The Family School Catalog Content Used: Base Game only!
Choosing the right clothes for the first day of school, and the last day of school, is perhaps the most important decision anyone makes in their existence. Especially for young parents taking classes, there's a delicate balance between racy and uptight. This Stephens Family Catalog will help every mother, father, and child to overcome nerves and rock the first day of school!
Our model, Tanya Stephens, is a Fine Arts student at the Thomas School of Art. She draws inspiration from nature in both her paintings and her clothes, as you can see from her
Flowers, Flowers, Everywhere Top. Her days are spent working on assignments for art school and hanging out with her family.
At night, Tanya loves to party, which is easy with help from the
Red Roses On Black dress.
Her husband, Aaron, is an aspiring nerd! He loves chess, Sim Trek, and astronomy, so getting in with the Nerd Community Forum is an enormous goal for him. However, if you want to get into the club,
they have to come to
you. This
Colorful Ovals Sweater guarantees that he'll be in on the debates in no time!
He doesn't exactly mind clubbing, either, but he really wanted something
unique and
eye-catching. The Family Back-to-School Catalog responded immediately with the
Unique and Eye-Catching Disco Outfit! No explanation required.
Aaron and Tanya have a six-year-old daughter, Stephanie Stephens. Much like her father, she loves to be the center of attention, so the
Golden Swirls dress, which is both comfortable and stylish, is just the thing for her on the first day of school!
Being something of an overachiever, Stephanie has already picked out her dress for both
her graduation and her
parents' graduation. The
Blue Metal dress is truly one of a kind, and will stand out in a crowd of other tiny humans.
Simis, Jocasta, and Bella Bachelor volunteered to be the sales representatives for this catalog!