several other people about the boredom. Honey (gen 2) had finished all her non-aging-related requirements by early YA and that set the tone for the rest. It gave me an excuse to try extra careers and skills, though, and that was fun. Spamming endless paintings and ice sculptures to boost the museum value didn't help with the boredom either. Also, Buzz (gen 5) almost failed to reproduce due to every woman in town turning into an elder/vampire/starvation ghost in the space of a week, and I briefly thought I was going to have to call it a day.”

The Bees at Queenie's Bee-Dazzling Throne Room:
L-R: Spelling, gen 7; Mason, gen 3; Buzz, gen 5; Digger, gen 4; Queenie, founder; Honey, gen 2; Killer, gen 8; Bizzie, gen 6.


Alex returned to finish a Townie DecaDynasty in the space of less than a month. Read about it in The Andrews Decadynasty

Townie DecaDynasty Challenge
Total value of DecaDynasty Collections — §1,376,142
Finished — Week 89, Day 3

What did you like most about the Townie DecaDynasty?

"This is a tricky one, because I really loved the whole thing - it was by far my favourite of the three dynasties I’ve done. My favourite element was having mortal heirs though (oddly). To some extent they could learn each other’s skills, so I could be a lot less paranoid about locking doors and chasing Sims away from unattended sculpting stations, and they got to have far more varied lives than my Immortal Dynasty did."

What was most difficult for you this time around?
"Bugs. Being able to move town twice helped a lot, but my file size still ended up huge, and I thought I was going to lose the file several times. I was also plagued by minor bugs: lots of issues with imaginary friends, and a big dog who got stuck on the stairs at least twice a day and kept needing resetting."

10th generation Vianne Andrews, with her collection of beetles.

Alexandria's Moons of Jupiter thread now tops 20k views, so it's one of the Immortal Dynasty story heavy hitters. Check it out.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,681,913
Finished — Week 50, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I liked how in-depth the challenge was - you really got to know your characters, and even become close to them, and got to see them develop as characters. I really loved turning their lives into a story, and giving their lives meaning. It was fun to play just a unique challenge, and have so many goals to reach in time - it really was challenging at times, but a fun one.”

What was most difficult for you?
“Getting Amalthea (the seventh generation) to reach immortality. That was a huge challenge within itself. I tried to supermax guitar, but I had just over half the necessary opportunities by the time she'd reached elder, and I knew there was no way she would reach it. I really worked her hard to supermax nectar making in a week, and I was so glad to sit her down for her ambrosia!”

Back row: Callisto (gen 1), Europa (gen 2), Leda (gen 3), Lysithea “Lysi” (gen 4) and Himalia “Mali” (gen 5).
Front row: Erinome “Erin” (gen 6), Amalthea (gen 7) and Elara “Ellie” (gen 8).

Forum member _Annika_ opted for no full blown story, but shares a small summary of her Abram family here.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total Value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $386,905
Finished — Week 44, Day 6

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty Challenge?
“It's hard to pick one thing I liked the most. The challenge itself is the famous Immortal Dynasty—it's epic. The 'challenge' part of it is quite easy - completing requirements was a breeze. One thing I found that really helped, was to wait until each sim turned elder before searching out Sims for the best friend requirement, and only befriending elderSims. Often one or two, even three died before the day was up and I would have to make more, but that was the easy part. Then it was a quick rush for some ambrosia, and then all the sims could die off, and there was no chance that the next generation would accidentally befriend them. Also owning a rabbithole where a sim worked was helpful, because you could see who the workers were beforehand to befriend them, or fire them if necessary.” 

What did you find most difficult?
Sticking it out for the whole eight generations without restarting because I didn't like something or it wasn't perfect enough. By changing my goal, and not allowing myself to raise the bar, I got through.”

Ariana’s Witches from Llyn — The Afon Immortal Dynasty is very creative. I especially like how she set up the premise with a mysterious backstory.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $729,958
Finished — Week 49, Day 1

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I liked how it forced me to try doing different things and discover new things about the Sims. As I'd only been playing for about a month when I started the Dynasty, even stuff like supermaxing a skill and having a Sim die were new to me. And staying with one family for eight generations was something I'd never even have thought about doing before this challenge, but I really enjoyed watching them all develop and seeing the different genes mix together.”

What was most difficult for you?
“It's a toss-up between waiting for generation eight to become an elder after she'd finished all her goals and having to deal with eight Sims. Taryn finished all her requirements except for elder museum pieces by about five days into adult and the last few weeks seemed to take forever with nobody really doing anything. I had eight Sims in the house almost all the time from generation three and it made playing really stressful at times. There wasn't always a lot for them to do, especially the already-immortals, and I found myself spending more time coming up with things for them to do than focusing on current generations! Eleri, my founder, had six maxed skills by the end (cooking, gardening, charisma, three instruments) just because I kept needing things for her to do.”

Back row, generations 1-4: Eleri, Rhiannon, Anwen, Megan
Front row, generations 5-8: Gwenlyn, Adlais, Seren, Taryn


Undeterred by the ruleset and how few of them were completed, ArianaJade finished a funny and fantastic DecaDynasty with the Crumplesteel DecaDynasty in 2013. While this entry is incomplete due to a lack of commentary from the author, it still met all Hall of Fame criteria as a finished challenge.

Townie DecaDynasty Challenge
Total value of DecaDynasty Collections — §333,567
Finished — (Unknown)

10th generation Erin with her collection of fish

There isn't a story for aridela's Crescent family yet but that doesn't mean there won't be one in the future.  Welcome to the forum and HOF!

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Fairy, Vampire, Werewolf, Fire Ghost, Water Ghost, Human, Genie
Finished — Week 62, Day 5

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I really liked the supernaturals, I had not given them much attention previously but they turned out to be a lot of fun, and certainly kept me entertained for much longer than normally in multi-generational families.."

What was most difficult for you?
"Well, getting children to reach the honor roll was probably the most difficult thing-until I figured I could just tutor them to reach a grade of A, then just sent them to school in good mood for 3 days. Also, keeping my older generations occupied after they have fulfilled their requirements."

Clockwise : In the middle, Orpheus Gen 4(Fire Ghost), next to him the foundress, Callanthe (Fairy), Leander Gen 5 (Water Ghost), Coppelia Gen 6 (Human), Aram Gen 7 (Genie), Wolfram Gen 3 (Werewolf), Vlad Gen 2 (Vampire).

At 60k views and over 50 pages in length, azokka361’s Elysi Immortal Dynasty is one the most popular recent Hall of Fame attempts. The family tree that readers can link to is a really nice touch.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Museum Value — $1,518,722
Finished — Week 51, Day 5

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"The chance to connect with my Sims. Normally I create a Sim family and play them for a few days before getting bored and switching, so staying with the same family for eight generations was an epic experience. I got very attached to every member of the Elysi family and tried to give them more free rein when choosing jobs and spouses, which worked out perfectly in the end."

What was most difficult for you?
"Definitely the technical difficulties! I thought the Dynasty had failed two times, in the third and sixth generation, due to file-destroying glitches, but luckily this forum helped me find a way around it both times! Towards the end I had six rotating saves to avoid corruption and was saving the most recent file to a flashdrive every time I played."

(Left to right:) Serena, Nicholas, Bree, Kara, Iris Bianca, Mikayla, Nataliya, Ilene Azokka

The challenge lives on. Beks completed The Branch Immortal Dynasty in the infamous Hidden Springs and with the help of some interesting clones.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Museum Value — $1,035,427
Finished — Week 52, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I loved spending so much time with one family and creating unique personas for each immortal. By the end of the challenge, I really felt like I had reached the end of a story full of characters I loved, a family I cared about, and places I’d grown attached to. Looking back over the challenge gives me a very real feeling of nostalgia! I also just think the Immortal Dynasty Challenge is really well designed - it creates a structure of gameplay that is difficult but rewarding, with plenty of room for creativity and wackiness."

What was most difficult for you?
"My fifth generation was the hardest. The inventing skill is quite time-consuming to supermax, and it took absolutely forever to find all the materials for Sandpiper’s SimBots (even with two hunting dogs, a witch, the Collection Helper, and a small army of miners). On top of that, the previous generation’s spouse ended up living an extra long time, which put a huge time crunch on the arrival of generation six. Plus I accidentally lit the immortal museum on fire. Every dynasty has its rough spots - I just had a lot of them all at once in generation five. And the runner-up for most difficult part of the challenge was definitely the last generation. It’s hard to push through when you’re so close to the end…yet so far."

Seated, left to right: Starling (founder), Goldfinch (gen 2), Chickadee (gen 3), and Meadowlark (gen 4).
Standing, left to right: Sandpiper (gen 5), Sparrow (gen 6), Tanager (gen 7), and Bluebird (gen 8 ).

Brooke.'s life states dynasty, The Blackburns in Monte Vista, is a short but fun read.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Vampire, Witch, Mermaid, Human, Werewolf, Fairy, Imaginary Friend
Finished — Week 47, Day Three

What did you like the most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I liked the randomness of the dynasty, especially the traits that I had never chosen before. I play my games very safe and always went for the same careers repetitively so I got the chance to fully complete some new ones for once."

What was the most difficult for you?
"The hardest was starting and ending the dynasty, Hope and Harmony took up a lot of my time and I was literally pulling my hair out when they didn't get as many opportunities and wishes as often as the other heirs."

Front Row Left To Right: Harmony (Imaginary Friend, 7th), Hope (Vampire, 1st) & Lucas (Human, 4th)
Back Row Left To Right: Spiller (Witch, 2nd), Clarissa (Mermaid, 3rd), Serena (Fairy, 6th) & Tommy (Werewolf, 5th)


Brooke. followed it up with a Domination Dynasty, Down With Lamps.

Domination Dynasty Challenge
Domination Town Time — Week 30, Day 5
Domination Vacation Time — 28 Days
Total Domination Time — 243 Days

What did you like most about the Domination Dynasty?
"Playing the Genie life state and having lots of babies!  ;D I also loved writing the story, usually I have to force myself to stop playing and get some ideas down but for this it just came pouring out." 

What was most difficult for you?
"I thought it would be easier to have both parents join the same career, although at times it was at other times I had to switch between the two constantly when they were on opposite sides of town. Getting tips for playing the guitar was the worst thing I'd ever done, it was the first time attempting the challenge for a dynasty and it was sometimes almost impossible to find crowded lots to play. I had to throw parties every single day to pull it off (and many elixirs)."

Queen Jinni and King Ifrit.

The first family to finish the new Domination Dynasty, well done.  Callycat's 3rd attempt (the second one was only 5 drones away from being finished when a mistake happened), phew.

Domination Dynasty Challenge
Domination Town Time — Week 14 Day 4 @ 11:25pm
Domination Vacation Time — 9 Days
Total Domination Time — 104 Days

What did you like most about the Domination Dynasty?
"What I liked most about it is probably a tie between not having to let my Sims either die or turn elder (two things that I rarely let happen), and the freedom in choosing individual skill challenges. I also really liked the 5 lot changes limit, and I was pleased I had to try a couple of careers I'd never done before (band and daycare)." 

What was most difficult for you?
"What I found toughest was managing birthdays for 6 kids at once, and if I never see another graduation again it will still be too soon!"

Nero and Nefertiti Smiley


Callycat followed it up with a Life State Dynasty, Wing Family of Dragon Valley.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Werewolf, Fairy, Imaginary Friend, Mermaid, Witch, Vampire, and Genie.
Finished — Week 45, Day 6

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"What I liked most was being able to age them up after requirements, which made it easier to speed through. I love using the different life states, and I like that the different life lengths didn't matter for the challenge." 

