I thought this bug had been fixed but apparently not.
The consignment register in SV is completely bugged. Either of the following happens when I try to sell my sims' stuff: I can queue the action, my sim starts the interaction and then drops it, or sometimes I can't even interact with it at all.
II know this bug is usually caused by unsold items not going back to the sim's inventory, or by having seeds in the sim's inventory, but I'm playing a new save file, my sim has never consigned anything and she doesn't have any seeds in inventory either. It's a challenge save file so I can't do much to fix it, but I created a new file just to check what happened. The new file is also bugged, and I tried resetSim, resetSim *, deleting the register and bulldozing the whole store to put a new one. Nothing works. I would install Overwatch if I could but that's not an option for now. Any tips?