What was most difficult for you?
"What I found hardest was the witches. I don't remember them being so troublesome before (previous attempts from a while ago that didn't quite make it), but I couldn't stop them fire blasting each other and the rest of the family, so I was relieved to get past that one and shut him away for the rest of the game."

From left to right - Elena (Werewolf), Elisa (Fairy), Uli (Imaginary Friend), Gunnar (Mermaid), Mondo (Witch), Merline (Vampire) and Heidi (Genie).

There is no story to accompany christinal3106’s Charmer Life States Dynasty, but the link provides a nice summary of what she did for the challenge.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Genie, Witch, Fairy, Werewolf, Imaginary Friend, Vampire, and Human
Finished — Week 38, Day 7

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
“What I like most about the Life States Dynasty was the variety. It never was boring and was always moving in some direction. I loved random traits, and I am thankful all of my Sims in this Dynasty gave me a place to go with them.”

What was most difficult for you?
“The crashing was the most difficult. Besides that, I had some trouble getting the 5,000 point wishes a couple of generations. It all worked out though.” 

From left to right: Emily Lefebvre (heir 3), Kyle Lefebvre (heir 5), Amber O'Shea Lefebvre (heir 1), Brandy Charmer O'Shea (founder), Cody Lefebvre (heir 2), Jaden Lefebvre (heir 4), Monica Lefebvre (heir 6)


christinal3106 then completed a DecaDynasty with the Rainbows of Dragon Valley. It is also just a summary, but worth a look for the colorful heirs.

Townie DecaDynasty Challenge
Total value of DecaDynasty Collections — §461,672
Finished — Week 83, Day 1

What did you like most about the Townie DecaDynasty?
"What I like best about this particular dynasty is that there is no building required, and your sims get to live in many houses that you normally wouldn't use.  It was also super fun to see the Dragon Valley genetics play out over generations, even though I didn't get the variety I had hoped for."

What was most difficult for you this time around?
"The most difficult part for me this dynasty was the last generation.  I lost motivation when I was unable to use Dragon Valley genes for my last heir, and I was having some technical issues with my file.  Although, I consider myself lucky for how stable the file was through all 10 generations."

10th heir Graham with his collection of pink diamonds.

dontmindme took on the Life States Dynasty, with the twist of everyone (mostly) being a ghost! Read about it in The Shanashield Dynasty

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Human, Transmutation Ghost, Mummy's Curse Ghost, Electrocution Ghost, Old Age Ghost, Jelly Bean Ghost, and Drowning Ghost
Finished — Week 45, Day 6

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
I liked learning about and trying new skills the most. To be quite honest, I was incredibly intimidated by the Logic and Photography skills before starting this dynasty. Now, well, I'm much less scared of Logic and have a huge level respect to anyone who manages to completely Supermax Photography. That is hard.

I also liked the trait randomness as it forced me to just work with what I had rather than create the perfect sim for any given job/skill. I've started letting the game decide traits in other dynasties, too, just because the unpredictability adds some fun to the game. I've become more flexible as a player and less like a dictatorial overlord, which has only made the experience better.

What was most difficult for you?
Pregnancies. Dear Watchers, the pregnancies. Only two heirs birthed the new life state in the first pregnancy, and even with fertility treatments and the TV, a few heirs only had one child at a time. It took three pregnancies for Gen 5 to appear and about two sim weeks, given how full the house was at the time and glitched aging was.

Another difficult part was getting wishes to fire. Two of the later heirs had to max three skills because they just would not fire any 'get married to X' or 'have first child' or any of those kinds of wishes. Luckily, we had skills to spare but it did get frustrating to push back the heirs' completion dates just because they refused to fall in love, want a family, or even max their job.

Back (left to right): Mikhail, Moirah, Murphy, Myles
Front (left to right): Malik, Maytendus, Mekakare

Fanofaband finished the Immortal Dynasty challenge in just under four months, proving that the third time really can be a charm.  Read about Menes and the rest of the Pharoahs in The Pharoah Dynasty.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $255,577
Finished — Week 50, Day 1

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I was able to work more with some of the skills I'd never worked with too much, but I'd always wanted to.  Right before starting this challenge (this is the third attempt I tried), I finally managed to get more EPs other than World Adventures, so it was fun to explore some of them since I hadn't been able to.  I'd never stuck with a family for this long either, so it was great seeing how long traits were passed down, and how much the Founder was different from Gen 8.  I loved the challenges of making it this far, and actually sticking with a file more than generation 2."

What was most difficult for you?
"Socializing.  I'm terrible at it, both in and out of game, so it was rough trying to make and keep friends for the whole thing.  I'd have every other requirement done, and then, crap! no friends!  So I'd have to scramble around making friends and hoping one wouldn't die before the 6th was a best friend.  I also had a hard time remembering portraits before they aged up, I almost failed with generation 8 because I forgot to get Ptolemy's child portrait until the day of his birthday."

Left to Right:  Gen 1, Menes; Gen 2, Tut; Gen 3, Hatshepsut; Gen 4, Ramses; Gen 5, Akhenaten; Gen 6, Seti; Gen 7, Cleopatra; Gen 8, Ptolemy


Fanofaband stepped up to the plate again with another Dynasty attempt and finished her Seven Among Us Life States Dynasty. Great job!

LIfe States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Werewolf, Gold Ghost, Fairy, Witch, Vampire, Mummy’s Curse Ghost, Drowning Ghost
Finished — Week 37, Day 1

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"It went a lot faster than the other dynasties I've done and attempted. The 5k wishes took the longest, but most of the requirements for my heirs were taken care of long before their Adult birthday. I also liked exploring more of the life states I've never done before, and the ones I've done, I got to explore a bit more in depth."

What was most difficult for you?
"Cowards. Two of my heirs were cowards, and whenever my Founder and Gen 2 changed at the full moon, they'd always stop and faint. Or whenever a paparazzi died on the lawn, or any other number of things. Also, random rolls for traits was something I've never really done before, even in games when I tell myself I'll do that, I usually roll a couple of times. As it was, I would end up with a lot of really bad traits combined into one very hectic family."

Bottom Row: Alex, Werewolf, Founder - Avery, Gold Ghost, Gen 2 - Shawn, Fairy, Gen 3
Top Row:Serje, Witch, Gen 4 - Lawrence, Vampire, Gen 5 - Jaina, Mummy's Curse Ghost, Gen 6 - Bering, Drowning Ghost, Gen 7


After three years of work, fanofaband also finished A Dynasty of Koffi.

Townie DecaDynasty Challenge
Total value of DecaDynasty Collections — $689,814
Finished — Week 82, Day 1

What did you like most about the Townie DecaDynasty?
"Oh man, this is tough.  I guess I liked seeing how the generations were so different yet so similar to each other.  All of the generations had a distinct look but they all looked related to each other as well."

What was most difficult for you this time around?
"Everything.  The time it took, the requirements before moving, having to juggle so many different careers and supermaxes and trying to remember what I'd already done.  I used the spreadsheet that was recommended and it was a complete life saver.  I don't think I could have done it without it."

Cuppa Koffi with her 10 elixirs.

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Re: Sims 3 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2013, 10:04:46 AM »
GlazeyLady decided to complete a Domination Dynasty. Read Changeling Domination to see how she did it.

Domination Dynasty Challenge

Domination Town Time — Week 16 Day 4 @ 7:53pm
Domination Vacation Time — 44 Days
Total Domination Time — 153 Days

What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?
The freedom to use any content.  The majority of my playing time is devoted to challenges, so there are always a lot of restrictions.  I haven't bought a lot of store content because of that, but I really enjoyed the freedom to use the content I have in a long game.

What was most difficult for you?
the masterpiece portraits - I got one on the first try, some only took 2 or 3 tries, but some seemed to take forever.  I had one Sim that was painted 23 times before I got a masterpiece.  The need to repeat the same action so many times was very frustrating.  I stopped playing a few times for s couple weeks just because I was sick of trying to paint masterpieces.  This being the last Sims 3 Dynasty, and my first, I was determined to finish, but if anything could have made me quit, that was it.

Artok and Aya

Barely Even Human: The Savidge Life States Dynasty.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Witch, Vampire, Alien, Fairy, Mermaid, Imaginary Friend, Werewolf.
Finished — Week 61, Day 1

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"This is the most time and energy I've ever put into a Sims family, and I've grown attached to them in a way that doesn't happen with most of my Sims. The challenge was just difficult enough to keep me interested longterm, and it was fascinating to watch the family grow and develop over time.The different life states were interesting, too, though I don't think I took advantage of their supernatural abilities as much as I could have."

What was most difficult for you?
"Aside from keeping Natasha out of trouble? All the in-between times, particularly the child and teen ages. With so little to do, it was harder to summon up the energy to play during those times than any time else in the challenge. And it wasn't easy to keep everyone busy while the younger generations were growing up."


Ana Goole struggles to finally live a life and take care of her spectral descendants.   This story is wonderful and entertaining and sure to grab your attention from the start.   Come on over and meet The Ghosts of Twinbrook.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Normal, Electrocution Ghost, Meteor Ghost, Mummy's Curse Ghost, Starvation Ghost, Drowning Ghost, Fire Ghost
Finished — Week 57, Day 4

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I like long-term multi-generational games (I’ve also finished both of the other dynasties, before I joined the forum), although this one didn’t appeal at first.  Then I thought of Ana’s story.  It’s a bit perverse to play this challenge without either Late Night or Supernatural but, having thought of the idea, I had to go with it.  Normally, I just play the game and maybe take a few screenshots to record what happened.  Embedding the challenge into a story was a new experience: I’m not sure I’ll do it again but it’s been fun."

"I’d never played with ghosts long-term before, so keeping a whole family of them around was a challenge and different from my normal playing style.  For some reason, my game really likes producing ghost babies but, up until now, I’ve always got bored and given them ambrosia as children."

What was most difficult for you?
"The random traits!  I’ve played a legacy challenge through, so random traits weren’t a completely new idea.  On the other hand, you can choose the heir in a legacy.  This time, the heir was predetermined (except in generations 5 and 6, when I finally had twin potential heirs).  At least none of them were mean-spirited, though I did seem to get a lot of useless and/or duplicate traits."

"Also (and this is going to sound unbelievably girly) the choice of hairstyles for Sims with see-through heads is really limited .  :)"

Standing, from left: Louisa (generation 7 - fire ghost), Joseph (generation 6 - drowning ghost) and William (generation 3 - meteor ghost)
Sitting, from left: Anastasia (founder - human), Christabel (generation 2 - electrocution ghost), Isabella (generation 5 - starvation ghost) and Emily (generation 4 - mummy's curse ghost)


But wait there's more!  hazelnut is also the first person to ever complete a Townie DecaDynasty.  The Wan-Goddard-Landgraab Decadynasty isn't a full story as much of a summary but what an awesome job this family did in making it all 10 generations!

Townie DecaDynasty Challenge
Total value of DecaDynasty Collections — $1,089,078
Finished — Week 99, Day 1

What did you like most about the Townie DecaDynasty?
"Oddly, having mortal heirs (even though I don’t like my Sims dying).  It meant they could learn each other’s skills to some extent, because they weren’t going to have the rest of the game to reach level ten or complete challenges while I was concentrating on someone else."

"Playing with new households all the time was an interesting challenge – I found it took a while to get my head around each new family and house layout.  I also liked having other family members around who could contribute to the requirements without having the heir’s restrictions."

"Story progression was fun, even though it almost caused me to fail through lack of spouses: I enjoyed seeing what happened to the townie families over the years.  The Bunches kept going for five or six generations and ended up as distant relatives and some of the families who moved in early on were still going at the end of the game.  There were also all sorts of background dramas (like the townie who was having affairs with three sisters simultaneously)."

What was most difficult for you this time around?
"Bugs!  After all the failed attempts, keeping things simple was my top priority. I changed as little as possible in the houses, mostly had small families, played with the graphics settings turned down as low as I could stand and saved almost half of the travelling for the final household.  Even so, the last generation was horrible because of all the crashes: half an hour’s continuous play became something of a luxury.  By that stage, it was certainly determination to finish that kept me going rather than enjoyment of the game  :-\."

Generation 10 Heir Sophia Silverman with her collection of Relics.


Not done yet!  Hazelnut also surprised the forum with a finished Immortal Dynasty making her the first person to complete all three challenges as well.  Not originally planning on sharing the story with us, The Wood Immortal Dynasty is another summary but still worth a look to see the journey of this family.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $680,465
Finished — Week 51, Day 5

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"Having the same Sims around for a long time and really getting attached to them – and watching what the immortals did when left act autonomously.  I tend to micro-manage and having an increasing number of Sims who were looking after themselves was different – in fact, after finishing, I unlocked all of the doors and left them on freewill for a few Sim weeks just to see what they did next."

What was most difficult for you?
"The start was a mad scramble, trying to balance the various requirements, before it all suddenly came together.  Trying to stop the second immortal, who was a Renaissance Sim, from learning forbidden skills was a real challenge.  She kept sneaking into temporarily unlocked rooms and starting to cook, paint or play chess.  Then I nearly failed with generation six, just when it was all looking straightforward."

"Supermaxing skills probably belongs in both categories.  Fishing was the only skill I’d supermaxed before this, so it was a new way of playing, which is always good.  On the other hand, churning out those endless ice sculptures and paintings, or finding stars, got pretty boring at times and I’d have to take a break and play a different kind of game for a while."

Back Row (L to R): Burl, Ebony, Cherry, Rose;  Front Row (L to R): Willow, Ash, Holly, Rowan


Hazelnut has completed another dynasty and it is an amazing tale that you can read right here

4x4 Dynasty Challenge
Worlds Used  --  Hidden Springs, Monte Vista, Barnacle Bay and Starlight Shores
Finished  --  Week 80, day 5
Total value of 4x4 Family Collection  --  §920,980

What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?
"This dynasty seems very much like a combinaton of the previous three and, I think, has most of their best features.  It was also fun seeing how the genetics played out over so many generations.  I never expected the rainboo gene to last into the fourth town!"

What was most difficult for you?
"Bugs, yet again.  It also took far, far longer than I was expecting when I started back in September, from a combination of the aforementioned bugs, limited Simming time and the story getting away from me in quite a big way :)"


But wait there's even more? Hazelnut decided that another Decadynasty was just what she needed, but with more original townie genes...and just the base game only as well, no biggie. The Steel Decadynasty is a challenge unlike what any simmer has done yet!

Townie DecaDynasty Challenge
Total value of DecaDynasty Collections — §405393
Finished — Week 84, Day 5

What did you like most about the Townie DecaDynasty?
Getting loads of opportunities, some of them unfamiliar.  The opportunities are usually the toughest part of playing a Decadynasty but most of the heirs had no problem at all.  It was also a remarkably bug-free game.  I'm pretty sure I could have played the whole thing in a single town if I hadn't wanted to mix up the genetics.

Having a family of pyromaniacs from halfway through was fun.  I still have no clue how that happened but it saved a lot of fines from the fire brigade ;).

Also a special mention for Odin Crosby, Dynasty MVP.  Despite his supposed dislike of children, he was great with the kids and he managed to learn both baked angel food cake and ambrosia for free

What was most difficult for you?

The NPC friends: there's very little choice without expansions, unless you're lucky enough to meet a science geek or old-style magician, which I wasn't.  Collecting an almost identical set before each move got pretty boring.  My first Decadynasty family met most of their friends just by hanging around Central Park but that seems to have been pretty much patched out.  This lot really had to work at it.

10th gen Duncan with his books.


Say it ain't so, Hazelnut then went in for her second Immortal Dynasty with the Carrs, their story/spouses/vintage appeal, and after a lull, getting the new highest museum score in this hall of fame!

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $5,107,139
Finished — Week 72, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"This was the first time I'd played with a family trait.  It wasn't something I was completely committed to at the beginning, especially since Vehicle Enthusiast is a pretty useless trait, but all of them ended up with it (although it was an additional, social group influence, trait for Ford and Lotus).

I also liked using science clones to keep the original townie genes going.  I'd only cloned one Sim before this.  In an ideal world, I'd have used more of the DNA samples the Carrs had stored up, just to see what happened with the genetics.  Sadly, that probably needs a different sort of game.

Apart from the inevitable sculpting and painting, most of the unique supermaxes were relatively unfamiliar, as were several careers.  Trying new (or newish) things is always fun.

The museum value was a major surprise.  I was trying for a high score but never expected to do that well.  I suppose that doesn't really count as something I liked about the challenge but I've certainly been enjoying it since :)."

What was most difficult for you?
"Morgan (gen 5) being essentially asexual was irritating.  I could have forced him into marriage and having a kid but I always prefer to go with what the game throws at me.  Fortunately, he did eventually fall in love late in life.

And then there was the glitchiness of Rolls Royce, the final heir, not helped by his being a ghost.  I could have done without the panics, which continued right up until the last few minutes of the challenge.

I thought that boredom would be a problem when I decided to go for a high museum value this time but, oddly enough, that rarely turned out to be the case.  It probably helps that I like training sculptors  ;)."

The Carrs and their cars (L to R): Ford (gen 6), Portia (gen 4), Morgan (gen 5), Minnie (founder), Austin (gen 2), Lotus (gen 7), Rolls Royce (gen 8 ) and Vera Winifred 'VW' (gen 3)

Like Teresa, forumer IflanaNifi finished the Immortal Dynasty Challenge at breakneck speed. Read about Founder Amelia Byron and her descendents here.
Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $562,166
Finished — Week 49, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I really liked the continuity of this challenge. I've never played a Sim family so in depth because usually I get bored after generation 2 is born. This really forced me to get to know how the story mode works, plus I like playing challenges that force you to play without cheats. I also like working toward goals, which is probably why I didn't focus on the story so much as finishing the challenge.”

What was most difficult for you?
“Keeping the Sims under control around 7th and 8th Gen was difficult. There were so many and I had to keep them from doing things that would jeopardize the challenge. I think I would have liked to plan better so they had more to do at the end of the challenge. I had done a few practice runs of the 1st Generation before I even considered doing a serious run to get an idea of how long it would take to fill the requirements, but it's much different when you're controlling two or three Sims to when you're controlling eight.”

From L to R: Amelia (1st Gen), Elizabeth (2nd Gen), Xander (3rd Gen), Penelope (4th Gen), John Dorian (5th Gen), Gwendolyn (6th Gen), Dominique (7th Gen), Shaun (8th Gen).

With over 33k views at the time her story/Dynasty ended and entered the Hall of Fame, Juxtaposition’s De D’Onlyn Dynasty is definitely one of the more popular stories that has been written.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum —$1,183,934
Finished — Week 63, Day 2

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
”My favorite part was writing in all the things that went wrong. The erasing of a possibly Dynasty ending twin, and the fixing of Lynnore's broken pregnancy were actually my favorite parts. Overcoming adverse events left me with a real feeling of accomplishment.”
What was most difficult for you?
”Sticking with it during all the skilling, and less exciting parts was definitely my challenge, I get distracted pretty easily. Plus waiting through 2 hours of load screens toward the end.”

At close to 17k views and over 60 pages, Katluvr’s Starr Immortal Dynasty story has been very popular with forumers. Read about Founder Jackson Starr and all of his descendents here.
Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $677,655
Finished — Week 50, Day 1

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I loved the continuity of making each generation immortal. Being able to keep all the skills and experience each Sim accrued over their lifetime made each successive generation a little bit easier in many respects. I think the challenge is structured beautifully to give purpose to what is otherwise a very open ended game. Being quite goal oriented in real life, I like having a fixed set of rules and goals to strive for.”

“On an emotional level, the absolute best moment of the entire challenge for me was when Joanna, my generation 8 immortal, had her teen birthday and I saw just how beautiful she turned out. It was awesome to know that every decision I made for 8 generations led to that moment.”

“Lastly, but most importantly, I appreciate how encouraging, helpful and kind the members of this community have been. Their constant positive feedback kept me going for the nearly 4 months it took to finish the challenge.”

What was most difficult for you?
“The hardest thing for me was overcoming the feeling that I didn't know what I was doing. I had only been playing for about a month when I started the Starr Dynasty and I had no previous Sims experience on PC. I was inspired by Pam's Dreamweaver Immortal Dynasty and knew I had to give it a go. I still can't believe I did it!!!”

“In terms of game mechanics, I found it really daunting controlling 8 Sims at one time. I had a couple of close calls because I wasn't paying enough attention to what everyone was doing. The surprise challenge for me was how slow generation 8 went. It didn't help that I was SuperMaxing writing and in the writing career, both of which are fun but don't exactly make for exciting game play. I had to bring some of my elders out of retirement to make the time pass a little faster.”

L to R:  Jackson, Jessica, Jorianne, Jasmine, Jocelyn, Jameson, Jenni Carmen, Joanna

As if one Immortal Dynasty was not enough, Katluvr did a full blown 2nd attempt with her Fae Immortal Dynasty. Check out Kat’s story here.
Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $922,440
Finished — Week 53, Day 2

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I think the Immortal Dynasty Challenge is simply the most well-crafted event of its kind!  It's hard enough to keep me on my toes, but not so difficult as to be discouraging. I also love having the continuity of 8 generations of Sims under one roof. I get quite attached to my Simmies.”

What was most difficult for you?
“This is my second Dynasty so I was a lot more relaxed this time. I applied the lessons I learned from my first Dynasty to make this one a bit easier. The hardest part for me was managing my founder's husband to make sure he could paint her portraits, grow life fruit, catch deathfish, AND prepare ambrosia. It still amazes me that I was able to manage his time well enough to get everything done.  :o

L to R:  Glenys (founder), Meghan (gen. 2), Raven (gen. 3), Callie (gen. 4), Daniel (gen. 5), Pearl (gen. 6), Brianna (gen. 7), Idelle (gen. 8 )

kent91blaze's Octa Dynasty took on the challenge of Bridgeport and won!  Take a look at their story and see their amazing journey over here.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $770,185
Finished — Week 50, Day 5

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I would have to say the whole challenge it self. I'm new to the Sims when I started this challenge, and it's interesting to try out all the different skills, jobs the game has to offer. Also, playing one family for a whole 8 generation is something really fun and exciting. On top of that, I've also got the chance of explore writing stories and I did in fact enjoyed the process."

What was most difficult for you?
"Dealing with minor glitches like the one time Titania disappear and also waiting for Destiny to age up to Elder. The latter was the most challenging part."

From left to right in sequence: Flora Octa, Oceania Octa, Loveline Octa, Weldon Octa, Penny Octa, Ace Octa, Titania Octa and Destiny Octa

Krae is rapidly become one of our best dynasty players a lot of time has gone into dominating Starlight Shores read how it was done in the Bright Grey Domination Dynasty

Domination Dynasty Challenge
Finished  --  10:50pm Week 43 Day 7

What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?
What did I like best? Well, I always love planning these things, and I enjoyed using skills and careers that I don't normally try. At first I enjoyed all the nooboos.

What was most difficult for you?
That leads into what was hardest. After the first 15-20 toddlers, they started to drive me bonkers - too many birthday cakes (I ended up with 51 group servings and 33 individual pieces), too many graduations (so very disrupting). The most difficult was the unpredictability of getting those masterpiece portraits. I did a little sitting on the couch happy dance whenever Misty produced one.

Here a shot of Sonny and Misty Bright-Grey in the Honeycomb Basement of Total Domination.


The first family to finish the new 4x4 Dynasty turned out to be KRae’s Washington Dynasty.  There is no story attached but KRae has provided us with a stats summary of her dynasty which can be found here.

4x4 Dynasty Challenge
Worlds Used  --  Sunset Valley, Twinbrook, Riverview, and Bridgeport.
Finished  --  Week 107, Day 5
Total value of 4x4 Family Collection  --  $201,217

What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?
I really enjoyed the planning phase and then following through with the plan. It truly was a challenge, which was exactly what I needed.

What was most difficult for you?
I loved planning this out. With so few EPs it was quite a challenge. I stuck with my plan. The hardest parts were getting enough opportunities and completing some careers. Some of my heirs had a real mixed bag of skill challenges. (Firefighter who had Diabolical Detonator, Widget Wonder, and Master Bassist).


Just as she opted to not write a story for her 4X4 Dynasty, KRae just wanted to give readers a simple summary for her Caspian No Story DecaDynasty.

DecaDynasty Challenge
Finished — Week 91, Day 6
Total Collection Value —$254,056

What did you like most about the DecaDynasty Challenge?
Planning is so much fun for me. Of course not everything can be planned and the surprises are fun, too. I liked moving to new houses and dealing with whatever I found there. I generally changed very little. It might sound weird, but I liked making friends with NPCs and having little meet and greet NPC parties.”

What was most difficult for you?
Now on to the hard parts. The unpredictability of those black ops. Sometimes the phone just does not ring and when it does it’s another used celebrity op. GRRR.
The hardest part though was after moving to Sunset Valley because of file size and bugs, the town just died. By the second generation born there, only 5 houses were occupied. I really did enjoy all the challenges, though, and figuring out how to deal with problems.”

Photo of Heir 10 with Final Collection


A Long Life States Dynasty, by KRae.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Witch, Fairy, Human, Werewolf, Imaginary Friend, Vampire, Genie
Finished — Week 47, Day 6

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
My favorite thing about this dynasty is that it forced me to play in ways that are very alien to me. I usually make perfect sims, designed for the role they will play. The randomness of this had me using traits that I rarely if ever use. My vampire, Fiona, had all five traits that I never select. I had to put my control freak on the back burner and just relax and enjoy.

What was most difficult for you?
The hardest part was waiting for those 5k wishes to pop. Apparently Evan, my founder, just really didn't care if he ever reached the top of his fishing career. He was actually my most difficult, but he set up wish anxiety for the rest of the dynasty.

Here's the picture of the Long family in the mausoleum. (Yes, you're tired. Just pose.)


Immortal Rain Dynasty, by KRae.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $201,758
Finished — Week 53, Day 6

What did you like most about the immortal dynasty?
"While I enjoyed playing this dynasty, I think I made it  little too easy on myself using only portraits. I liked the planning, as usual, and following my plan. I liked figuring out ways to keep sims away from each others skill objects and keeping the elders occupied without making an elder dungeon."

What was most difficult for you?
"The hardest part was slogging my way through the tedious parts when just waiting for an heir to age up. I probably should have relaxed a little and allowed them to complete their requirements in a more leisurely fashion. Especially heir eight who was done except for his portraits before his adult birthday."

Left to Right: March, April, November, October, July, December, January, August


Life States Dynasty

Life States Used - Human, Witch, Vampire, Imaginary Friend, Werewolf, Fairy, Old Age Ghost
Completed - Week 65, Day 3
Here is a link to laurela's Life State's Dynasty story.

What did you like the most?
I got Supernatural just to play this challenge, and I most certainly don't regret it. I was always fascinated by all the different life states but I was so hesitant on getting it. But when I came across this challenge, I knew that I should get it. I really liked playing all the different life states and developing each of my sim's character. I also got really attached to some non-heir sims and I found it hard to move them out as they just grew on me, like my founder's spouse, Jules Macduff. Overall, I just really liked having to complete goals for each heir and then move on to the next.

What was most difficult for you?
Definitely the waiting for wishes to fire. Sometimes they just won't pop up no matter what you do. Generation 6 almost gave me a nervous breakdown when she wouldn't fire a lot of wishes, and Generation 7 didn't even get a wish to reach the top of her career and that definitely had me worried, but I'm glad it all worked out in the end.

Towards the end, I also found it hard to summon the energy to keep playing the dynasty, since this is the longest time I've ever played with a family and I'm not used to multi-generational families. It seemed more like a chore than a recreational activity. Random traits also threw me for a loop. While I didn't get a lot of bad traits like Brooding and Childish, I seemed to get a lot of really useless traits that didn't really help any of my sims in the end. And I also learned that I really, REALLY cannot stand the Absent-Minded trait.

From left to right: Chesca (Fairy, Gen 6), Emil (IF, Gen 4), Andrea (Witch, Gen 2), Mafi (Human, Founder), Ella (Vampire, Gen 3), Julieanne (Werewolf, Gen 5), Camryn (Old Age Ghost, Gen 7)

LenaLJ first dynasty with super fast speed, you can read her summary right here

Domination Dynasty Challenge
Domination Town Time — Week 9 Day 5 @ 1:35pm
Domination Vacation Time — none
Total Domination Time — 61 Days

What did you like most about the Domination Dynasty?
To see all those colourfull sims :), I love the rainbow slider. But also to go through all the skills and different jobs. I really enjoyed that it was 1 generational, and so fast, made it so much more easy for me to complete.

What was most difficult for you?
The most difficult was the graduation, it stoped my sims que all the time. And then the masterpieces, that was so luck depending.

Eddard and Catelyn Stars

Lisa46 completed her immortal dynasty in record time. She also kept summaries of her dynasty in her All in the Family Immortal Dynasty.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,065,483
Finished — Week 41, Day 2

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I loved the fact that each sim developed their own character. For this dynasty I tried to avoid stereotypical skilling traits and tried developing unique personalities for each sim. That was very fun for me. I also liked seeing the genes evolve over time. The rainboo quality lasted until generation five was born and I was very happy about that. I also got some really unique features and totally fell in love with generation 4 as an elder. Lastly I felt very proud about the Supermaxes. Supermaxing Logic was hard but I felt so proud when it was over.

What was most difficult for you?
"The hardest parts were the lag and loading times. I also absolutely hated the child stages. I basically sat by my computer waiting for their birthday. The immortal dynasty is hard with the "no cake ups" thing. "

The first of many attempts that will qualify for HOF.  There is no story attached but LivvieLove has provided us with plenty info, check out her Hopecarver Life States Dynasty.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Human, Vampire, Fairy, Werewolf, Witch, Genie, Imaginary Friend.
Finished — Week 35, Day 5

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I loved the variation, that I just simply couldn't keep plans down even if I tried, because those crazy Sims would always throw a wrench in my plans. The scramble is what made it fun, especially after they had more money than I would ever need (which was by the second generation). With the Life States Dynasty it felt like a mad dash to get to my requirements before the Sims would change things up on me which I found increasingly fun. I love that there was always variety - no two of my Sims were ever the same, but it also made them more realistic and less perfect. After playing this I've started to randomize traits for a lot of my other games, just because the randomness helps them develop their own unique personalities that stop looking all the same (as I would always use the same traits for the same Sims)."

What was most difficult for you?
"Those silly opportunities! If you would've seen my game you would've think I suppressed those darned things, except I didn't! I would get multiple childhood and teen ones, then as soon as my Sim grew up and started skilling it was silent. Once the requirements were finished is only when they would start to blow up my Sim's phones. If it wasn't for Into the Future I'm almost sure I would have failed!"

From left to right: Flynn (Genie), Mirdac (Werewolf), Mortissa (Vampire), Xiri (Human), Damien (Fairy), Caelia (Witch), Leif (IF).

Lynyeld gave a nice outline of all the necessary requirements for all 8 generations in her Yeld Immortal Dynasty.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $173,384
Finished — Week 46, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I used real family names which also go back about 5 generations. I liked the fact that I got to know my characters so well. They almost became a part of me. Parts of the challenge was challenging, but good - especially as I succeeded in all my plans I had for each of my characters. There were no last minute change of plans due to some unforseen mishap.”

What was most difficult for you?
“Getting my first generation eligible for Ambrosia. Someone had to paint the portrait. The life fruit had to be grown, the deathfish had to be caught and level 10 in Cooking had to be reached.”

Left to right: Thomas, Alleyne, Leilani, Catherine Ann, Charlotte, Eoin, Walter, Lynette.
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Re: Sims 3 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2013, 12:04:21 AM »

Malley's Sakura Immortal Dynasty does not have a story attached, but check out the thread for her summary.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $625,006
Finished — Week 52, Day 1

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"Completing the challenge.  I have played The Sims for years and doing these challenges is the most fun I've had with the game in a long time.  Free play is fun to a point, but I like when there is a goal to achieve.   Completing an Immortal Dynasty is a lot of work but it is really worth it in the end.  I also loved putting together the Immortal Museum.  At the end of the challenge, I liked looking through it and seeing how everything and everyone evolved and developed throughout the dynasty."

What was most difficult for you?
"Sticking to the challenge!  There were so many times in both dynasties that I just wanted to throw my sims' needs on static and fast forward through the remainder of it.  And celebrity opportunities.  Those things popped up constantly and just would not go away."

From left to right-
Front Row: Shiroi (Founder), Akai (Gen 2), Orenjiiro (Gen 3), Kiiro (Gen 4)
Back Row: Midori (Gen 5), Aoi (Gen 6), Murasaki (Gen 7), Kuroi (Gen 8 )


Malley took up the immortal dynasty for the second time, and continued her original Sakura family too. Read about their extended adventures in The Sakura Immortals.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $661,970
Finished — Week 53, Day 1

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"For me, I enjoyed being able to continue the Sakura family line instead of just stopping at eight generations.  I liked watching the genetics evolve over 16 generations too.  My founders tend to choose spouses with some very strong genes that last a long, long time, so it’s fun to see which generation will be the first to break the mold and come out with unique features."

What was most difficult for you?
"I would have to say perseverance.  I played this dynasty for about 2 ½ months straight without switching to another file, so toward the end, it kind of became a chore.  Plus, Generation 8 was supermaxing writing so all I did for a while was watch him type away on the computer while keeping my elders busy!"

"The other thing that was difficult was keeping my elders away from an already completed supermax skill.  Generation 2 kept trying to cook even when the fridge was full of leftovers.  Generation 4 desperately wanted to learn the sculpting skill (and so did my founder).  I had to lock the art studio because she was so persistent.  I actually had to unlock the art studio once to get a portrait/sculpture done for someone and the first action that Gen. 4 queued up was to go sculpt something!  But now that it’s over, she can go crazy with the chainsaw."

From left to right: Haiiro (Founder), Kurenai (Gen 2), Daidaiiro (Gen 3), Chairo (Gen 4), Mizuiro (Gen 5), Oriibuiro (Gen 6), Momoiro (Gen 7) and Shikon (Gen 8 ).


Because two immortal dynasties weren't enough, Malley also completed a life states dynasty in Rigel Duty.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Fairy, Vampire, Werewolf, Mermaid, Imaginary Friend, Genie, Witch
Finished — Week 62, Day 2

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I had a lot of fun rolling traits.  I felt like my Sims would develop more of a personality this way as opposed to when I pick the traits that I want in other dynasties.  It’s also fun to work with traits that I wouldn’t normally pick.  Plus, rolling traits means that you can get some pretty interesting trait combinations, such as a neurotic daredevil."

What was most difficult for you?
"The most difficult thing was getting spares in the later generations.  That really was a time killer because of the lack of space in the house.  Plus, as I got close to finishing the challenge, the file started to glitch, crash, etc. so I was so close but had to restart a couple of times after the game quit on me.  That was very frustrating but I’m glad I stuck with it."

From left to right: Pisces (Merman- Gen. 4), Aurora (Werewolf- Gen. 3), Orion (Vampire- Gen. 2), Andromeda (Fairy- Founder), Jupiter (Imaginary Friend- Gen. 5), Mira (Genie- Gen. 6), Leo (Witch- Gen. 7)


Continuing yet again with her Sakura family, Malley took their descendants and completed a 4x4 Dynasty too, in The Sakura 4x4.

4x4 Dynasty Challenge
Worlds Used  --  Bridgeport, Hidden Springs, Dragon Valley, Starlight Shores
Finished  --  Week 88, Day 1
Total value of 4x4 Family Collection  --  $300,544

What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?
"Surprisingly, I actually really liked playing on the medium lifespan. Even though it was a challenge to get some requirements done in that amount of time, playing the shorter lifespan kept things moving in the dynasty so there really were no lulls while I was playing. In some of the previous dynasties and challenges I’ve played, it would get kind of boring, for lack of a better term, when there was not much going on during times like skilling or waiting for an heir to age up. The quick lifespans really kept me engaged the whole time, which was great.

Also, I liked being able to experience the different neighborhoods, especially some of the ones that I haven’t really played with for that long. I picked the neighborhoods at random to make it more interesting and each new world seemed to really fit the personality of the heir that would be moving there. "

What was most difficult for you?
"The two things that come to mind about what was challenging would probably be the tombstone requirement and making it to sixteen heirs. I got really attached to some of the heirs that needed to be sacrificed to fulfill the tombstone requirement, so that was never fun when Grim showed up. And, when trying to make it to sixteen heirs, this challenge just seemed like it was never going to end. It just kept going, and going and going...but at least it was fun!"

Cerulean Sakura, with her collection.


Malley returned yet again to complete a decadynasty in Third Time's the Charm.

Townie DecaDynasty Challenge
Total value of DecaDynasty Collections — $685,363
Finished — Week 82, Day 6

What did you enjoy most about the challenge?

Making it through the challenge without wanting to throw my computer out the window like my first attempt! I love challenges like this because it's fascinating to see how genetics change throughout the generations, especially when you get hair or eye color that appear out of nowhere (I'm looking at you, Cobalt!).

What did you find most difficult about the challenge?

Adjusting to the standard lifespan after playing on the medium lifespan in the 4 x 4 dynasty. I forgot how long the burrito stage was...
Plus, going through so many generations in one file, there are the usual glitches and lag that result from a bloated file. I thought I would have to town jump around generation 8, which would have been disappointing to have to leave after so many generations in one town. Thankfully, things sorted themselves out and the Matsuri's were able to remain in Isla Paradiso for all 10 households.

Azure Matsuri, the final heir, with her dynasty collection of books.

Margarita's Bellamy Dynasty is a wrap. Check the link to find out about Lazaros Bellany and his descendants.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,551,572
Finished — Week 48, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I liked the opportunity to try out new skills and especially trying to supermax them. I also rather enjoyed having all of my immortals around; they were hilarious at times with all the madness going on in the house. Also some of the spouses had some traits I normally don't use that did some interesting things to the household.”

What was most difficult for you?
“Dealing with the bugs, fortunately only minor ones, and the glitches towards the end of the Dynasty. Also dealing with all the unexpected things the game itself threw my way. Like the "killer" party Nima threw, one of the most unexpected and tragically hilarious things to happen in any of my games. It was a fund raiser since she was a politician; her only fund raiser might I add. Full guest list as usual, plenty of vampires, boy was that a bad idea. They had just finished eating since I always feed my party guests when one after another 5 vampires decided that it was time to die of thirst. 1 survivor on the lot due to her having the unlucky trait. While all those deaths were happening on my home lot I got two messages that Sims had died off lot due to "accidents" in the game. 5 Sim hours, one night, 7 deaths, and one survivor - the only thing that could have made that party worse would have been if her husband had decided to die that day. I decided for some sort of morbid curiosity a few Sim weeks later to throw another fund raiser - none showed up, I honestly don't blame them.”

Left to Right: Nima, Andrea, Gabriel, Isabella, Lazaros, Carin, Irena, and Lucas.

Having completed an immortal dynasty, Margerita decided to take on a different type of dynasty.   The Schreier Life States Dynasty follows founder Paul's descendants as they span across 7 generations, 7 life states and 2 towns!

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Normal Sim, Vampire, Witch, Werewolf, Fairy, Electrocution Ghost, Genie
Finished — Week 26, Day 4 Plus Week 17, Day 3 - Week 43, Day 7

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I liked the fact that this is the only dynasty were there are no restrictions - other than needing 7 different ones - on what life states you can add to the family.
The random traits was sometimes also amusing since you almost got to see how your sims personality grewas they grew up."

What was most difficult for you?
"The randomness provided some problems sometimes from traits not wanted or needed to wishes that refused to spawn.
There was also some problems dealing with all the spells my little witch loved to cast, the love charms in particular made the house chaotic at times."

Upper row - left to right : Jessika (vampire), Marianne (witch), Emilia (fairy), Pierce (werewolf)
Bottom row - left to right : Marius (electrocution ghost), Paul (normal sim), Zosime (genie)

MarianT's townie decadynasty, When the Zombies Come, follows the descendants of Hunter Cottoneye as they take on the dynasty's challenge.

Townie DecaDynasty Challenge
Total value of DecaDynasty Collections — $212,700
Finished — Week 89, Day 5

What did you like most about the Townie DecaDynasty?
"Since this was my 3rd attempt, there must be something I like. I think the difficulty was an attraction. This is a very challenging dynasty, but the challenge was part of the fun. What I enjoyed most was writing about the heirs and their struggles -- to get their black ops, to get involved with someone who lived in a house, to make and keep their friends."

What was most difficult for you this time around?
"The "transition" days -- the day when each heir completed his or her requirements and then got married. It was always nerve-wracking, making sure that all the best friends and NPC friends were still alive and still friends. Either celebrity siblings were losing all their friends because of some scandal, or maids and babysitters befriended early in a heir's life were dying of old age. And then there was grabbing the spouse before story progression moved him or her out of town or before a future wife became an elder. The other hard part was watching each heir die, because they usually provided the tombstone for the next."

Generation 10 Heir Hunter Cottoneye II with his collection of Sculptures.


MarianT also completed a domination dynasty recently, Rex and Regina Melapis are reporting the reconquest of Alveus Novus (New Hive), formerly known as Twinbrook.

Domination Dynasty Challenge
Domination Town Time — Week 32 Day 3
Domination Vacation Time — 41 Days
Total Domination Time — 261 Days

What did you like most about the Domination Dynasty?
What I enjoyed most: Coming up with bizarre outfits for my drones. I usually try to dress my sims tastefully, and my drones had taste, just not good taste. I also enjoyed generating "B" names -- Bebop and Befuddle were my favorites.

What was most difficult for you?
Birthdays. 5 or 6 cakes at a time, trying to stop sims from taking a third helping (it's a wonder they're not all fluffy), exhausted sims popping up to cheer after they'd been sent to bed and don't get me started on clean-up.

Rex and Regina Melapis both fired wishes for another baby near the end. Great challenge!

Metropolis Man the heck do you plug your own Dynasty without sounding vain? I won't. Let's just safely say the man Dynasty was really different. There's so much emphasis in the media every day on emphasizing everything wrong in the world. That's partly why I like making people smile. And I've always been a class clown at heart. Check out The Man Dynasty.
Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,909,084
Finished — Week 57, Day 1

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“The story and the challenge of forcing myself to come up with interesting and funny bits to showcase what was going on.”

What was most difficult for you?
“To be honest...just finishing it. You'd better bring your endurance if you hope to finish this challenge. And I do not have much patience. Heck, I bombed 4 times before finally pushing all the way through — 2 times were legitimate player errors that I felt forced a restart, but the other two times I definitely could have toughed it out. Juggling all of the requirements definitely takes some organizational chops. Mistakes can easily be made.”

Left to right, first generation to eighth generation: Recipe, Queenie, Girly, Crazy, Sporty, Sound, EeyoreWrite, Metropolis.

Nettlejuice opted for the speed run route for her Chant Life State Dynasty, and finished very quickly. So click the link to read all about Janet Chant and her family’s supernatural journey in Lucky Palms.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Genie, Vampire, Imaginary Friend, Fairy, Witch Werewolf, Human
Finished — Week 37, Day 6

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I love playing supernatural Sims so this challenge was perfect for me. I'm the type to stick to the same career for every Sim that I play and with the random rolled traits I really didn't know what to expect but it was really fun and in the end I've found some great new skills I hadn't thought to try before. The best part was the early birthday cakes, I'm not too fond of the baby to child stage."

What was most difficult for you?
"The most difficult thing was definitely the start and towards the end when I didn't know what to do with my last gen. She ended up with four different skills to pursue and almost no opportunities until she started working. I also got a scare when she didn't receive a career reward for the music (composer) path and quickly signed her up for ghost hunter and it was all smooth sailing from there."

Left Sofa (L to R): Janet (Genie) / Vienna (Vampire) Back Sofa (L to R): Lullaby (Imaginary Friend) / Tuppence (Fairy) /  Asmira ( Witch) Right Sofa (L to R): Wispa (Werewolf) / Audrey (Human)

Taking the challenge by the horns to do a speed run, Nutella's Hill Life States Dynasty was done in just 22 weeks.  Check out the thread to see the accomplishments of this supernatural family and how they got it done!

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Witch, Fairy, Imaginary Friend, Genie, Werewolf, Normal, Vampire
Finished — Week 22, Day 7

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"The ability to age up the different stages (except baby) once requirements is done.  I looked through all 3 dynasties, and found that this life state one is the shortest by far, since I can age them up early, hence the speed run.  And yes Rica, I did looked through the ultimate dynasty when it was posted, that had me stumped for several days.  ;D   Also being able to play with all the different life states is fun, my absolute favorite is imaginary friend.  Yes I know turning into toy form is not much of a superpower, but they are all so gorgeous looking!" 

What was most difficult for you?
"Opportunities, they just refuse to spawn fast enough for some of my heirs.   I tried not to max skill before young adult, but still the lack of skill related opp forces me to use celebrity opps early.  Rabbit hole career opps were slow to come in too, some generations have to go work and only receiving their 1st opp on day 4."

Left to Right: Isabella, Finn, Brad, Samuel, Jacob, Natalie, Paige


Nutella also completed a Domination Dynasty in a mere five weeks. Check out the Northman Total Domination Dynasty to see how she did it.

Domination Dynasty Challenge
Domination Town Time — Week 5 Day 6
Domination Vacation Time — 0 Days
Total Domination Time — 34 Days

What did you like most about the Domination Dynasty?
"Nooboos, lots and lots of them.  Naming them has been the most fun I had in a long time, I've decided to go with desserts/sweets for my nooboos, maybe I will start another domination dynasty with different naming theme.  I am also interested in seeing how the sims genetics playout."

What was most difficult for you?
"Graduations, everyone drops everything they are doing just drives me insane.  It's not really difficult, just very annoying."

Eric and Selene Northman

Although it took four years, olivia71295 completed an immortal dynasty, and in Bridgeport no less. While there is no story attached, you can see her stats and museum shots of The Di Angelo Immortal Dynasty

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $381,883
Finished — Week 50, Day 5

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“Trying out new things. I had never played in Bridgeport before, as I just got the EP when I started the family, so the whole town was new, so I got to explore everything over tons of generations. That was really fun. I also got to try WA traveling for the first time with this family (generation 5). I also got to play with skills I haven't ever really messed with before, so that was exciting and frustrating at the same time. Plus, putting in fandom references for names for some of my sims and the writer's books were definitely a plus!”

What was most difficult for you?
“Not cheating was the hardest at first, but as the game went on, the loading times and the few glitches were pretty annoying. It would take around 2.5 hours to load the file near the end, despite trying to lower that. I had to set the game to load while I was at school, and hope that it wouldn't crash during the time between when it finished loading and when I got home. Then, the glitches. Nothing bad, but it would take a few seconds for the inventor's bench, computers, and fridges to come up with options after I clicked on them. But the worst was having months between play sessions because of school and life.”

Orange Iguana
Mostly storyless, but with summary of the events that happened on each generation but for the most part, expect the bare minimum, including museum pieces. After all, sculpting and photography are good ways to go insane in real life.  Here it is - The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $174,255
Finished — Week 51, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“Freedom. Although you had tasks and it was an endurance challenge above all else, you could get really creative with how you approached the challenge. Want a founder with the Surrounded by Family lifetime wish? Totally doable. Want to go for maximum museum value? By all means, go right ahead. Want to simply take it easy? Well, I hope I did not start something with my strategy. As long as you achieve all the goals for all eight of your immortals and don't do any of the no-nos along the way, you're all set.”

What was most difficult for you?
“Trying to fix the jail every time something went wrong. When I first decided to try a dynasty again, locking everyone in jail cells with everything they need to autonomously fill their motives was only an idea. I ultimately decided to go for it and so this immortal dynasty also ended up being an experiment that required winging it throughout the entire challenge. The big issues with the jail was that the family would leave dirty dishes around, often refused to use a laptop to fill their social motive, and the worst part was when they ran into pathing errors trying to use their beds. If it weren't for the super sleeper thing from the sims store, they would have to be manually controlled for the rest of the dynasty because replacing the beds did not fix it. Basically, the hardest part was trying to find a way to be lazy.  Honorable mention for hardest part was putting up with Sean doing the school cheer the entire challenge. Never make your immortals jocks, people.”

Front row from left to right is Jack (Founder), Daniel (Second Generation), Sean (Third Generation), and Michelle (Fourth Generation). Back row from left to right is Rachel (Fifth Generation), Valerie (Sixth Generation), Pamela (Seventh Generation), and Oliver (Eighth Generation).

At nearly 60k views as of this moment it’s unlikely anyone’s Dynasty story will ever top what Pam can proudly claim — the #1 viewed thread on the entire forum. The sheer popularity of her great story of Carina Dreamweaver and her descendents is absolutely incredible. Here it all its encyclopedic length and glory — the Dreamweaver Immortal Dynasty.
Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,150,117
Finished — Week 63, Day 6

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I loved the long term vision and difficulty of this challenge. Keeping everything going for 8 generations with no overlap in Ambrosia requirements was a very difficult thing to do. I feel like I've made quite an accomplishment by successfully completing it. The story also proved to be much more interesting than I expected when I started writing. I'm thrilled that so many people have been reading it.”

What was most difficult for you?
“Definitely the very beginning and the very end. Starting Carina with almost nothing and getting her well established as the founder was hard. Then the 8th generation turned out to be equally difficult when Forest struggled to reach his final Ambrosia requirement. I didn't think he would create such a cliffhanger!”

The 8 Immortals of the Dreamweaver Immortal Dynasty. Left to right: Periwinkle on piano (3rd generation), Bubblegum on piano (7th generation), Cinnamon on drums (5th generation), Carina on bass (founder), Forest standing (8th generation), Scarlet on bass (6th generation), Nectarine on drums (2nd generation), Banana on guitar (4th generation).

What happen’s when one of your Immortal Dynasty co-founders is a resurrected Tragic Clown? You end up with a totally unique and interesting story. Well done, Pernille.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,007,189
Finished — Week 43, Day 6

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“The genetics! I loved seeing how the genetics played out through the Dynasty and the fact that you have all the ancestors living in the household so it's possible to see how the genetics changes through the generations. I also enjoyed being more in depth with the various skills as I had never paid much attention to skill challenges before. Especially fishing made me discover and explore  Sunset Valley in a way that I wouldn't have if it wasn't for this challenge.”

What was most difficult for you?
“When my plans went awry because of glitches. Luckily the forum was extremely helpful with coming up with solutions so I could continue the game. Also it could sometimes be hard to keep motivated at the times when there wasn't much to do in the game - for example when a heir had completed all the requirements and the next generation was still a child/teen. That was one of the reasons as to why it took me 6 months of real time to complete the challenge.”

In the back: Laura (gen 1) At the front from left to right: Ydun (gen 2), Elli (gen 3), Urd (gen 4), Kára (gen 5), Sif (gen 6), Nat (gen 7) and Gry (gen 8)

pugster101 opted for a speed challenge (finishing the challenge in 9 days) with her Dreamer Life States Dynasty. Click the link and meet Angelina and her descendants. 

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Fairy, Vampire, Werewolf, Witch, Ghost, Human, Imaginary Friend
Finished — Week 32, Day 2

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
“Trying out a lot of new skills that I would never try out when I normally play. Like, materials arts, mixology, etc. Also trying out some life states I normally would ignore, such as Imaginary Friend and Ghost. It was nice having a....diverse family.”

What was most difficult for you?
“Not throwing my laptop at a wall when the file became corrupted and the fate of the Dynasty was in my programmer cousin's hands. I also got upset when I had to redo generations 5 & 6 because it didn't save properly or it crashed. It was stressful and I didn't want to do it again.”

Back Left Couch: Gen 2 Penny (Vampire), Gen 3 Marco (Werewolf), Gen 4 Kelly (Witch)
Center: Angelina Founder (Fairy)
Back Right Couch: Gen 5 Cassia (Jelly Bean Ghost,) Gen 6 Amy (Human,) Gen 7 Johnathan "Johnny" (Imaginary Friend)

ratchie added a unique twist to her Dynasty by giving her Founder blue skin and orange hair. There’s plenty of humor in this great story. Check out Hebe Smith and her descendants at the Smith Dynasty.
Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $147,778
Finished — Week 54, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“The way the game almost forced me to push my Sims playing up that extra level. I have never SuperMaxed anything up until now. I feel so pleased with myself.”

What was most difficult for you?
“Elderly Sims! I found it very difficult to play once my first Sim reached elderhood, but I pushed through the wall and made it.”

The Smith Dynasty Immortals.  Left to right:  Hebe (Founder), Bronte (2nd generation), Kumquat (3rd generation), Sunset (4th generation), Eskarina (5th generation), Peridot (6th generation), Turquoise (7th generation), Wolff (8th generation).

But, wait...there’s more! :) One Hall of Fame entry was not sufficient for ratchie. I think her opening sentence in her Khalid Dynasty story says it all — “This is it people I am going for gold this time.” What she clearly meant was to see if she could top everyone else’s museum value. And she did it.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,921,833
Finished — Week 49, Day 5

How was this Dynasty different than your first attempt?
“I was more focused this time around. I knew what I needed to do and pretty much how to do it. I knew which careers to avoid like the plague (cough..inventing...cough) and which I could complete easily. Even though I was doing the Immortal Dynasty Challenge for the second time I tried not to just repeat my first Dynasty. I tried to give my Sims different careers and lifetime wishes and with the exception of repeating the culinary, and medical careers I pretty much succeeded with that.”

“Reading other members stories helped too. For anyone thinking of starting a Dynasty there is a lot of helpful information in those stories. I owe a debt of gratitude to who ever it was that came up with the idea to replicate Ambrosia. I think it was Saltypaws. I had Agnes cook up ambrosia for generation one and store it in the upgraded replicator. This meant I had 80 plates of Ambrosia from just 1 death fish and 1 life fruit. Doing Metro’s challenges helped me too. I would never have considered having one of my immortals be a writer if it wasn't for the writing challenge so thanks for that.”

What was most difficult for you with the challenge?
”Generation eight was a struggle. The first seven generations I had spouse hunting and nooboos to distract me from the endless skilling. With generation eight it seemed like one long round of meeting people and telling endless jokes.”

The Khalid Dynasty Immortals (left to right): Tabitha (3rd gen), Lotty (6th gen), Kitty (7th gen), Adam (1st gen), Octavia (8th gen), Denver (2nd gen), Dotty (4th gen), Arthur (5th gen)

Rhoxi's Technicolor Dojo Dynasty follows the color of the rainboo as her founder Samura gets a second chance to make her world a more colorful place.   Rhoxi adds mystery and humor to her story to make it truly a great read.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $687,286
Finished — Week 54, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I'd have to say my favorite part was breeding sims for physical traits. I kinda like the idea that to some degree or another I just had to rely on luck--no matter how hard I tried to arrange rainbow matches--and just take what the game gave me. I'm glad it gave me so generously of rainboos! Still, it always made me eager to get to the next generation and see how they turned out. Plus populating the town with rainboos made for an adorable way to keep the game interesting at its slow points. I also loved sticking with the same family for so many generations. Before doing a dynasty, I'd never played elders or sims with grandchildren!"

What was most difficult for you?
"Resisting the urge to kill Shawnya, or at least, not helping her live. She caught fire once while autonomously sculpting and man, I really wanted to just wait and see if she'd put herself out, but I wasn't sure if that would break the rules. So I told her to get in the shower. Still, it was really frustrating watching Darcy and Doreen getting older .  . . and older . . . and older, waiting for her to die. I was really afraid that Shawnya was going to outlive all five or six rainbow spouse options for Darcy. I think in the end it was down to just Tammy and Doreen, since Lea would have aged up to elder the second she was cured of fairy-ness. I was really rooting for Darcy and Doreen and man, they barely made it! Doreen only had three or four days of adulthood left when Shawnya finally had the good grace to just move on already."

From left to right it's: Rhoxi, Percival, Gage, Samura, Gwenyth, Everette, Darcy, Lilith
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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  • Addicted to Dynasties? *shifty eyes* Not me.
Re: Sims 3 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2013, 12:05:06 AM »
Rica's Artie's lunar lunacy thread has to be one of the most entertaining stories on the forum. Check out the adventures of the red guy and his family.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $3,270,225
Finished — Week 62, Day 7

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I loved the challenge of it all.  The fact that it wasn't easy either.  I enjoy getting to know my Sim family and sharing them with the forum.  And, of course, the best part was finishing it! When I started this attempt, I knew that I wanted to try for the highest museum value I could get.  I had everything planned out and it probably made it a little boring in the end, too.  All the wives and some of the extras almost all had the same traits to get me what I wanted. By the time the end was near, I got that sense of accomplishment that comes from finishing one of these and it's the best feeling.  Part of me actually wants to do it all over again like right now."

What was most difficult for you?
"At first I thought the worst part was having to start over a couple of times, and while that was bad, I can't believe how right ratchie had been about the last generation.  I ended up giving Adrasteia three supermaxes and maxing three careers for her and she still left me with nothing to do for her entire adult life stage.  I have to admit it was also a real challenge to not give in and put needs static on during those boring times so I could just hit the 3 button and be done with it."

Left to Right - Standing:  Amon (Gen 5), Apollo (Gen 3), Artie (Gen1), Ares (Gen 2), Angus (Gen 4), Aker (Gen 6) ; Sitting: Airica (Gen 7), Adrasteia (Gen 8.)

The first member of our little challenge team family to complete a life state dynasty and our Rica did it in style. She played the entire thing in just twelve real life days. To see the lovely Miss Bubble Licious and all of her heirs check out Making the Valley Licious.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used —  Normal, Fairy, Witch, Werewolf, Vampire, Genie, Old Age Ghost
Finished — Week 32, Day 3

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"Being able to cake up early.   After reading Vinyl's speed run and seeing how fast she went through something, I just had to try it.  When I made Bubble, I knew she was the one to get it done.  I was able to use all the tricks I've learned to make it as smooth a ride as possible.  Of course, for the story I was telling, being able to do plastic surgery was a huge bonus, too."

What was most difficult for you?
"All the tricks in the book can't make a Sim wish for something.  It also can't make a Sim give birth to the proper heir.  Generation 2 had 7 kids before she got around to giving me an heir.  That was an entire week plus that I could have spent trying to get done even faster.  She was also the one that took extra days to get promoted.  Overall she was just very stubborn.  Then of course the nailbiting end where all I needed was opportunities and it was like the whole town was completely against me."

Back Row:  Dee Licious, Fanga Licious, Wisha Licious, Boo-T Licious
Front Row: Bubble Licious, Berry Licious, Mal Licious

rodeo199‘s Silver Immortal Dynasty qualifies for the Hall of Fame. Congratulations! No story was written but a little blurb was mentioned here.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,217,808
Finished — Week 53, Day 7

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I liked that you had to do all the requirements and that I had to use skills and careers I don't use often. I also loved that I had a goal to work towards & that it kept me sticking with the one family, as usually I usually don't even get to the third gen in my other games. And it made me stop cheating which is good as I used to do that a lot.”

What was most difficult for you?
“Definitely the start — rushing to get 25 ice sculptures done & to get the ingredients for ambrosia — and the waiting towards the end — waiting for people to die (I know I sound so cruel), waiting for them to age up so they can start their requirements and just waiting for them to age to elder to become immortal. Also just controlling 8 elders, i don't play with full houses or elders normally.”

Left to right: Lyla (Gen 1), Raven (Gen 2), Jade (Gen 3), Kyle (Gen 4), Vanessa (Gen 5), Hazel (Gen 6), Mia (Gen 7), Lily (Gen 8 )

The Aurora Grandmas are some of the funniest ladies you'll ever meet on the forum.  Their journey to immortality is over 200 chapters of laughs and sighs.   You can find saltpastillen's masterpiece over here.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,322,024
Finished — Week 55, Day 2

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"As someone who always before got tired of her sim families sometimes in the second generation this was indeed a challenge for me. What I liked best about it was how it made me find new ways to play the game; how I had to focus so much of a sims time and personality towards one skill and how they all grew to become such distinct characters. I set out to try careers, LTW's and traits I had never used before and it was an adventure. The story I wrote alongside the game was another new and exciting dimension of playing."

What was most difficult for you?
"I had some close calls, such as, untimely deaths leading to skilling marathons in order to complete museum pieces in time. Horrible crashes when trying to travel, and crashes in general when playing or using CAS. What I learn't from this is that travel should be done as soon as possible in a dynasty, and that making the eight generation a stylist is insanity.
A huge hurdle for me was no doubt generation eights adult stage, it seemed to last forever and I almost lost inspiration for a while. Lucky for me, Beata went and fell in love, so I had something to do. What almost made me stop playing a few times was the constant phone calls for dates, it almost made me crazy. I couldn't even use speed three for more than 2 minutes before someone answered the phone, no mater what I had them queued up to do."

From left to right: Klara, Selma, Agnes Cecilia, Elise, Frida, Julia, Greta and Beata.

The Colour Dynasty began back in the Fall of 2010.  They had a bumpy ride that included many technical issues and frustration that even resulted in the deletion of their story at one point.  Two and a half years later, readers can now see the last generation finally bring the family home to the Hall of Fame.  Well done, Colours!

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $517,653
Finished — Week 51, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"When the Immortal Dynasty came out, I thought it would be great to have 8 generations.  After the first few tries,  I finally started getting into it, I enjoyed it even more."

What was most difficult for you?
"As some of you know, I started this dynasty over two years ago.  One of the hardest parts of this dynasty, was computer problems, error 12 and 16 and a few more problems over those two years.  As far as the story goes, I agree with what someone else had stated.  When they turned elder, I had to take instruments and other skill items away, because that is what they wanted to do constantly.  You had to watch the elders every move.  That is why I kept three of them working at their original jobs and finally got jobs for three more of them towards the end.  All in all, it was a very emotional roller coaster battle to finish this and I am so glad I did.  I just wish I had not deleted the first part of my story, but live and learn."

Left to Right: Franklin, Vincent, Carlton, Heather, Charlene, Star, Sunshine, Sebastian

SassySimmer had a very unique to twist to kick off her Dynasty by choosing Gunther Goth as her Founder’s spouse. Check out Elena Danvers and the story of her descendants in The Danvers Dynasty.
Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $518,841
Finished — Week 54, Day 4

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“What I like most about the challenge is actually following a family. I normally play for about 2 generations before I decide to give up and start a new family. I always play with story progression on but never played this long before and it was weird to find out about the Vampire Simbot Hybrid's that came into the story later on through no influence from me at all. I also tend to play the same types of traits over and over, but with having Sims marry into the family where I had no control over what their traits were I found out more about interactions between Sims. This challenge allowed me to explore the game more than I would have done.”

What was most difficult for you?
“What I found most difficult was the lack of household funds in the beginning. The only cheat that I ever normally use is Motherlode and honestly it was so tempting in the beginning, but I'm glad that I stuck it out. Later on in the game what I found challenging is keeping the best friend status there. And when it came to Aurora she was suppose to SuperMax the Nectar skill but no matter how many times she made Nectar she never completed the Vizard of Vine so I had to switch her to Athletic. It also became challenging when more immortals where in the house as I had to keep an eye on them due to Free Will being on they would go and play chess at the computer which threatened one of my other Sims. Thankfully, I was able to keep them away.”

Left to right, is Elena, Peta, Lisa, Tesla, Portia, Lexa, Aurora and Pandora.

Schipperke deserves special mention as she is the very first player to finish the first Dynasty Challenge I created, the Immortal Dynasty. And she did so while telling an absolutely beautiful and creative story. If you have not read it, you’re in for a treat. Check out the Clan Douglas Dynasty here.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $936,471
Finished — Week 51, Day 1

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
”I would have to say the complexity of the rules was the best thing. There was a lot to do, and a lot to remember. This made it difficult at first, but it also made it far more interesting than something simpler would have been. I also really liked being able to write about the story as it evolved. It actually surprised me how much I enjoyed writing about the story, as I've never done any writing before. But I think trying to come up with things to write about helped to keep it interesting for me.”

What was most difficult for you?
”What was most difficult was starting out with just a founder and spouse, no money, no skills, and so much to do. The first couple of generations were definitely a lot harder than the later ones.”

The 8 Immortals of the Clan Douglas. From left to right: Standing - Moth, Gen 8; Molly, Gen 7; Millie, Gen 6. Seated: Mojo, Gen 5; Wimsey, Gen 2; James, founder; Christie, Gen 3; and Sleuth, Gen 4.

Shirin's The Winds of Change Dynasty enthralls readers with letters from her founder to his Mother as the family progresses throughout their task.  Stop by for a friendly visit with Valor and his descendants.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $918,843
Finished — Week 49, Day 5

What did you like most about the challenge?
"What I liked most is that the challenge itself forced me to buckle down and focus. I have a very short attention span, except when something really grabs my attention, so previously, I'd tended to play a generation or two, then go to a different town with a different person. In this case, I had to figure out why I would stick with this town for eight generations. Which meant I really had to figure out why Valor was staying there for that long."

What was most difficult for you?
"The most difficult part was dealing with the elders, especially the glitches quirks that popped up. And since I'm OCD a micromanager, I would get frustrated with them deciding to go off and do things I didn't tell them to do. It was especially bad waiting for Justice to age up to elder (the positive part is now I know what to do if I want to do a second)."

With one dynasty already under her belt, Shirin decided to take on the new Life States Dynasty shortly after it's debut.   Not only did she finish but she did it while overcoming a major dynasty breaking glitch at one point.  Come meet her founder Ama and her 6 descendants in the Divine Life States.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Fairy, Werewolf, Witch, Genie, Vampire, Normal Sim, Old Age Ghost
Finished — Week 48, Day 7

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"What I liked most about this Dynasty is pretty simple. When Supernatural was released, I was still working on the Immortal Dynasty, so I didn't play with the new occults as much as I'd wanted to. This challenge gave me the opportunity to do so. And in many ways, this Dynasty is more severe in the rules, so I really had to tighten things up."

What was the most difficult for you?
"The most difficult aspect is, I think, pretty much the same as the Immortal Dynasty - towards the end, you start running out of things for the heirs to do while waiting on the current to finish her task. The television saw a lot of use (and a lot of complaints from my technophobe), as did the hot tub. I also found the trait randomization to be challenging, and have determined that while I may dislike the Childish trait, I have a deep burning hatred for the Slob trait.  :)"

Front row: Amaterasu, fairy; Athena, werewolf; Thoth, witch Back row: Inanna, genie; Lilith, vampire; Mary, normal; Hél, ghost

Click on the following link for a quick tour of SimBlip’s Centauri Dynasty.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,962,876
Finished — Week 60, Day 7

What did you like most about the challenge?
”When I play freely, I like every single Sim in the household to max all skills. This challenge forced me to do otherwise for the first time ever. I discovered that specialist Sims are far more effective in their given domain. It was a real eye-opener and it was fun!”

What was most difficult about this challenge?
”I found the "Creativity Cycles" extremely frustrating. My painters and sculptors went through cycles no matter how good they were. From absolute brilliance, they would fall back to average, only to be inspired in mysterious ways next. All throughout the challenge, I tested ways to catch their highest levels of creativity when it mattered most. I still don't have a 100% solution, maybe there isn't one... Still, I'm intent on finding out the truth about this issue.”

From left to right: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Iota, Zeta and Omega.

It took her several attempts, but sunshine_2406 finally did it and finished her Ambrose Immortal Dynasty. Congratulations!

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,688,684
Finished — Week 50, Day 5

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“I liked getting all the requirements done and seeing the different genetics being passed down. Every toddler birthday was exciting for me to see what they inherited and who from.”

What was most difficult for you?
“The most difficult things for me were the things out of my control. Like when my fourth generation's husband set himself on fire and couldn't get to a shower in time. It was so sad to see him die and I really wanted to control + click away the moodlet. It was also difficult for me to manage everyone. In the end I let them all run free and only focused on those that hadn't reached Ambrosia yet.”

Top Row: Ivory (Founder) Carmine (2nd Gen) Tenné (3rd Gen) Saffron (4th Gen)
Bottom Row: India (5th Gen) Sapphire (6th Gen) Indigo (7th Gen) Violet (8th Gen)

Well, there’s not much to say about this Dynasty’s story since there isn’t one. tjsmetana approached this as a speed run and knocked out the entire challenge in less than a month. Not only that, it took her very little game time (44 weeks) to get everything accomplished — pretty amazing. Like many other Dynasty players, tjsmetana had a color theme running throughout for her characters. There’s a nice summary of each Evergreen character in the Evergreen Dynasty here.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $191,310
Finished — Week 44, Day 7

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
”I really liked the structure of the challenge with defined goals for each generation. Having played Sims for almost six years, finding well thought out challenges I haven't played out is difficult. This challenge pushed me to play aspects of the game that I tend to shy away in non-challenge play, namely portraits, elders, and friends.”

What was most difficult for you?
”The hardest part was the various down-times when no one had anything in particular to work on due to waiting on birthdays. The temptation to cake early was felt a few times but successfully resisted throughout.”

Left to right: Emerald, Holly, India, Jade, Kelly, Lime, Neon, Olive.

Teresa's A Study of the States of Life takes us briefly into the lives of the Zabala family as they complete the goal of seven life states.   

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Human, Fairy, Genie, Werewolf, Witch, Imaginary Friend, Thirst Ghost
Finished — Week 42, Day3

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I enjoyed playing with the different life states and learning what their strengths and weaknesses were.  Once I would move on to the next generation I let the previous generation run free.  I tried to tie up the skilling objects so they couldn't accidentally skill up on the wrong item, for instance a completed painting was left on the easel, a completed sculpture was left on the station, plenty of food was left in the refrigerator.  It was a gamble and luckily no one messed up the plan. 8)   My witch did enjoy setting the others on fire and my werewolf loved collecting items and several of the heirs mastered martial arts and spent their time breaking space blocks.”

What was most difficult for you?
”The most difficult part for me was getting the child stage completed.  I played with the seasons on default which meant the children only had 4 days of school because they would always get Monday off for a holiday and several generations would become children during the winter so they would have to fight against snow days on top of everything.  My generation 3 heir was the logic master so I had to have a spare handle the tutoring up until then and it was a struggle each time.”

Left to Right: Lucas (genie gen 3), Lera (werewolf gen 4), Ginette (fairy gen 2), Ander (human gen 1), Sophie (imaginary friend gen 5), Margery (thirst ghost gen 7), Blake (witch gen 6)

"One Town will summon all; One Sim to find them; One Challenge brings them all; And Thus Forever Binds Them."  This is just the beginning for the Fellowship Immortal Dynasty as it  first follows Legolas all the way to Frodo in the family  journey to complete the prophecy.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $174,610
Finished — Week 51, day 7

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I really liked the planning and strategy aspects of it.  This was my fifth attempt at it so I had a good idea of what I wanted to do, but working around the challenges the game threw at me (like never knowing what a spouse's age was really going to be until I moved them in) was really fun. Playing in Appaloosa Plains with all the combined rabbit hole careers worried me so finding other opportunities for everyone to complete was very satisfying.  I learned a lot about the game, and found so much help and support on the forum from other players that it's been a really great challenge."

What was most difficult for you?
"Pip!  Between his ops, worrying about the Vizard of Vine, and his general getting-into-everythingness, he kept me on my toes!  Also, learning to let go of some of the plans I had from previous attempts that didn't work out.  I really wanted someone to be an Equestrian, but after the disasters I had in two other attempts, I gave that idea up.  Seasons was hard too since I had planned on never building a house.."

Back row: Frodo, Gimli, Pip, Aragorn, Gandalf, Merry,
Seated: Sam, Legolas

Come meet Coralie and her family as they try to bring classic sensibilities back to the world in the Classic Immortal Dynasty.  Did they succeed?  You'll have to read to find out but it will be worth it!

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $775,034
Finished — Week 50, Day 2

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"The museum side of the project, and really building up a mythology behind this long-lived family was probably my favorite part of doing this.  Around the halfway point, I realized that what would keep me going toward the end would be the anticipation of bringing back all the helpers and spouses I'd lost and I really enjoyed snapping photographs and giving depth to everyone integral to the story.

The best payoff of this, obviously, is seeing the feedback from the community, especially regarding Freddie, who wasn't even so much a helper as he was a live-in."

What was most difficult for you?
"Waiting.  I like to age up infants right away, I get bored with teens super early in their life spans, and waiting for my 8th immortal's life to go by was absolutely tedious.  In the end there, I'd have the triple-fast-forward button on and just be doing chores around my apartment while I waited for time to pass."

Left to Right: (front)  Allegra (gen 6), Eden (gen 4), Rosetta (gen 3), Coralie (gen 1), Mona Lisa (gen 2), Eureka (gen 5), Mati Hari (gen 6); (back) Champagne (gen 8 )

Trip decided to go the all ghost route for her Life States Dynasty and amazingly she completed the whole thing in a week! Check out the Escapist Life States Speed Run.

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Human Statue Ghost, Old Age Ghost, Watery Grave Ghost, Vampiric Thirst Ghost, Fire Ghost, Electrocution Ghost, Starvation Ghost
Finished — Week 40, Day 4

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I find it tough to play the game without goals in mind, so naturally, a Dynasty had plenty of goals to keep me going. There was a huge feeling of satisfaction each time someone finished their requirements. And there is just something so cool about amassing a collection of various ghosts."

What was most difficult for you?
"Wishes! Those were often the last thing needed and waiting for them to fire makes me impatient."

Top row, from left: Joshua (human statue ghost), Sadie (old age ghost), Tallulah (watery grave ghost), and Boris (vampiric thrist ghost).
Bottom row, from left: Jarboe (fire ghost), Liam (electrocution ghost), and October (starvation ghost).

Not done yet! Wanting to do something a little bigger, Trip also finished an Immortal Dynasty.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $3,382,762
Finished — Week 78, Day 2

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"While this should be about how the challenge is greatly designed and open to a lot of potential for great stories and ideas, my favorite part was simply seeing how all the genes played out! I spent a large chunk of the dynasty carefully preserving original townie lines, and while it was a lot of hard work, it made seeing every new heir and new spouse grow up truly enjoyable. Plus, getting eight generations of rainbow sims all through sheer luck was a fun bonus too.

But, as I said, the Immortal Dynasty challenge really lends itself well to great, multi-generational stories. It's set up to give a set of characters an ultimate goal to work towards. And because of the immortality requirement, I had the chance to really stick with some characters for a while, and developing their storylines and personalities all throughout the challenge was extremely rewarding."

What was most difficult for you?
"Waiting for generation six. What a boring time that was! My intended babymomma for generation five celebrated her elder birthday before there was room in the house for the next generation, and then my backup sim did the same. Meanwhile, I jumped the gun and cloned a spouse for generation six, but he was a young adult by the time I had any room in the house. So instead of letting my plans wildly deviate, I ended up waiting for the botched sixth spouse to die so I could just start clean. It all worked out in the end, but it took weeks and weeks of waiting.

Not even generation eight was that boring!"

Standing, from left: Annette, Franco, Lily, Tegan, Philip
Sitting, from left: Josephine, Olive, Meg

After several failed Dynasty attempts over the past two years, Turoskel finally struck gold with her Shallow Immortal Dynasty.

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $1,429,277
Finished — Week 58, Day 7

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
“The overall challenge, I find I get bored if I don't have goals which is why I rarely played generational games, having set goals for each generation really helped me keep going. I also loved playing so long with one family, really getting to know them as individual Sims and how their traits affected how they behaved and interacted with each other. I found over time they would have their own favorite family members who they would always seek out for a chat more than the others.”

What was most difficult for you?
“There were a few hurdles throughout the Dynasty—first, the nerd invasion after I installed University— my loving family turned into a hateful nightmare due to the berate ignorance interaction, but I found a solution to that by making them all family-oriented which stopped them using it. Then Kelly broke my family tree between Grace and Stone when she went to University causing a lot of unwanted flirting between mother and son and grandmother and grandsons, it was awkward to say the least. But, the biggest problem I had was story progression...mostly moving in elders throughout the entire Dynasty, the only time it moved in young people was when I pushed it to by having my founder take up daycare. Still, I found other solutions to the lack of available young spouses and got some nice individual looking kids into the bargain.”

Front left to right generations 1-4: Tracey, Grace, Stone, Tad

Back left to right generations 5-8: Kelly, Willow, Zahra, Seth


Turoskel also completed a Life States Dynasty and used the Shallow family name again...

Life States Dynasty Challenge
Life States Used — Witch, Mermaid, Werewolf, Vampire, Fairy, Human, Dehydration Ghost
Finished — Week 55, Day 1

What did you like most about the Life States Dynasty?
"I wanted to use this as a chance to get to know the different life states and what they could do, I only got Supernatural half way through my immortal dynasty and hadn't really played about with them that much so it was a good learning experience. I also loved the fact it was less restrictive in some ways than the Immortal one,  I wanted original townie spouses only and I was able to do that thanks to no aging restrictions."

What was most difficult for you?
"Just getting started in the first place proved difficult, I had a lot of technical issues with my game crashing even on a fresh install, in the end I sacrificed some expansions and managed to get to generation five before my first crash happened. I also found the lack of forward planning a challenge, not knowing what traits a sim would get made it hard to allocate things, I used the athletic skill for generation two who wasn't athletic then got three athletic sims in later generations, you can't really plan for that kind of thing other than removing anything that lets them exercise so they don't fail you by accident."

Front Row: Tracey the Witch (Gen 1), Marissa the Mermaid (Gen 2), Dawn the Dehydration Ghost (Gen 7)
Back Row: William the Werewolf (Gen 3), Vanessa the Vampire (Gen 4), Hayley the Human (Gen 6) Freddie the Fairy (Gen 5)


Continuing on from her immortal dynasty, Turoskel started a 4x4 Dynasty with her last immortal, and finished the dynasty too. Read about it in Around the Worlds.

4x4 Dynasty Challenge
Worlds Used  --  Dragon Valley, Monte Vista, Lucky Palms, Aurora Skies
Finished  --  Week 89, day 2
Total value of 4x4 Family Collection  --  §337,578

What did you like most about the 4x4 Dynasty?
Exploring all the different worlds that I haven't really played in yet, I really enjoyed them and it was fun getting to know the townies and also watching the changing family genetics over the course of the challenge.

What was most difficult for you?
You know looking back I can't really think of anything, I had a blast with this and my previous dynasties helped me a lot with forward planning and just generally getting the requirements done. I encountered the odd bug but that's to be expected in any long generational game, I made sure before each move I did a factory reset and reinstalled all my store content, and on the whole it ran pretty smoothly for the entire sixteen generations.

The Amins


After a long hiatus, Turoskel's next move was her Domination Dynasty, Alien Invasion.

Domination Dynasty Challenge

Domination Town Time — Week 24 Day 4 6:48am
Domination Vacation Time — 3 Days
Total Domination Time — 168 Days

What did you like most about the Domination Dynasty?
Almost all of it, the aliens themselves were fun to play with, I found I really liked Lunar Lakes as a world, the constant turnover of jobs, skills and kids meant I never got bored of what I was doing.

What was most difficult for you?
On the whole it went pretty smoothly, my biggest issue was the game kept moving in its own clones trying to do its own takeover, one time it even got one moved in the second I exited edit town.

Sezzad and Faon

Vinyl's Experimental Genetics Dynasty is the fastest played dynasty to date.  Not only has she taken the shortest amount of time  but it was also done in about one real life week.   There's not a story but there is definitely some very interesting summaries for each of the Fying women. 

Immortal Dynasty Challenge
Total value of Immortal Dynasty Museum — $152,965
Finished — Week 41, Day 3

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"Following a family through so many generations isn't something I do often.  It's quite fascinating to watch the household and town evolve over time.  I wound up very attached to all of the immortals.  And of course tracking the genetic inheritance was a lot of fun!"

"Strangely enough I think my favourite part of the challenge were the bugs (luckily mostly benign).  Between the paparazzi setting up camp and catching fire on the lawn, Tera's strange form of locomotion, Morta's sudden dye job, and the simbot in disguise the game kept me guessing and showed me things I'd never seen in all my hours of simming!"

What was most difficult for you?
"Definitely the downtime.  There were consistent dead times where one generation was waiting to age up to elder and the next wasn't yet a young adult.  Those were the times when flaming paparazzi were most appreciated!  "

"The other tricky element was the unexpected disharmony brought by University's social groups, particularly the nerd group's ability to berate ignorance.  So many friendships were gained and lost between the immortals due to those pesky nerd interactions!"

Left to Right:  Horra Fying, Morta Fying, Petra Fying, Tera Fying (Founder), Magna Fying, Mysta Fying, Clara Fying, Glora Fying
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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